Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange  
                                Act of 1934 

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                           Eastman Kodak Company
           (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                          Eastman Kodak Company
            (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

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            transaction applies:


     2)     Aggregate number of securities to which 
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            Rule 0-11:1


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                                          DEFINITIVE COPY

                     Eastman Kodak Company

           Notice of 1999 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement


Date of Notice March 24, 1999

                               NOTICE OF THE 1999
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

The Annual Meeting of shareholders of Eastman Kodak Company will 
be held on Wednesday, May 12, 1999, at 10:00 AM, at the Theater on 
the Ridge, 200 Ridge Road West, Rochester, New York. There are 
seven proposals to be voted upon at the Meeting:
    1. The re-election of four Class III directors for a term of 
three years: Richard S. Braddock, Daniel A. Carp, Durk I. 
Jager and Richard A. Zimmerman. 
    2. The ratification of election of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
as the independent accountants.
    3. Approval of 2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan.
    4. Approval of 2000 Management Variable Compensation Plan.
    5. A shareholder proposal requesting an executive compensation 
    6. A shareholder proposal requesting annual election of all 
    7. A shareholder proposal requesting additional environmental 
The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" items 1-4 and a 
vote "AGAINST" items 5-7. 
If you were a shareholder of record at the close of business on 
March 15, 1999, you are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.
If you plan to attend the Meeting, please check the appropriate 
box on the enclosed proxy card. If you vote by Internet or 
telephone, follow the instructions provided for attendance. If 
your shares are held by a broker or other nominee, bring proof of 
your ownership with you to the Meeting. To enter the Meeting, 
bring the "Admission Ticket" attached to your proxy card or 
printed from the Internet.  If you do not have a ticket, go to the 
Special Registration desk. Seating at the Meeting will be on a 
first-come, first-served basis, upon arrival at the Meeting.
If you would like to bring a guest to the Meeting, check the 
appropriate box on the enclosed proxy card or follow the 
instructions on the Internet or telephone. When you go through the 
registration area at the Meeting, be sure your guest is with you.  
If you have any questions about the Meeting, please contact:
    Coordinator, Shareholder Services
    Eastman Kodak Company
    343 State Street
    Rochester, New York 14650-0520
    (716) 724-5492

Please do not write any comments on your proxy card. Consistent 
with the Company's policy on confidential voting (see page 8), we 
will not see your comments.
Photographs will be taken at the Annual Meeting. The Company may 
use these photographs in publications. If you attend the Meeting, 
we assume your permission to use your picture.
The Theater on the Ridge is handicap accessible. If you require 
special assistance, call the Coordinator, Shareholder Services at 
(716) 724-5492.
By Order of the Board of Directors
/s/ Joyce P. Haag
Joyce P. Haag
Eastman Kodak Company
March 24, 1999

                              March 24, 1999

Dear Shareholder:
      You are cordially invited to attend our Annual Meeting of 
shareholders on Wednesday, May 12, 1999, at 10:00 AM, at the 
Theater on the Ridge, 200 Ridge Road West, Rochester, New York.  
Seven proposals will be voted upon. We will also review Kodak's 
performance and answer your questions. 
      You may vote by Internet, telephone, written proxy, or 
written ballot at the Meeting.  We encourage you to use the 
Internet because it is the most cost-effective way to vote.
We look forward to seeing you on May 12 and would like to take 
this opportunity to remind you that your vote is very important.

                               /s/ George M. C. Fisher
                               George M.C. Fisher
                               Chairman of the Board

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
Notice of the Meeting                                           4
Letter to Shareholders                                          5
Questions and Answers                                           7
Proposals to be Voted Upon                                     11
 Item 1-Election of Directors                                  11
 Item 2-Ratification of Election of Independent Accountants    11
 Item 3-Approval of 2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan   11
 Item 4-Approval of 2000 Management Variable Compensation Plan 17
 Item 5-Shareholder Proposal-Executive Compensation Review     19
 Item 6-Shareholder Proposal-Annual Election of All Directors  21
 Item 7-Shareholder Proposal-Additional Environmental          
        Disclosure                                             23
Board of Directors                                             25
   Board Committees                                            30
   Meeting Attendance                                          31
   Director Compensation                                       32
Beneficial Security Ownership Table                            33
Compensation of Named Executive Officers                       35
   Summary Compensation Table                                  35
   Option/SAR Grants Table                                     37
   Option/SAR Exercises and Year-End Values Table              39
   Long-Term Incentive Plan                                    40
Employment Contracts                                           42
Retirement Plan                                                44
Report of the Executive Compensation and Development Committee 47
Performance Graph-Shareholder Return                           51

Q:  What am I voting upon?
A:  You are voting upon seven proposals:

    1. The re-election of four directors: Richard S. Braddock, 
Daniel A. Carp, Durk I. Jager and Richard A. Zimmerman. 
    2. The ratification of election of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
as independent accountants.
    3. Approval of 2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan.
    4. Approval of 2000 Management Variable Compensation Plan.
    5. A shareholder proposal requesting an executive compensation 
    6. A shareholder proposal requesting annual election of all 
    7. A shareholder proposal requesting additional environmental 
Q:  What are the voting recommendations of the Board of Directors?
A:  The Board recommends the following votes:
    -  FOR each of the directors.
    -  FOR ratification of election of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
       as independent accountants.
    -  FOR approval of 2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation 
    -  FOR approval of 2000 Management Variable 
       Compensation Plan.
    -  AGAINST the shareholder proposal requesting an executive 
       compensation review.
    -  AGAINST the shareholder proposal requesting annual election 
       of all directors.
    -  AGAINST the shareholder proposal requesting additional 
       environmental disclosure.
Q:  Will any other matters be voted upon?
A:  The Company is not aware of any other matters that will be 
brought before the shareholders for a vote. If any other matter is 
properly brought before the Meeting, George M. C. Fisher and Joyce 
P. Haag, acting as your proxies, will vote for you in their 
discretion. New Jersey law (under which the Company is 
incorporated) requires that you be given notice of all matters to 
be voted upon, other than procedural matters, such as adjournment 
of the Meeting. 
Q:  Who is entitled to vote?
A:  Shareholders of record as of the close of business on March 
15, 1999 (the Record Date) are entitled to vote at the Annual 
Meeting. Each share of common stock is entitled to one vote.

Q:  How do I vote?
A:  There are four ways to vote:
    -  By Internet at  We encourage 
       you to vote this way. 
    -  By toll-free telephone at (877) 779-8683.
    -  By completing and mailing your proxy card. 
    -  By written ballot at the Meeting.

If you vote by Internet or telephone, your vote must be received 
at least 36 hours prior to the Meeting. 

Your shares will be voted as you indicate. If you return your 
proxy card but you do not indicate your voting preferences, George 
M. C. Fisher and Joyce P. Haag will vote your shares FOR items 1-4 
and AGAINST items 5-7. 
Q:  Can I change my vote?
A:  Yes. You may change your vote or revoke your proxy any time 
before the Meeting by:
    -  entering a new vote by Internet or telephone;
    -  returning a later-dated proxy card;
    -  notifying Joyce P. Haag, Secretary; or
    -  completing a written ballot at the Meeting.
Q:  What vote is required to approve each proposal?
A:  The four director nominees receiving the greatest number of 
votes will be elected.
    The ratification of election of the independent accountants 
and the two compensation plans require the affirmative vote of a 
majority of the votes cast at the Meeting.
    The shareholder proposals require the affirmative vote of a 
majority of the votes cast at the Meeting. However, the adoption 
of the shareholder proposal requesting annual election of all 
directors would not by itself eliminate board classification. 
Eliminating board classification requires an amendment to the 
Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation. This requires 
action by the Board of Directors and the affirmative vote of at 
least 80 percent of the outstanding shares of the Company.
Q:  Is my vote confidential?
A:  Yes. Only the election inspectors and certain individuals who 
help with processing and counting the vote have access to your 
vote. Directors and employees of the Company may see your vote 
only if the Company needs to defend itself against a claim or if 
there is a proxy solicitation by someone other than the Company.
Q:  Who will count the vote?
A:  BankBoston N.A. will count the vote and its representatives 
will be the inspectors of election.
Q:  What shares are covered by the proxy card?
A:  The shares covered by your card represent all your shares 
including those in the Eastman Kodak Shares Program and the 
Employee Stock Purchase Plan, and the shares credited to your 
account in the Savings and Investment Plan and the Kodak Employees 
Stock Ownership Plan. The Trustees and custodians of these plans 
will vote your shares in each plan as you direct. 
Q:  What does it mean if I get more than one proxy card?
A:  It means your shares are in more than one account. You should 
vote the shares on all your proxy cards. To provide better 
shareholder service, we encourage you to have all your shares 
registered in the same name and address. You may do this by 
contacting our transfer agent at (800) 253-6057.
Q:  Who can attend the Annual Meeting?
A:  All shareholders as of March 15, 1999, can attend and bring a 
guest. Seating, however, is limited. Attendance at the Meeting 
will be on a first-come, first-served basis, upon arrival at the 
Q:  What do I need to do to attend the Annual Meeting?
A:  You need to indicate your intention to attend the Meeting when 
you vote, and bring the "Admission Ticket" to the Meeting. If your 
shares are held by a broker or nominee, bring proof of your 
ownership to the Meeting.
Q:  What is the quorum requirement of the Meeting?
A:  A majority of the outstanding shares as determined on March 
15, 1999, present or represented by proxy, constitutes a quorum 
for voting on proposals at the Annual Meeting. If you vote by 
Internet, telephone, proxy card or written ballot, your shares 
will be part of the quorum. Abstentions and broker non-votes will 
be counted in determining the quorum but neither will be counted 
as votes cast. On March 1, 1999, there were 321,992,863 shares 
Q:  How do I recommend someone to be a director of Kodak?
A:  You may recommend any person as a director by writing to Joyce 
P. Haag, Secretary, Eastman Kodak Company, 343 State Street, 
Rochester, New York 14650-0218. You must include with your 
recommendation a description of the nominee's principal 
occupations or employment over the last five years and a statement 
from your nominee indicating that he or she will serve if elected.  
The Committee on Directors will consider persons recommended by 
Q:  How much did this proxy solicitation cost?
A:  The Company hired Georgeson & Co. Inc. to assist in the 
distribution of proxy materials and solicitation of votes. The 
estimated fee is $18,500 plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. 
In addition, the Company will reimburse brokerage houses and other 
custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable out-of-
pocket expenses for forwarding proxy and solicitation material to 
the owners of common stock.
Q:  When are the shareholder proposals due for the 2000 Annual 
A:  Shareholder proposals must be in writing, addressed to Joyce 
P. Haag, Secretary, Eastman Kodak Company, 343 State Street, 
Rochester, New York 14650-0218, and received by November 24, 1999.

Q:  What other information about the Company is available?
A:  The following information is available:
    -  Annual Report on Form 10-K
    -  Transcript of the Annual Meeting
    -  Plan descriptions, annual reports, and trust agreements and 
       contracts for the pension plans of the Company and its 
    -  Diversity Report
    -  Health, Safety and Environment Annual Report
You may request copies by contacting:
      Coordinator, Shareholder Services
      Eastman Kodak Company
      343 State Street
      Rochester, New York 14650-0520
      (716) 724-5492

The Company's By-Laws require the Company to have at least nine 
directors but no more than 18.  The number of directors is set by 
the Board and is currently 13.  The Board is divided into three 
classes of directors with overlapping three-year terms.  There are 
four Class III directors whose terms expire at the 1999 Annual 
Nominees for re-election as Class III directors are:
Richard S. Braddock
Daniel A. Carp
Durk I. Jager
Richard A. Zimmerman

All four nominees agree to serve a three-year term (see page 25 
for more information).
If any nominee is unable to stand for re-election, the Board may 
reduce the number of directors or choose a substitute. If the 
Board chooses a substitute, the shares represented by proxies will 
be voted for the substitute.
If any director retires, resigns, dies or is unable to serve for 
any reason, the Board may reduce the number of directors or elect 
a new director to fill the vacancy. This new director will serve 
until the next Annual Meeting of shareholders.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the election of 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has been the Company's independent 
accountants for many years. The Board of Directors, on the 
recommendation of its Audit Committee, elected 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the independent accountants, to serve 
until the 2000 Annual Meeting of shareholders.
Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will attend the 
Meeting to respond to questions and make a statement, if they 
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the ratification of 
election of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants.

The Board of Directors has adopted, subject to shareholder 
approval, the 2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan (the 
"2000 Omnibus Plan" or the "Plan").  If approved by the 
shareholders, the 2000 Omnibus Plan will become effective 
January 1, 2000, and expire on December 31, 2004.  The 2000 
Omnibus Plan is substantially similar to, and is intended to 
replace, the Eastman Kodak Company 1995 Omnibus Long-Term 
Compensation Plan (the "1995 Omnibus Plan") which expires on 
December 31, 1999.  The following are the principal differences 
between the 2000 Omnibus Plan and the 1995 Omnibus Plan:

    -  All employees of the Company and its 50% or more owned 
       subsidiaries are eligible to participate in the Plan. 
       The 1995 Omnibus Plan limits participation to the 
       Company's employees and its 80% or more owned 
    -  The Company's directors are eligible to participate in
       the Plan.
    -  The 2000 Omnibus Plan requires a participant who 
       violates the confidentiality or non-compete provisions 
       of his or her Employee's Agreement to repay to the 
       Company all stock option and SAR gains realized by the 
       participant within the preceding 24 months.
    -  All shares related to awards that terminate by 
       expiration, forfeiture or cancellation are available 
       again for grant under the 2000 Omnibus Plan.

A summary of the Plan appears below.  This summary is qualified 
in its entirety by reference to the text of the Plan.  The 
Company will send, without charge, a copy of the Plan to any 
shareholder who requests a copy.

As was the case with the 1995 Omnibus Plan, the purpose of the 
2000 Omnibus Plan is to motivate selected employees of the 
Company and its subsidiaries to put forth maximum efforts 
toward the continued growth, profitability and success of the 
Company and its subsidiaries.

The Executive Compensation and Development Committee, or 
another committee designated by the Board of Directors, (the 
"Committee") will administer the Plan. 

Eligibility for Participation
The following persons are eligible to participate in the Plan:

    -  all employees of the Company or any of its 50% or more 
       owned subsidiaries; 
    -  certain foreign nationals who, but for the laws of their 
       countries, would be employees of one of the 
       company's subsidiaries; and
    -  the Company's directors.

The selection of those participants who will receive awards is 
entirely within the discretion of the Committee.  

Only those employees who are senior-level executives are 
eligible to participate in the Plan's Performance Stock 

The Committee has not yet determined how many employees are 
likely to participate in the Plan.  The Committee intends, 
however, to grant most of the Plan's awards to those managerial 
employees who can have a significant effect on the growth, 
profitability and success of the Company.  There are currently 
approximately 800 employees in this category.

Types of Awards 
The Plan authorizes the grant of:

    -  non-qualified and incentive stock options, 
    -  stock appreciation rights ("SARs"), 
    -  stock awards, performance shares (which are stock or 
       stock-based awards contingent upon attaining performance 
       objectives during a performance period),
    -  performance units (which are units valued by reference 
       to criteria chosen by the Committee), 
    -  shares of the Company's stock under the Plan's 
       Performance Stock Program, and 
    -  any other award established by the Committee which is 
       consistent with the Plan's purpose.

Termination and Amendment of Plan
The Committee may terminate or amend the Plan at any time for 
any reason or no reason. Without shareholder approval, however, 
the Committee may not adopt any amendment affecting "covered 
employees" that requires the vote of the Company's shareholders 
under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The 
Company's Chief Executive Officer and its four other most 
highly-compensated executive officers are "covered employees."

Available Shares
Up to 22,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock may be 
granted under the Plan.  This number may be adjusted for 
changes in the Company's capital structure, such as a stock 
split.  Shares of common stock related to awards which 
terminate by expiration, forfeiture, cancellation or otherwise 
without the issuance of shares, or are settled in cash in lieu 
of common stock, will be available again for grant.

Award Limits
The maximum number of shares of common stock available for 
awards granted in the form of stock awards, performance units 
or performance shares (including those issued in the form of 
performance awards) is 3,500,000.  If granted, 1,000,000 of 
these shares may be awarded only if the Company achieves a 
specific performance goal.  The performance goal is total 
shareholder return by the Company equal to at least that earned 
over the same period by a company at the 50th percentile in 
terms of shareholder return within the Standard & Poor's 500 
Composite Stock Price Index. Fifty percent of the target award 
will be earned if this performance goal is achieved.  One 
hundred percent of the target award will be earned if total 
shareholder return for the period equals that of a company at 
the 60th percentile in terms of shareholder return within the 
Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index.

The maximum number of shares of common stock that may be 
awarded to any one participant in a single calendar year in the 
form of stock awards, performance units or performance shares 
is 75,000.

The maximum number of shares for which stock options may be 
granted to any one participant for a performance period is 

The maximum number of shares for which SARs may be granted to 
any one participant for a performance period is 300,000.  

The maximum award payable to any one participant under the 
Performance Stock Program for a performance cycle is 75,000 
shares of common stock.

Grants To Non-U.S. Employees
To facilitate the granting of awards to participants who are 
employed outside of the United States, the Plan authorizes the 
Committee to modify and amend the terms and conditions of an 
award to accommodate differences in local law, policy or 

Stock Options
The Committee may grant awards in the form of stock options to 
purchase shares of the Company's common stock.  For each stock 
option grant, the Committee will determine the number of shares 
subject to the option, the manner and time of the option's 
exercise and the exercise price.  Stock options must be granted 
for a term of 10 years or less. The exercise price of a stock 
option may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of 
the Company's common stock on the date the stock option is 
granted.  Upon exercise, a participant may pay the exercise 
price in cash, shares of common stock, a combination thereof, 
or such other consideration as the Committee determines.  The 
Plan prohibits the repricing of stock options.  Any stock 
option granted in the form of an incentive stock option will 
satisfy the requirements of Section 422A of the Internal 
Revenue Code.

Stock Appreciation Rights 
The Committee may grant SARs either in tandem with a stock 
option ("Tandem SARs") or independent of a stock option 
("Freestanding SARs"). 

A Tandem SAR may be granted either at the time of the grant of 
the related stock option or at any time thereafter during the 
term of the stock option.  A Tandem SAR will be exercisable to 
the extent its related stock option is exercisable, and the 
exercise price of such an SAR will be the same as the option 
price of its related stock option.  Upon the exercise of a 
stock option as to some or all of the shares covered by the 
award, the related Tandem SAR will automatically be canceled to 
the extent of the number of shares covered by the stock option 

The Committee will determine the number of shares subject to a 
freestanding SAR, the manner and time of the SAR's exercise, 
and the exercise price of the SAR.  Freestanding SARs must be 
granted for a term of 10 years or less.  The exercise price of 
a Freestanding SAR may not be less than 100% of the fair market 
value of the Company's common stock on the date of grant.

Performance Stock Program
Through the Performance Stock Program, the Committee will 
continue the long-term stock based compensation program it 
began under the Eastman Kodak Company 1990 Omnibus Long-Term 
Compensation Plan.  A description of the program appears on 
page 40 under the heading "Long-Term Incentive Plan". 
Participation in the program is limited to a small group of 
senior-level executives who are expected to have the most 
influence on and accountability for the Company's future 

Awards granted under the program provide participants with the 
opportunity to earn shares of the Company's common stock, 
subject to such terms, restrictions and conditions as the 
Committee may determine.  Each award granted under the program 
for a performance cycle consists of a target award expressed as 
a fixed number of shares of common stock.  

A performance cycle consists of three consecutive calendar 
years.  These cycles will operate concurrently.  That is, a new 
performance cycle will commence annually.  Generally a 
participant must be continuously employed throughout a 
performance cycle in order to be eligible for an award for the 

Within the first 90 days of a cycle, the Committee will 
establish objective performance goals for the cycle from the 
listed performance criteria set forth in the Plan.  Awards may 
not be paid for a cycle unless the performance goals for the 
cycle are achieved.  The Committee will also establish the 
performance formula for the cycle.  This formula will 
determine, assuming the performance goals for the cycle are 
achieved, what percentage of the participant's target award has 
been earned.  

After the close of each performance cycle, the Committee will 
determine whether the performance goals for the cycle have been 
achieved.  If the goals are met, the Committee will then 
determine what percentage of each participant's target award 
has been earned for the cycle.  In determining the actual award 
to be paid to a participant, the Committee has the authority to 
reduce or eliminate the award earned by the participant, based 
upon any objective or subjective criteria it deems appropriate.

Other Terms 
Awards may be paid in cash, common stock, a combination of cash 
and common stock, or any other form of property, as the 
Committee determines. If an award is granted in the form of a 
stock award, stock option, or performance share, or in the form 
of any other stock-based grant, the Committee may include as 
part of the award an entitlement to receive dividends or 
dividend equivalents. At the discretion of the Committee, a 
participant may defer payment of a stock award, performance 
share, performance unit, dividend, or dividend equivalent.

Change In Control and Change In Ownership 
In the event of a Change In Control (as defined in the Plan), a 
participant whose employment is terminated within two years for 
a reason other than death, disability, cause, voluntary 
resignation or retirement will receive the following treatment: 

    -  all of the terms, conditions, restrictions and 
       limitations in effect on any of the participant's awards 
       will lapse; 
    -  all of the participant's outstanding awards will be 
       100% vested; 
    -  all of the participant's outstanding stock options, 
       SARs, common stock units, performance shares, and other 
       stock-based awards will be cashed out based 
       on the Change In Control Price (as defined in the 
       Plan); and 
    -  all of the participant's outstanding performance units 
       will be cashed out.  

All payments will be made as soon as possible, but no later 
than the 90th day following the date of the participant's 
termination of employment.

The Plan also provides that upon a Change In Ownership all 
participants, regardless of whether their employment is 
terminated, will automatically receive the same treatment 
afforded to a terminated participant in the event of a Change 
In Control.  The Plan defines a Change In Ownership as a Change 
In Control that results in the Company's common stock ceasing 
to be actively traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

New Plan Benefits
The benefits or amounts that will be received by or allocated to the 
CEO, the named executive officers, all current executive officers as 
a group, and all employees who are not executive officers are not 
presently determinable.  If the 2000 Omnibus Plan had been in effect 
in 1998, the stock option awards received by the Company's executive 
officers would have been the same as the stock option awards actually 
received by such persons for 1998 under the 1995 Omnibus Plan.  The 
Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year table on Page 37 lists for 1998 
the stock option awards for the CEO and the four other highest-paid 
executive officers.

Federal Tax Treatment 
The following is a brief summary of the principal United States 
federal income tax consequences related to stock options.  This 
summary is not intended to be exhaustive and, among other 
things, does not describe state or local tax consequences.

A participant who is granted an incentive stock option does not 
realize any taxable income at the time of grant or at the time 
of exercise.  Similarly, the Company is not entitled to a 
deduction at the time of grant or at the time of exercise. If a 
participant does not sell or transfer the shares acquired upon 
exercise of an incentive stock option before the later of two 
years from the date of the option's grant or one year from the 
date of the participant's acquisition of the shares, any gain 
or loss realized on the sale of the shares will be a long-term 
capital gain or loss.  Under such circumstances, the Company 
will not be entitled to any deduction for federal income tax 

A participant who is granted a non-qualified stock option does 
not have taxable income at the time of grant.  The participant 
will, however, realize ordinary income at the time of the 
option's exercise.  The amount of the income will equal the 
difference between the market value of the shares on the date 
of exercise and the exercise price of the underlying shares.  
The Company is entitled to a corresponding deduction for the 
same amount.

Limitation on Income Tax Deduction
Under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the 
Company's federal income tax deductions may be limited to the 
extent that total compensation paid to a "covered employee" 
exceeds $1,000,000 in any one year.  The Company can, however, 
preserve the deductibility of certain compensation in excess of 
$1,000,000 provided it complies with the conditions imposed by 
Section 162(m), including the payment of performance-based 
compensation pursuant to a plan approved by shareholders.  The 
Plan has been designed to enable any award granted by the 
Committee to a "covered employee" to qualify as performance-
based compensation under Section 162(m).

Other Information 
The closing price of the Company's common stock reported on the 
New York Stock Exchange for March 1, 1999, was $65.8125 per 

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR approval of 2000 
Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan. 
In 1995, the shareholders of the Company adopted the Eastman Kodak 
Company Management Variable Compensation Plan ("1995 MVCP"), a 
performance-based annual compensation plan for management-level 
employees.  The 1995 MVCP expires at the end of 1999, and the Board 
of Directors has adopted, subject to shareholder approval, the 2000 
Management Variable Compensation Plan ("2000 MVCP" or "Plan").  If 
approved by the shareholders, the 2000 MVCP will become effective 
January 1, 2000, and expire on December 31, 2004.  The 2000 MVCP is 
virtually identical to 1995 MVCP.  

A summary of the Plan appears below.  This summary is qualified in 
its entirety by reference to the text of the Plan.  The Company will 
send, without charge, a copy of the Plan to any shareholder who 
requests a copy.

As was the case with the 1995 MVCP, the purpose of the 2000 MVCP is 
to provide a performance-based, profit-driven, annual incentive award 
in order to attract, retain and motivate the Company's management-
level employees.

The Executive Compensation and Development Committee, or another 
committee designated by the Board of Directors, (the "Committee") 
will administer the Plan. 

Plan eligibility is generally limited to the Company's management-
level employees. The Committee determines which management-level 
employees will be participants for a particular performance period 
(Kodak's fiscal year).  The approximate number of management-level 
employees who are currently eligible to participate in the 1995 MVCP 
is 800.

Form of Awards
The Plan provides for cash awards.  

Award Limits
The maximum award payable to any employee who is a "covered employee" 
under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code for a performance 
period is $5,000,000.  A "covered employee" is the Company's Chief 
Executive Officer and each of its four other most highly paid 
executive officers.  A "covered employee" may not receive an award 
for a performance period unless the performance goal for the period 
is attained.

Procedure For Determining Awards
Within the first 90 days of a performance period, the Committee 
establishes for the period:
    -  the performance goal,
    -  the performance formula, and
    -  the formula for determining what percentage of the award pool 
       should be allocated to each "covered employee".

The Plan's sole performance measure to determine the award pool is 
Economic Profit/EVA.  Using this measure, the Committee establishes 
the performance goal for the performance period.  If Company 
performance is equal to or greater than the performance goal, the 
performance formula for the performance period determines the amount 
of the award pool for the period.  The total of all bonuses for a 
given performance period cannot exceed the amount of the award pool 
for the year.  The total award pool does not, however, have to be 
awarded.  The Committee has the authority to carry over unused award 
pool funds to subsequent performance periods.

A target award is established in advance for each participant.  The 
target, which is a percentage of base salary, varies depending on the 
participant's position within the Company.  Target awards are 
expected to range from 25 to 105 percent of base salary.

Awards To Covered Employees
Before any award is paid for a performance period, the Committee must 
certify in writing that the performance goal for the period has been 
met.  If the performance goal is satisfied, the Committee calculates 
the portion of the award pool that is to be allocated to each 
"covered employee" based on the formula it established at the 
beginning of the performance period.  The Committee has the 
discretion to reduce or eliminate the formula's allocation of the 
award pool to each "covered employee".

Payment of Awards
The Plan authorizes the Committee to allocate the award pool among 
the Plan's participants based on such factors, goals and measures as 
it determines.  To date under 1995 MVCP, performance in the 
management appraisal process has influenced the size of awards given 
to participants. 

With Committee approval, a participant may defer the payment of all 
or any part of his or her award.

Change In Control and Change In Ownership
In the event of a Change In Control (as defined in the Plan), if a 
participant's employment is terminated within two years for a reason 
other than death, disability, cause, voluntary resignation or 
retirement, the participant will receive the following treatment:

    -  the participant will be paid a prorata award for the 
       performance period in which he or she terminates employment; 
    -  all of the participant's other unpaid awards will be paid to 
       the participant.

The Plan also provides that upon a Change In Ownership, all 
participants, regardless of whether their employment is terminated, 
will automatically receive the same treatment provided to a 
terminated participant in the event of a Change In Control.  The Plan 
defines a Change In Ownership as a Change In Control that results in 
the Company's common stock ceasing to be actively traded on the New 
York Stock Exchange.

Termination and Amendment of Plan
The Committee may terminate or amend the Plan at any time for any 
reason or no reason. Without shareholder approval, however, the 
Committee may not adopt any amendment affecting "covered employees" 
that requires the vote of Kodak's shareholders under Section 162(m) 
of the Internal Revenue Code.

New Plan Benefits
The benefits or amounts that will be received by or allocated to the 
CEO, the named executive officers, all current executive officers as 
a group and all employees who are not executive officers are not 
presently determinable.  If the 2000 MVCP had been in effect in 1998:
    -  the amounts received by the Company's Ceo and the named 
executive officers would have been the same as the amounts 
actually received by such persons for 1998 under 1995 MVCP;  
    -  the amounts received by all current executive officers as a 
group would have been the same as the amounts received by 
such persons for 1998 under 1995 MVCP, i.e., approximately 
$5,314,626; and
    -  the amounts received by all participants as a group would have 
been the same as the amounts received by such participants 
for 1998 under 1995 MVCP, i.e., $29,400,000.

The Summary Compensation Table on page 35 lists for 1998 the MVCP 
awards for the CEO and the four other highest-paid executive 

Federal Tax Treatment
Under current federal tax law awards will be included in income at 
the time of receipt and will be subject to tax at ordinary income tax 
rates.  The Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction at 
the same time.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR approval of 2000 
Management Variable Compensation Plan.

Helen Glenn Burlingham, Wellspring Farm, 6320 Soper Road, Perry, 
New York, owner of 100 shares, submitted the following proposal:
We believe that financial, social and environmental criteria 
should be taken into account in setting compensation packages for 
top corporate officers. Public scrutiny of executive compensation 
is intensifying worldwide with serious concerns being expressed 
about the disparity between salaries of top corporate officers, US 
employees, and workers in low wage countries.
Shareholders and our Board of Directors need to be vigilant in 
safeguarding our company's best interest by challenging executive 
pay packages that create rewards to executives regardless of 
return to shareholders. For example, should executive pay be 
reduced when stockholders' dividends are down?
Executives of companies like ours, with Mexican operations, often 
make several thousand times the pay of their Mexican employees. In 
1994, Ford's CEO, Alexander Trotman made 2,003 times the annual 
pay of an average Ford employee in Mexico. According to Kodak 
documents, some of our Mexican workers are making an average of 
$ .95 per hour.
In 1995, Pearl Meyer and Partners reported that CEO compensation 
packages at large corporations increased 23%, to an average of 
$4.37 million, that is $2,100 an hour, or 183 times the average US 
worker's 1995 hourly earnings according to the Council on 
International and Public Affairs.
In 1996, Kodak's CEO and COO, George Fisher, had a reported 
combined salary and bonus of $3,986,884 and held restricted stock 
totaling $6,835,053 in addition to other compensation and 
benefits. Yet, a severe drop in earnings in 1997 resulted in 
Kodak's decision to cut payroll by 10,000 workers. Is it fair that 
comparatively low-wage workers lose their income while top 
executives salaries do not reflect financial performance?
Our company needs to adopt a policy of equitable compensation of 
key officers based on success in serving shareholders, customers 
and employees. We also need to address the implications of paying 
high executives salaries and poverty wages to workers.
The relationship between compensation and the social and 
environmental impact of company decisions also raises important 
concerns. For example, should top officers pay be reduced for a 
given year if the company is found guilty of poor environmental 
performance, especially if it results in costly fines or expensive 
protracted litigation?
That shareholders request the Board institute a comprehensive 
Executive Compensation Review, with a summary report available 
upon request to shareholders by October 15, 1999. Among questions 
to be addressed are:
    1. Whether the compensation of corporate executives should be 
frozen or reduced during periods of significant corporate 
downsizing and cost cutting.
    2. Whether a cap should be placed on compensation packages for 
officers to prevent our company from paying excessive 
    3. How to develop appropriate performance measures for the 
long-term incentive programs during periods of 
    4. How to develop an equitable and fair wage policy, because 
paying widely divergent compensation levels can result in 
decreased worker morale and/or productivity, poor labor-
management relations, and harm Kodak's public image.
    5. How issues such as social and environmental responsibility 
are reflected in executive compensation.
If you AGREE, Please mark your proxy FOR this resolution."
The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal for 
the following reasons:
The Executive Compensation and Development Committee of the Board 
of Directors oversees all of our executive compensation programs. 
The Committee's report on pages 47 - 51 demonstrates that the 
Committee already considers many of the issues raised by the 
shareholder in her proposal.
In determining appropriate compensation levels, the Committee 
considers Company performance and the amount of compensation paid 
by other companies for comparable jobs. In analyzing Company 
performance, the Committee reviews the Company's financial 
performance as well as the Company's performance in the areas of 
customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and public 
responsibility. For example, if management fails to increase 
diversity in the workforce, improve safety in the workplace, or 
decrease the Company's emissions, management receives less bonus. 
The Company believes that only if shareholders, customers and 
employees are satisfied will the Company be successful.
In 1998 the criteria used to measure employee satisfaction and 
public responsibility included Company compliance with 
environmental and equal employment opportunity laws and 
regulations. In addition, the Committee reviewed employee 
responses to opinion surveys which measured management's 
leadership capabilities and employee satisfaction with the 
workplace, management and the Company. 
The Company recognizes that, in addition to delivering solid, 
sustained financial performance, it must abide by environmental 
laws and regulations, provide a work environment free from sexual 
harassment and race discrimination, and generally be a socially 
responsible corporate citizen. Annual bonuses are determined based 
upon performance in all of these areas.
The Executive Compensation and Development Committee's report 
demonstrates that the Company is already considering many of the 
issues identified in the proposal. Management, therefore, believes 
that the time, effort and expense necessary to complete the review 
and produce the summary report requested is not justified. 
The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal.
The Service Employees International Union Master Trust, 1343 L 
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005, owner of 19,500 shares, submitted 
the following proposal:
"BE IT RESOLVED: That the stockholders of Eastman Kodak Company 
urge the Board of Directors take the necessary steps to declassify 
the Board of Directors for the purpose of director elections. The 
Board declassification shall be done in a manner that does not 
affect the unexpired terms of directors previously elected.
In 1997 and 1998, a majority of shareholders supported this 
resolution.  Following the 1997 vote, the board encouraged us to 
resubmit the resolution and decided not to take a position on the 
resolution so they could receive a "clear indication" of how 
shareholders wanted the board to proceed.  Since 71% of the 
shareholders voting supported the resolution in 1998, we found it 
disturbing that the board has not acted to declassify the board.  
Because of this inaction, we again urge you to vote for this 
The Board of Directors of Eastman Kodak is divided into three 
classes serving staggered three-year terms. It is our belief that 
the classification of the Board of Directors is not in the best 
interests of Eastman Kodak and its shareholders. The elimination 
of the staggered board would require each director to stand for 
election annually. This procedure would allow shareholders an 
opportunity to annually register their views on the performance of 
the board collectively and each director individually. Concerns 
that the annual election of directors would leave Eastman Kodak 
without experienced board members in the event that all incumbents 
are voted out are unfounded. If the owners should choose to 
replace the entire board, it would be obvious that the incumbent 
directors' contributions were not valued.
A classified board of directors protects the incumbency of the 
board of directors and current management which in turn limits 
accountability to stockholders. It is our belief that Eastman 
Kodak's corporate governance procedures and practices, and the 
level of management accountability they impose, are related to the 
financial performance of Eastman Kodak. While Eastman Kodak's 
current performance is good, we believe sound corporate governance 
practices, such as the annual election of directors, will impose 
the level of management accountability necessary to help insure 
that a good performance record continues over the long term."

The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal for 
the following reasons:

A classified Board of Directors provides director continuity and 
stability, which enhances the Board's ability to focus on long-
term strategy and long-term performance.  For example, if the 
Company were confronted with an unsolicited takeover offer, the 
fact that the entire Board could not be removed in a single proxy 
fight would allow directors to weigh remaining independent against 
accepting the offer, or a competing offer, from a position of 
strength.  This is not merely a theoretical consideration; 
anecdotal data suggest that companies with classified boards 
secure a higher price-per-share premium in unsolicited takeover 
situations than companies whose directors are elected annually.  
In short, a classified board is beneficial to shareholders.
Proponent claims that a classified board protects the incumbency 
of directors, which in turn limits accountability to shareholders.  
While proponent's incumbency point is correct, the fact is that 
shareholders have a variety of tools at their disposal to ensure 
that directors, even directors who are elected on a classified 
basis, are accountable to shareholders.  These tools include 
withholding votes from directors who are standing for election, 
meeting with directors to express shareholder concerns, and 
publicity campaigns.  Shareholders have used these accountability 
tools with a number of companies, with considerable success.
This proposal was first submitted by the proponent at the 
Company's 1997 Annual Meeting.  The Board opposed the proposal.  
When the proposal was resubmitted at the 1998 Annual Meeting, the 
Board took the extraordinary step of maintaining a neutral 
position in order to receive the opinion of shareholders, 
uninfluenced by a recommendation from the Board.  Although the 
proposal received 71 percent of the vote in 1998, this represented 
only 39 percent of the shares outstanding.  This is relevant 
because, pursuant to Section 5 of the Company's Restated 
Certificate of Incorporation, the vote of at least 80 percent of 
the Company's shares outstanding is required to declassify the 
The Board believes that a classified Board is a better governance 
vehicle than annual election of Directors.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal.

Nancy Watson Dean, 6 Sibley Place, Rochester, New York  14607, 
owner of 600 shares, submitted the following proposal:

"Whereas, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires 
publicly-held corporations to disclose potential environmental 
liabilities to shareholders;
Whereas, various environmental codes of conduct, including the 
CERES principles, (Coalition for Environmental Responsible 
Economies) call for public disclosure and openness;
Whereas, Kodak's Vision of Environmental Responsibility affirms 
the intent of environmental responsibility stated:  "Eastman Kodak 
is recognized as a world-class company, and the leading imaging 
company, in protecting the quality of the environment and the 
health and safety of its employees, customers, and the community 
in which it operates;"
Whereas, there is increased community concern about hazardous 
waste incineration at Kodak Park and emissions of known 
carcinogens, including dioxin and hexavalent chromium and Kodak 
acknowledges that costly pollution controls may be necessary to 
meet Clean Air Act requirements;
Whereas, Kodak has a history of environmental violations resulting 
in substantial penalties including $2,000,000 in fines (1990) and 
$5,000,000 in civil fines (1994) and a negotiated settlement with 
the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to spend $12,000,000 
over eight years on environmental cleanup projects;
Whereas, Kodak's SEC reports, list potential instances of 
significant environmental liability that may accrue to the company 
in pollution and toxic waste cleanup activities, including 
potential cleanup at "approximately 20 Superfund sites;"
Whereas, there may exist additional liability, cleanup 
responsibility and remedial costs at Kodak facilities beyond what 
is presently reported in SEC reports;
BE IT RESOLVED:  The shareholders request Kodak's Board to 
disclose in its environmental progress report, a complete listing 
of all hazardous waste sites where Kodak is a potentially 
responsible party, and other circumstances in which the company 
and its shareholders can be expected to accrue environmentally-
based financial liabilities through retirement of operations, 
court orders, consent decrees, litigation, or government 
requirements, that environmental remediation, pollution clean-up, 
pollution equipment upgrades, and/or damage compensation.

In recent years, Kodak has been subject to federal and state 
investigations for environmental violations, EPA's 1991 
investigation uncovered 150 federal hazardous waste violations at 
Kodak Park "potentially worth tens of millions of dollars." 
(Environmental Reporter, Washington DC). In addition to a 
$100,000,000 underground storage tank improvement project at Kodak 
Park, the company is liable for the investigation and remediation 
of five hazardous waste sites on that property, and is listed as a 
PRP at numerous other Superfund sites.  Kodak continues to be New 
York State's largest toxic chemical releaser (Federal Toxic 
Release Inventory). In 1998, the NYS Department of Environmental 
Conservation investigated Kodak and cited the company for numerous 
environmental violations subject to financial penalties.
Kodak shareholders, in evaluating the company's continued economic 
prospects, need to receive the best possible information on the 
company's current assets and liabilities, including prospective 
environmental liabilities, as can be reasonably ascertained.
For these reasons, we believe it is imperative that Kodak include 
in its annual environmental progress report, a listing and 
identification of known and expected environmental liabilities and 
cleanup responsibilities that are likely to accrue.
If you AGREE, please mark your proxy FOR this resolution."

The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal for 
the following reasons:

The Company accrues and discloses liabilities for environmental 
matters in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles 
(GAAP) and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange 
Commission (SEC).  The disclosures are made in the Annual Report and 
on Form 10-K filed with the SEC.

In addition, for the past eight years the Company has produced and 
made available to its shareholders a Health, Safety and Environment 
Annual Report.  This report provides a summary of the Company's 
efforts and results in complying with environmental protection laws.  
Any shareholder may obtain a copy of this annual environmental report 
by contacting the Company.

This shareholder proposal requests the Company to provide more 
extensive, detailed information than is required by GAAP and the SEC.  
The rules of the SEC require the Company to disclose the material 
effects that compliance with environmental laws may have upon capital 
expenditures, earnings and the competitive position of the Company.  
These rules also require the Company to disclose each year all 
material estimated capital expenditures for environmental control 
facilities.  The Company complies with all the requirements of GAAP 
and the SEC related to environmental matters.

We believe that the Company's current method of disclosing 
environmental costs and other financial data in its Annual Report and 
on Form 10-K, as well as the availability of an easy-to-read 
description of the Company's efforts to protect and restore the 
environment in its Health, Safety and Environment Annual Report, meet 
the information needs of shareholders. All material information is 
disclosed concerning the Company's activity in this area.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal

                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS





ANNUAL MEETING (Class III Directors)

RICHARD S. BRADDOCK                 Director since May 1987
Mr. Braddock, 57, is Chairman and CEO of, a position 
he has held since August of 1998.  He was Chairman of True North 
Communications from July 1997 to January 1999. He was a principal 
of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, from June 1994 until September 1995. 
From January 1993 until October 1993, he was Chief Executive 
Officer of Medco Containment Services, Inc. From January 1990 
through October 1992, he served as President and Chief Operating 
Officer of Citicorp and its principal subsidiary, Citibank, N.A. 
Prior to that, he served for approximately five years as Sector 
Executive in charge of Citicorp's Individual Bank, one of the 
financial services company's three core businesses. Mr. Braddock 
was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1963 with a degree in 
history, and received his MBA degree from the Harvard School of 
Business Administration in 1965. He is a director of AmTec, Inc., 
Cadbury Schweppes, E*Trade and

DANIEL A. CARP                     Director since December 1997
Mr. Carp, 50, is President and Chief Operating Officer of Eastman 
Kodak Company. He was elected to this position effective January 
1, 1997, after having served as Executive Vice President and 
Assistant Chief Operating Officer since November 1995. Mr. Carp 
began his career with Kodak in 1970 and has held a number of 
increasingly responsible positions in market research, business 
planning, marketing management and line of business management. In 
1986 Mr. Carp was named Assistant General Manager of Latin 
American Region and in September 1988 he was elected a Vice 
President and named General Manager of that region. In 1991 he was 
named General Manager of the European Marketing Companies and 
later that same year, General Manager, European, African and 
Middle Eastern Region. He holds a BBA degree in quantitative 
methods from Ohio University, an MBA degree from Rochester 
Institute of Technology and an MS degree in management from the 
Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  
Mr. Carp is a director of Texas Instruments Incorporated.

DURK I. JAGER                   Director since January 1998
Mr. Jager, 55, is President and Chief Executive Officer of The 
Procter & Gamble Company. He was elected to this position 
effective January 1999 after having served as President and Chief 
Operating Officer since 1995 and Executive Vice President from 
1990-1995. Mr. Jager joined The Procter & Gamble Company in 1970 
and was named Vice President in 1987. He was graduated from 
Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Mr. Jager is a 
director of The Procter & Gamble Company.

RICHARD A. ZIMMERMAN                 Director since July 1989
Mr. Zimmerman, 67, is the retired Chairman and Chief Executive 
Officer of Hershey Foods Corporation. Mr. Zimmerman joined Hershey 
in 1958 and was named Vice President in 1971. Appointed a Group 
Vice President later in 1971, he became President and Chief 
Operating Officer in 1976. He was named Chief Executive Officer in 
January 1984 and Chairman of the Board in March 1985. Mr. 
Zimmerman was graduated from Pennsylvania State University. He is 
a director of Stabler Companies, Inc. and Westvaco Corporation.

                      BOARD OF DIRECTORS





MEETING (Class I Directors)

MARTHA LAYNE COLLINS                Director since May 1988
Governor Collins, 62, is Executive Scholar in Residence at 
Georgetown College, a position she assumed in August 1998, after 
having been Director, International Business and Management 
Center, at the University of Kentucky, since July 1996. From 1988 
to 1997, she was President of Martha Layne Collins and Associates, 
a consulting firm, and from July 1990 to July 1996, she was 
President of St. Catharine College in Springfield, Kentucky. 
Following her receipt of a BS degree from the University of 
Kentucky, Governor Collins taught from 1959 to 1970. After acting 
as Coordinator of Women's Activities in a number of political 
campaigns, she served as Clerk of the Supreme Court of the 
Commonwealth of Kentucky from 1975 to 1979. She was elected to a 
four-year term as Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1983 
after having served as Lieutenant Governor from 1979 to 1983. 
Governor Collins, who has served as a Fellow at the Institute of 
Politics, Harvard University, is a director of R. R. Donnelley & 
Sons Company, Bank of Louisville and Mid-America Bancorp. 

GEORGE M. C. FISHER               Director since December 1993
Mr. Fisher, 58, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eastman 
Kodak Company. Mr. Fisher also held the position of President from 
December 1993 through December 1996 and the position of Chief 
Operating Officer from October 1995 through December 1996. Before 
joining Kodak, Mr. Fisher served as Chairman and Chief Executive 
Officer of Motorola, Inc., after having served as President and 
Chief Executive Officer between 1988 and 1990. Mr. Fisher holds a 
bachelor's degree in engineering from the University of Illinois 
and a master's degree in engineering and a doctorate degree in 
applied mathematics from Brown University. Mr. Fisher is a 
director of General Motors Corporation and AT&T.

PAUL E. GRAY                      Director since September 1990
Dr. Gray, 67, is President Emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology (M.I.T.) and Professor of Electrical Engineering and 
Computer Science. Dr. Gray served as Chairman of the governing 
board of M.I.T. from 1990 to June 1997 and as its President from 
1980 to 1990. He has also served on the M.I.T. faculty and in the 
academic administration, including responsibilities as Associate 
Provost, Dean of Engineering and Chancellor. Dr. Gray earned his 
bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in electrical 
engineering from M.I.T. He is a director of Nvest, L.P. and The 
Boeing Co.

DELANO E. LEWIS                  Director since May 1998
Mr. Lewis, 60, is the retired President and Chief Executive 
Officer of National Public Radio Corporation, a position he held 
from January 1994 until August 1998. He was President and Chief 
Executive Officer of C&P Telephone Company, a subsidiary of Bell 
Atlantic Corporation, from 1988 to 1993, after having served as 
Vice President since 1973. Mr. Lewis held several positions in the 
public sector prior to joining C&P Telephone Company. Mr. Lewis 
received a BA from University of Kansas and a JD from Washburn 
School of Law. He is a director of BET Holding, Inc., Colgate-
Palmolive Co. and Halliburton, Inc.

JOHN J. PHELAN, JR.           Director since December 1987
Mr. Phelan, 67, is the retired Chairman and Chief Executive 
Officer of the New York Stock Exchange, Inc., a position he held 
from 1984 until 1991. He was President of the International 
Federation of Stock Exchanges from 1991 through 1993. He is a 
member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is a senior advisor 
to the Boston Consulting Group. Mr. Phelan, a graduate of Adelphi 
University, is active in educational and philanthropic 
organizations and is also a director of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., 
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and SONAT Inc.





MEETING (Class II Directors)

ALICE F. EMERSON                      Director since May 1992
Dr. Emerson, 67, is Senior Advisor to The Andrew W. Mellon 
Foundation, a position she assumed in 1998 after having served as 
Senior Fellow since 1991. She was President of Wheaton College in 
Massachusetts from 1975-1991 and served the University of 
Pennsylvania, first as Dean of Women and subsequently as Dean of 
Students from 1966 to 1975. Dr. Emerson received her bachelor's 
degree from Vassar College and her Ph.D. degree from Bryn Mawr 
College. She is a director of AES Corporation, BankBoston 
Corporation and Champion International Corp.

HARRY L. KAVETAS                       Director since May 1997
Mr. Kavetas, 61, is Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice 
President of Eastman Kodak Company. He was elected to this 
position in September 1994 after serving as Senior Vice President 
since February 1994. Before joining Kodak, Mr. Kavetas served as 
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of IBM Credit 
Corporation, a position he held from 1986 until he retired from 
IBM in December 1993. In his 32 years at IBM, Mr. Kavetas held a 
number of management positions. Mr. Kavetas holds a BA degree in 
finance and economics from the University of Illinois. He is a 
director of Lincoln National Corporation. 

PAUL H. O'NEILL                    Director since December 1997
Mr. O'Neill, 63, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of 
Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) and has held this position 
since April 1987.  Prior to joining Alcoa, Mr. O'Neill served as 
President of International Paper Company from 1985-1987, after 
having joined that company in 1977. Mr. O'Neill began his career 
as an engineer for Morrison-Knudsen, Inc., worked as a computer 
systems analyst with the U.S. Veterans Administration from 1961-
1966, and served on the staff of the U.S. Office of Management and 
Budget from 1967-1977. He was deputy director of OMB from 1974-
1977.  Mr. O'Neill received a BA degree in economics from Fresno 
State College and a master's degree in public administration from 
Indiana University.  Mr. O'Neill is a director of Alcoa, Lucent 
Technologies and National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

LAURA D'ANDREA TYSON                     Director since May 1997
Dr. Tyson, 51, is Dean of the Walter A. Haas School of Business, a 
position she assumed in July 1998.  Previously, she was professor 
of the Class of 1939 Chair in Economics and Business 
Administration at the University of California, Berkeley, a 
position she held from January 1997 to July 1998. Prior to this 
position, Dr. Tyson served in the first Clinton Administration as 
Chairman of the President's National Economic Council and 16th 
Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Prior to 
joining the Administration, Dr. Tyson was professor of Economics 
and Business Administration, Director of the Institute of 
International Studies, and Research Director of the Berkeley 
Roundtable on the International Economy at the University of 
California, Berkeley. Dr. Tyson holds a BA degree from Smith 
College and a Ph.D. degree in economics from the Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology. Dr. Tyson is the author of numerous 
articles on economics, economic policy and international 
competition. She is a director of Ameritech Corporation, Morgan 
Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co., and Human Genome Sciences, 

Board Committees

The Board of Directors has an Audit Committee, a Committee on 
Directors, an Executive Compensation and Development Committee, a 
Finance Committee and a Public Policy Committee. All committee 
members are non-employee, independent directors.
Audit Committee                                  5 meetings in 1998
    -  recommended the firm that Kodak should retain as independent 
    -  reviewed the audit and non-audit activities of both the 
       independent accountants and the internal audit staff of the 
    -  met separately and privately with the independent accountants 
       and with the Company's Director, Corporate Auditing, to ensure 
       that the scope of their activities has not been restricted and 
       that adequate responses to their recommendations have been 
       received; and
    -  reviewed the Committee's charter.

Committee on Directors                           2 meetings in 1998
    -  reviewed the qualifications of individuals for election as 
       members of the Board; 
    -  recommended qualified individuals to be considered for Board 
    -  recommended directors' compensation and benefits; and
    -  reviewed the Committee's charter.

Executive Compensation and Development Committee 6 meetings in 1998
    -  reviewed the Company's executive development process;
    -  set the compensation for the Chief Executive Officer, 
       President, executive vice presidents and senior 
       vice presidents and recommended the compensation of other 
       Company officers;
    -  certified and granted awards under the Company's compensation 
    -  approved and recommended to the Board approval of 
       2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan and
       2000 Management Variable Compensation Plan; and
    -  reviewed the Committee's charter. 

Finance Committee                                 5 meetings in 1998
    -  reviewed the Company's financing strategies; 
    -  reviewed significant acquisitions, divestitures, and joint 
    -  reviewed the investment performance and the administration of 
       the Company's defined benefit pension plan; and
    -  reviewed the Committee's charter.

Public Policy Committee                           2 meetings in 1998
    -  reviewed proposals submitted by shareholders; 
    -  reviewed the Company's philanthropic programs;
    -  reviewed the Company's environmental initiatives; and
    -  reviewed the Committee's charter.

                          COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP

                     Audit  Committee  Executive     Finance  Public
                            On         Compensation           Policy
                            Directors  and 
- -------------------- -----  ---------  -----------   -------   ------

Richard S. Braddock             X           X*                       

Martha Layne Collins   X                                          X*

Alice F. Emerson                X           X                     

Paul E. Gray           X*                                         X

Durk I. Jager                               X           X

Delano E. Lewis                  X                                X

Paul H. O'Neill        X                                          X

John J. Phelan, Jr.                         X            X*        

Laura D'Andrea Tyson   X                                 X          

Richard A. Zimmerman            X*                       X

*	Chairman

Meeting Attendance 
The Board of Directors held a total of six meetings in 1998. All 
of the directors attended at least 75 percent of the meetings of 
the Board and committees of the Board on which such director 
served. The average attendance by all directors was over 94 

Director Compensation
Annual Payments
Non-employee directors receive:
    -  $18,000 in cash and $20,000 in Kodak stock annually;
    -  $1,000 for each Board, committee and special meeting 
    -  an additional $1,000 for each committee meeting they chair; 
    -  reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses for the meetings 
       they attend. 
Employee directors receive no additional compensation for serving 
on the Board. 

Deferred Compensation
Non-employee directors may defer some or all of their compensation 
into a phantom Kodak stock account or into a phantom interest-
bearing account. Five directors deferred compensation in 1998. In 
the event of a change In control of the Company, the amounts in 
the phantom accounts will be paid in a single cash payment.
Retirement Plan
The retirement plan for current non-employee directors was 
terminated effective February 12, 1999.  Retired directors 
currently receiving benefits will continue to receive benefits in 
accordance with the plan.  The value of current directors' 
benefits will be converted to units and credited to each 
director's account under the Deferred Compensation Plan for 
Directors.  For directors elected prior to January 1, 1996, the 
plan provided an annual retirement benefit for life equal to the 
then-current annual retainer. For directors elected after January 
1, 1996, the plan provided an annual retirement benefit equal to 
the annual retainer when the director retired. The benefit is paid 
until the earlier of the director's death or the end of a period 
of time equal to the director's length of service. In the event of 
a change In control of the Company, all retirement benefits will 
be paid in a single cash payment equal to the present value of the 
remaining retirement benefits.
Life Insurance
The Company provides group term life insurance in the amount of 
$100,000 to all non-employee directors. This amount decreases to 
$50,000 at retirement or age 65, whichever occurs later. 
Charitable Award Program 
The program provides for a contribution by the Company of up to 
$1,000,000 following the director's death to up to four charitable 
institutions recommended by the director. The individual directors 
derive no financial benefits from this program. It is funded by 
joint life insurance policies purchased by the Company and self-
insurance. The purposes of the program are to further the 
Company's philanthropic endeavors, with particular emphasis on 
education, acknowledge the services of the Company's directors, 
and recognize the interest of the Company and the directors in 
supporting worthy charitable and educational institutions. Each 
non-employee director who commenced service prior to January 1, 
1997, is eligible to participate in the program. Current directors 
who are participating are Messrs. Braddock, Phelan, and Zimmerman, 
Drs. Emerson and Gray, and Gov. Collins. Directors whose service 
commenced after December 31, 1996, are not eligible.


Directors, Nominees
and Executive                       Number of Common Shares
Officers                            Owned on January 4, 1999
- -------------------                 ------------------------

Richard T. Bourns                           169,077(a)(b)(c)
Richard S. Braddock                           3,676
Daniel A. Carp                              239,535(a)(b)
Martha Layne Collins                          3,481(d)
Alice F. Emerson                              4,222(d)
George M. C. Fisher                       2,417,417(a)(b)
Paul E. Gray                                  3,000
Durk I. Jager                                 2,792(d)
Harry L. Kavetas                            449,943(a)(b)(c)
Carl F. Kohrt                               141,700(a)(b)(c)
Delano E. Lewis                                 555(d)
Paul H. O'Neill                               1,934(d)
John J. Phelan, Jr.                           8,683(d)
Laura D'Andrea Tyson                            839
Richard A. Zimmerman                          5,175(d)
All Directors, Nominees and              
  Executive Officers as a 
  Group (28), including the above         4,127,796(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)

(a)   Includes the following number of shares which may be 
acquired by exercise of stock options: R. T. Bourns - 
34,272; D. A. Carp - 193,259; G. M. C. Fisher - 2,162,402; 
H. L. Kavetas - 366,224; C. F. Kohrt - 113,725; and all 
directors, nominees and executive officers as a group - 
(b)   Includes the following Eastman Kodak Company common stock 
equivalents, receipt of which was deferred under the 
Performance Stock Program: R. T. Bourns - 31,428; D. A. Carp 
- - 24,391; G. M. C. Fisher - 86,975; H. L. Kavetas - 20,265; 
C. F. Kohrt - 24,391; and all directors, nominees and 
executive officers as a group - 231,183.
(c)   Includes the following Eastman Kodak Company common stock 
equivalents, which are held in the Executive Deferred 
Compensation Plan: R. T. Bourns - 5,717; H. L. Kavetas - 
40,644; C. F. Kohrt - 1,064; and all directors, nominees and 
executive officers as a group - 51,078.
(d)   Includes the following Eastman Kodak Company common stock 
equivalents, which are held in the Deferred Compensation 
Plan for Directors: M. L. Collins - 281; A. F. Emerson - 
1,698; D. I. Jager - 792; D. E. Lewis - 480; P. H. O'Neill - 
934; J. J. Phelan, Jr. - 4,844; and R. A. Zimmerman - 1,115.
(e)   The total number of shares beneficially owned by all 
directors, nominees and executive officers as a group is 
less than 2 percent of the Company's outstanding shares.

The above table reports beneficial ownership in accordance with 
Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This means 
all Company securities over which the directors, nominees and 
executive officers directly or indirectly have or share voting or 
investment power are listed as beneficially owned. The figures 
above include shares held for the account of the above persons in 
the Eastman Kodak Shares Program and the Kodak Employee Stock 
Ownership Plan, and the interests, if any, of the above persons in 
the Kodak Stock Fund of the Eastman Kodak Employees' Savings and 
Investment Plan, stated in terms of Kodak shares.

                                         COMPENSATION OF NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

The individuals named in the following table were the Company's Chief Executive Officer and the four other highest-paid 
executive officers during 1998.  The figures shown include both amounts paid and amounts deferred.

                                               SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                        Annual Compensation               Long-Term Compensation
                                                                           (Paid or Deferred)
                                ----------------------------------  -------------------------------
                                                                           Awards            Payouts
                                                                    ------------------------ -----------
                                                         Other                    Under-
                                                         Annual     Restricted    lying                   All Other
Name and                                                 Compen-    Stock         Options/   LTIP         Compensa-
Principal Position       Year   Salary        Bonus(a)    sation(b)   Awards(c)       SARs(d)     Payouts(e)    tion(f)
- ------------------       ----   ----------    ---------- ---------  -----------  ----------- -----------  ------------
G. M. C. Fisher          1998   $2,000,000    $1,710,000  $     -   $        0     159,087   $        0    $1,768,222
Chairman & CEO           1997    2,000,000             0        -    4,506,250   2,084,701            0     1,847,065
                         1996    2,000,000     1,725,000        -            0      75,000    1,495,463     1,925,188

D. A. Carp               1998      741,250       545,063   30,334    1,476,800     401,402            0             0
President & COO          1997      677,885             0   52,257            0     151,993            0             0
                         1996      517,309       600,000        -            0      34,000      365,558             0

H. L. Kavetas            1998      635,000       361,950        -            0     101,180            0             0
Executive                1997      625,385             0        -      885,000     237,676            0             0
Vice President & CFO     1996      597,692       450,000        -            0      34,000      728,346             0

C. F. Kohrt              1998      550,000       313,500  340,123            0      71,032            0             0
Executive Vice President 1997      540,385             0   98,384            0      36,674            0             0
& Assistant COO          1996      486,538       400,000        -            0      34,000      365,558        75,000

R. T. Bourns             1998      424,000       194,510        -            0      36,767            0             0
Senior Vice President    1997      445,000       119,568        -            0      27,621            0             0
                         1996      445,000       253,446        -            0      23,000      440,331             0

(a)   This column shows Management Variable Compensation Plan awards for 
services in the year indicated. 
(b)   Where no amount is shown, the value of personal benefits provided 
was less than the minimum amount required to be reported. For D. 
A. Carp the amounts represent tax reimbursement associated with 
expatriate payments. For C. F. Kohrt for 1998, the amount 
represents expatriate payments of $215,794 and tax reimbursement 
of $124,329 and for 1997, the amount represents expatriate 
(c)   The total number and value of restricted stock held as of December 
31, 1998, for each named individual (valued at $72.00 per share) 
are: G. M. C. Fisher - 131,372 shares - $9,458,784; D. A. Carp - 
42,742 shares - $3,077,424;  H. L. Kavetas - 22,810 shares - 
$1,642,320; C. F. Kohrt - 22,742 shares - $1,637,424; and R. T. 
Bourns - 0 shares.  The amount shown for D. A. Carp for 1998 
represents 20,000 shares valued as of the date of grant (May 1, 
1998) at $73.84 per share. Amounts shown for 1997 represent grants 
made in connection with the extension of G. M. C. Fisher's and H. 
L. Kavetas' employment contracts with the shares valued as of the 
date of grant, i.e., G. M. C. Fisher 50,000 shares - $4,506,250 at 
$90.125 per share on February 25, 1997, and H. L. Kavetas 10,000 
shares - $885,000 at $88.50 per share on March 4, 1997. Dividends 
are paid on restricted shares as and when dividends are paid on 
Kodak common stock.
(d)   For G. M. C. Fisher for 1997, this amount includes 2,000,000 stock 
options granted in connection with the extension of his employment 
contract. For H. L. Kavetas for 1997, this amount includes 200,000 
stock options granted in connection with the extension of his 
employment contract.
(e)   No awards were paid for the periods 1996-1998 and 1995-1997 under 
the Performance Stock Program. Amounts for 1996 were paid based on 
performance over the period 1995-1996 and computed as of the date 
of award, February 13, 1997, at $92.3125 per share. The value of 
these shares as of December 31, 1998, is included in footnote (c). 
All these awards were paid in shares of restricted stock, which 
restrictions lapse upon attainment of age 60. Dividends are paid 
on the restricted shares as and when dividends are paid on Kodak 
common stock.
(f)   For G. M. C. Fisher for 1998, this amount includes $1,738,382 of 
principal and interest forgiven by the Company with respect to two 
loans described under the heading "Employment Contracts" on page 
42 and $29,840 for life insurance premiums; for 1997, this amount 
includes $1,819,805 of principal and interest forgiven and $27,180 
for life insurance premiums; for 1996 this amount includes 
$1,901,388 of principal and interest forgiven and $23,800 for life 
insurance premiums. For C. F. Kohrt for 1996, the amount is a 
special recognition award paid in connection with repositioning of 
the Office Imaging Business. 

                                              OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                      Individual Grants
                 Number of   Percentage                                 
                 Securities  of Total                                     
                 Underlying  Options/SARs                               
                 Options/    Granted to      Exercise or                
                 SARs        Employees       Base Price   Expiration      Grant Date
Name             Granted     in Fiscal Year  Per Share    Date            Present Value (f) 
- ---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  ----------      ----------------

G. M. C. Fisher       4,087(a)      .001%      $61.594       3/12/08            $   72,544
                    155,000(b)(c)    .011        65.906       4/01/08             3,087,600

D. A. Carp            1,402(a)      .001        61.594       3/12/08                24,886
                    100,000(b)(c)    .008        65.906       4/01/08             1,992,000
                    300,000(d)      .022        73.844       4/30/08             6,558,000

H. L. Kavetas         1,180(a)      .001        61.594       3/12/08                20,945
                    100,000(b)(c)    .008        65.906       4/01/08             1,992,000

C. F. Kohrt           1,032(a)      .001        61.594       3/12/08                18,318
                     70,000(b)(c)    .005        65.906       4/01/08             1,394,400

R. T. Bourns            767(a)      .001        61.594       3/12/08                13,614
                     26,000(b)(c)    .002        65.906       4/01/08               517,920
                     10,000(e)(c)    .001        66.656       3/01/08               199,200

(a)   These options were awarded under the Wage Dividend 
Plan and are immediately vested.
(b)   These options were awarded under the Spring 1998 stock 
option grant.
(c)   One third of the options vest on each of the first 
three anniversaries of the grant date. Termination of 
employment, for other than death or a permitted 
reason, prior to the first anniversary of the grant 
date, results in forfeiture of the options. 
Thereafter, termination of employment prior to vesting 
results in forfeiture of the options unless the 
termination is due to retirement, death, disability or 
an approved reason. Vesting accelerates upon death.
(d)   These options were awarded under the 1995 Omnibus 
Long-Term Compensation Plan and the 1997 Stock Option 
Plan. One third of these options vest on each of the 
third, fourth and fifth anniversaries of the date of 
grant. Termination of employment, for other than death 
or a permitted reason, prior to the first anniversary 
of the grant date, results in forfeiture of the 
options. Thereafter, termination of employment prior 
to vesting results in forfeiture of the options unless 
the termination is due to retirement, death, 
disability or an approved reason. Vesting accelerates 
upon death.
(e)   These options were awarded under the 1998 Management 
Recognition Subplan to the 1995 Omnibus Long-Term 
Compensation Plan.
(f)   The present value of these options was determined 
using the Black-Scholes model of option valuation in a 
manner consistent with the requirements of Statement 
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, "Accounting 
for Stock-Based Compensation".


                                                Number of
                                                Securities                        Value of Unexercised
                                                Unexercised                       in-the-money
                  Number                        Options/SARs at                   Options/SARs at
                  of                            Fiscal Year-End                   Fiscal Year-End*
                  Shares                        -----------------------------     -----------------------------
                  Acquired on      Value
Name              Exercise          Realized     Exercisable     Unexercisable     Exercisable     Unexercisable
- --------------    ------------     ----------  ------------    --------------     ------------    -------------


G. M. C. Fisher              0       $       0    1,662,402        1,729,925        $25,196,500     $  949,240

D. A. Carp               5,760         319,962      159,959          511,222          1,913,387        611,517

H. L. Kavetas                0               0      116,224          484,632             94,035      6,423,517

C. F. Kohrt                  0               0      113,725          104,632          1,675,825        428,697

R. T. Bourns             3,757         149,981      122,848           60,975          2,721,058        213,316

*   Based on the closing price on the New York Stock Exchange - Composite Transactions of the Company's 
    common stock on December 31, 1998, of $72.00 per share.

Long-Term Incentive Plan
Each February the Executive Compensation and Development 
Committee approves a three-year performance cycle under the 
Performance Stock Program. Participation in the program is 
limited to senior executives. Awards under each cycle are 
contingent upon achieving a performance goal established by the 
Committee. The performance goal is total shareholder return by 
the Company equal to at least that earned over the same period by 
a company at the 50th percentile in terms of total shareholder 
return within the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price 
Index. After the close of a cycle, the Committee determines 
whether the performance goal was achieved and, if so, calculates 
the percentage of each participant's target award earned. No 
award is paid unless the performance goal is achieved. Fifty 
percent of the target award is earned if the performance goal is 
achieved. One hundred percent of the target award is earned if 
total shareholder return for the cycle equals that of a company 
at the 60th percentile within the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite 
Stock Price Index. In determining the actual award to be paid to 
a participant, the Committee has the discretion to reduce or 
eliminate the award earned, based upon any criteria it deems 
appropriate. Awards, if any, are paid in the form of restricted 
stock, which restrictions lapse at age 60. The table below shows 
the threshold (i.e., attainment of the performance goal), target 
and maximum number of shares for the Chief Executive Officer and 
the other named executive officers for each cycle.
Individuals who participate for less than the full performance 
cycle are eligible for only a prorated award based upon the 
length of their participation.
No awards were earned for the 1996-1998 performance cycle as 
shown in the "LTIP Payouts" column of the Summary Compensation 
Table shown on page 35.


                   of             Performance     Estimated Future Payouts Under
                   Shares,        or Other        Non-Stock Price-Based Plans
                   Units or       Period Until   -----------------------------------------
                   Other          Maturation     Threshold        Target         Maximum
                   Rights         or Payout      # of Shares     # of Shares   # of Shares
- ----------------   -------------  -------------  -----------    ------------   -----------

G. M. C. Fisher    N/A            1996-1998       6,750         13,500         20,250
                                  1997-1999       6,750         13,500         20,250
                                  1998-2000       6,750         13,500         20,250

D. A. Carp         N/A            1996-1998       3,288          6,575          9,863
                                  1997-1999       4,250          8,500         12,750
                                  1998-2000       4,250          8,500         12,750

H. L. Kavetas      N/A            1996-1998       3,288          6,575          9,863
                                  1997-1999       3,288          6,575          9,863
                                  1998-2000       3,288          6,575          9,863

C. F. Kohrt        N/A            1996-1998       3,288          6,575          9,863
                                  1997-1999       3,288          6,575          9,863
                                  1998-2000       3,288          6,575          9,863

R. T. Bourns       N/A            1996-1998       1,988          3,975          5,963
                                  1997-1999       1,988          3,975          5,963
                                  1998-2000       1,988          3,975          5,963

                             EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS
The Company employs Mr. Fisher under a contract which terminates 
on December 31, 2000.  In addition to information found elsewhere 
in this Proxy Statement, this contract provides:
    -  two loans to Mr. Fisher in the total amount of $8,284,400 
       which were fully forgiven as of November 2, 1998;
    -  credit for years of service under the Company's benefit 
       plans, including 22 years of deemed service and five 
       additional years of age for the retirement plan.  Any 
       pension benefit payable to Mr. Fisher will be reduced by 
       pension paid from his prior employer;
    -  life insurance equal to 3.5 times his base salary; and
    -  a disability benefit equal to 60 percent of his base 
If Mr. Fisher's employment is terminated without cause, including 
following a change In control, Mr. Fisher is entitled to three 
years of salary continuation, immediate vesting of stock options, 
lapsing of restrictions on restricted stock and payment of unpaid 
bonuses.  Mr. Fisher is entitled to reimbursement for taxes on 
certain payments, including any amounts constituting "parachute 
payments" under the Internal Revenue Code.
The Company employs Mr. Kavetas under a contract which terminates 
on February 10, 2001.  The contract provides credit for years of 
service under the Company's benefit plans.  For calculating his 
pension benefit, Mr. Kavetas receives credit for five years of 
service for each of the first five years of employment and 3.5 
years of service for the sixth and seventh years of employment.  
Any pension benefit payable to Mr. Kavetas will be reduced by 
pension payments from Mr. Kavetas' prior employer.  If employment 
terminates due to death, Mr. Kavetas' estate is entitled to three 
months' salary.  If he is terminated without cause he is entitled 
to 18 months' salary, vesting of stock options and lapsing of 
restrictions on restricted stock.
Termination of Employment
The Company has a general severance arrangement available to 
substantially all U.S. employees which provides two weeks of pay 
for every year of service with a maximum of 52 weeks.

The Company has a severance agreement with Mr. Bourns.  The 
agreement assures Mr. Bourns that he will not forfeit his awards 
and bonuses under the Company's compensation plans due to his 
retirement.  Also, the Company has agreed to continue to provide 
a post-retirement survivor income benefit to Mr. Bourns' spouse 
in the event the Company terminates or modifies this plan 
benefit.  Finally, the agreement permits Mr. Bourns to continue 
to participate in the Company's financial consulting program for 
a two-year period.

Change In Control Arrangements 
In the event of a change In control of the Company which causes 
the Company's stock to cease active trading on the New York Stock 
Exchange, the Company will make the following payments within 90 
days after the change In control:
    -  to each participant in the Executive Deferred Compensation 
       Plan, the amount in his or her account; 
    -  to each participant in the Management Variable
       Compensation Plan, a pro rata target award for the year in 
       which the event occurs and payment of any other awards not 
       yet paid; and 
    -  to each holder of a stock option or stock appreciation 
       right, the difference between the exercise price and the 
       change In control price.  

                           RETIREMENT PLAN
The Company funds a tax-qualified, defined benefit pension plan 
for virtually all U.S. employees.  Retirement income benefits are 
based upon an employee's "average participating compensation" 
(APC). The Plan defines APC as one-third of the sum of the 
employee's "participating compensation" for the highest 
consecutive 39 periods of earnings over the 10-year period ending 
immediately prior to retirement or termination.  "Participating 
compensation," in the case of the executive officers included in 
the Summary Compensation Table, is base salary and Management 
Variable Compensation Plan awards, including allowances in lieu 
of salary for authorized periods of absence, such as illness, 
vacation or holidays.
For an employee with up to 35 years of accrued service, the 
annual normal retirement income benefit is calculated by 
multiplying the employee's years of accrued service by the sum of 
(a) 1.3 percent of APC, plus (b) .3 percent of APC in excess of 
the average Social Security wage base.  For an employee with more 
than 35 years of accrued service, the amount is increased by one 
percent for each year in excess of 35 years.
The retirement income benefit is not subject to any deductions 
for Social Security benefits or other offsets.  Officers are 
entitled to benefits on the same basis as other employees.  The 
normal form of benefit is an annuity, but a lump sum payment is 
available in some limited situations. 

PENSION PLAN TABLE - Annual Retirement Income Benefit
Straight Life Annuity Beginning at Age 65

                                   Years of Service
Remuneration             25         30          35          40           45     
- -------------       ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
$  500,000          $  200,000  $  240,000  $  280,000  $  294,000  $  308,000
 1,000,000             400,000     480,000     560,000     588,000     616,000
 1,500,000             600,000     720,000     840,000     882,000     924,000
 2,000,000             800,000     960,000   1,120,000   1,176,000   1,232,000
 2,500,000           1,000,000   1,200,000   1,400,000   1,470,000   1,540,000
 3,000,000           1,200,000   1,440,000   1,680,000   1,764,000   1,848,000
 3,500,000           1,400,000   1,680,000   1,960,000   2,058,000   2,156,000
 4,000,000           1,600,000   1,920,000   2,240,000   2,352,000   2,464,000
 4,500,000           1,800,000   2,160,000   2,520,000   2,646,000   2,772,000
 5,000,000           2,000,000   2,400,000   2,800,000   2,940,000   3,080,000

NOTE:  For purposes of this table Remuneration means APC.  To the extent that any employee's annual retirement 
income benefit exceeds the amount payable from the Company's funded Plan, it is paid from one or more unfunded 
supplementary plans.

The following table shows the years of service credited as of 
December 31, 1998, to each of the five employees named in the 
Summary Compensation Table.  This table also shows the amount of 
each named employee's APC at the end of 1998.

                               RETIREMENT PLAN

                              Years of          
                              Service               APC
                              --------          -------------
G. M. C. Fisher               27(a)               $3,794,998
D. A. Carp                    28                    936,761
H. L. Kavetas                 29(b)                1,061,643
C. F. Kohrt                   27                    722,438
R. T. Bourns                  40                    671,246

(a)   Mr. Fisher is credited with 22 extra years of service for 
purposes of calculating his retirement benefit.
(b)   Mr. Kavetas is credited with 24 extra years of service for 
purposes of calculating his retirement benefit.

In the event of a change In control, a participant whose 
employment is terminated, for a reason other than death, 
disability, cause or voluntary resignation, within five years of 
such event is given up to five additional years of service.  In 
addition, where the participant is age 50 or over on the date of 
the change In control, up to five additional years of age is given 
for the following plan purposes:  
    -  to determine eligibility for early and normal retirement, 
    -  to determine eligibility for a vested right, and 
    -  to calculate the amount of retirement benefit.  
The actual number of years of service and years of age that is 
given to such a participant decreases proportionately depending 
upon the number of years that elapse between the date of a change 
In control and the date of the participant's termination of 
employment.  Further, if the plan is terminated within five years 
after a change In control, the benefit for each plan participant 
will be calculated as indicated above.

The Company's executive compensation plans aim to:
    -  Tie compensation to performance consistent with Company
       values and with increasing shareholder value.
    -  Attract and retain talented management by paying 
       compensation competitive with the compensation paid by 
       similar companies.
    -  Link compensation both to short-term and long-term Company 
    -  Increase senior management's stock ownership.
Types of Compensation
There are two main types of compensation:
    -  Annual Compensation.  This includes salary and bonus.
    -  Long-Term Compensation.  This includes stock options and a 
       performance stock program that pays awards in restricted 

Factors to be Considered in Determining Compensation 

Survey Data: The Executive Compensation and Development Committee 
is composed entirely of independent outside directors. The 
Committee sets overall targeted levels of compensation, both 
annual compensation and long-term incentives, for the Chief 
Executive Officer, President, Executive Vice Presidents and Senior 
Vice Presidents. The Committee wants management compensation to be 
competitive with the compensation paid by similar companies. Each 
year, the Company participates in surveys prepared by outside 
consultants. The companies included in these surveys are those 
that we compete with for executive talent. Most, but not all, of 
these companies are included in the Dow Jones Industrial Index 
shown in the Performance Graph on page 51. Based largely on the 
median compensation of these surveyed companies, the Committee 
sets the target compensation of the Company's executives.
Management Appraisal Process: Management compensation is also 
determined through our management appraisal process. This process 
consists of two parts: the Management Performance Commitment 
Process (MPCP) and Touchstone Review.
We use the MPCP to reinforce a performance-based culture, to focus 
and coordinate our efforts and, most importantly, to improve 
performance. In the first step of this process, each member of 
management at the start of the year develops specific and 
measurable goals in the following three areas:
    -  shareholder satisfaction,
    -  customer satisfaction, and
    -  employee satisfaction/public responsibility. 

To achieve a common, Company-wide focus, managers align their 
goals and efforts both across the entire Company and throughout 
all levels of the Company. The criteria used to measure 
achievement of these goals are: financial performance, achievement 
of diversity goals, employee development, quality and cycle time 
and customer satisfaction.
Periodically and at year-end, each manager's performance is 
measured against his or her goals.
The final step of the process links compensation to results. The 
manager's MPCP score plays a significant role in determining his 
or her base salary, stock option grant and annual bonus.
The other part of our management appraisal process is the 
Touchstone Review. This is an annual questionnaire which measures 
a manager's practice of the five Company values: 
    -  respect for the dignity of the individual
    -  integrity
    -  trust
    -  credibility
    -  continuous improvement and personal renewal
A manager's peers and subordinates complete the questionnaire. The 
results are included in the appraisal process and have an impact 
on the manager's base salary, stock option grant and annual bonus.
Stock Ownership Requirements: The Company has stock ownership 
requirements for its senior executives. Senior executives must own 
common stock of the Company worth a multiple of salary. The 
multiples range from one times salary to four times salary for the 
Today, these requirements apply to approximately 25 executives, 
all of whom have either satisfied or are on track to satisfy the 
Annual Compensation
Annual compensation for our executives includes salary and bonus 
under our annual incentive plan.
Base Salary: The Company determines a manager's salary based on 
individual performance and comparisons to executive compensation 
in similar companies. Individual performance is measured through 
our MVCP and Touchstone Review. 
Bonuses: Under the Company's annual bonus plan, the Management 
Variable Compensation Plan (MVCP), a target bonus is set for each 
manager. The target, which is a percentage of salary, varies 
depending on the manager's position in the Company. For 1998, 
target bonuses range from 18 percent of base salary to 90 percent 
of base salary for the CEO.
In 1998, MVCPs sole performance measure to determine the award 
pool for the year was Economic Profit/EVA. Using Economic 
Profit/EVA, the Committee established at the beginning of the year 
a performance threshold for the year. The plan provides that no 
bonuses will be paid to the Company's "covered employees" if the 
performance threshold is not met. Company performance equal to or 
greater than the year's performance threshold determines the size 
of the award pool for such year. The total amount of all bonuses 
for a given year cannot exceed the amount of the award pool for 
the year. The Committee awards bonuses from the award pool using 
the results of the management appraisal process.
1998 Bonuses: During 1998, the Company aimed to increase revenue, 
grow market share, continue cost-reduction activities, and improve 
earnings. The Company introduced the use of Economic Profit/EVA as 
its performance measure for its bonus pool. During 1998, 
management goals also focused on:
    -  customer satisfaction,
    -  product leadership,
    -  employee training and development, and
    -  diversity.
In 1998, the Company exceeded its Economic Profit/EVA threshold. 
Performance results across the different goals ranged from very 
strong to disappointing.  Overall, Company results showed 
excellent progress.
The Summary Compensation Table on page 35 lists for 1998 the 
awards for the CEO and the four other highest-paid executive 
Long-Term Compensation
The Company's long-term compensation program consists of stock 
options and a performance stock program. The purpose of both types 
of awards is to increase shareholder value.
Stock Options: Stock options tie compensation directly to the 
future value of the Company's common stock. Our managers gain only 
when you gain-when the price of our common stock rises.
To determine the size of individual grants for 1998, the Committee 
reviewed survey data covering other companies' practices. Most of 
the companies included in these surveys are the same companies 
used in the surveys of annual cash compensation. The Committee 
used median survey values as reference points to determine the 
size of option grants. The Committee also considered the frequency 
with which other companies grant stock options, as well as the 
number of options granted by the Company to its managers in prior 
years. The Committee granted stock options in 1998 to all Company 
managers at market price for a term of ten years. The 1998 stock 
option awards for the CEO and the four other highest-paid 
executive officers appear on page 37. For those who received no 
bonus payment in 1997, the stock option award was greater than 
their normal target award grant.
Performance Stock Program: The Performance Stock Program is a 
multi-year program for the Company's senior executives. The 
purpose of the program is to focus the attention of senior 
management on the long-term results of the Company. A description 
of the program, as well as the threshold, target and maximum 
awards for the CEO and the four other highest-paid executive 
officers, appear on page 40.
The performance threshold for the 1996-1998 performance cycle was 
shareholder return equal to at least that earned over the same 
period by a company at the 50th percentile in terms of shareholder 
return within the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price 
Index. For the 1996-1998 performance cycle, the Company's 
shareholder return was equal to the 22nd percentile company in the 
Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index. Due to the 
Company's failure to achieve threshold performance, no awards were 
paid for the 1996-1998 performance cycle.
Wage Dividend
In 1998, management employees also participated in the Wage 
Dividend Plan, an annual profit-sharing plan for all U.S. 
employees. For managers, the plan's sole performance measure was 
Economic Profit/EVA. If the Plan's Economic Profit/EVA threshold 
is met in a given year, all employees receive awards based on the 
same percentage of their earnings for the year. The level of 
Economic Profit/EVA determines this percentage. For 1998, the 
percentage was 6.52%. Awards for all management employees are paid 
in the form of stock options. The 1998 Wage Dividend awards for 
the CEO and the four other highest-paid executive officers appear 
on page 37.

Beginning in 1999, management-level participants will no longer 
participate in the U.S. Wage Dividend Plan as well as similar 
plans in other countries.  This action was taken to reinforce MVCP 
as the Company's only annual incentive award for managers.  As a 
result of this change, target award levels under MVCP were 

New Plans

The Committee reviewed and approved two new plans, summaries of 
which appear in this proxy statement.  They are 2000 Omnibus Long-
Term Compensation Plan (page 11) and 2000 Management Variable 
Compensation Plan (page 17).  East plan is a follow-on plan to one 
approved by shareowners in 1995, which expires at the end of 1999.  
The new plans are necessary to provide an on-going basis for 
short-term and long-term compensation.  

Chief Executive Officer Compensation
Mr. Fisher joined the Company in October 1993. His employment 
agreement with the Company covers a period of five years. An 
amendment to this agreement in February 1997 extended Mr. Fisher's 
employment until December 31, 2000. Under the terms of Mr. 
Fisher's extension, he was granted 50,000 shares of restricted 
stock and 2,000,000 stock options. The restrictions on the 
restricted stock lapse on January 1, 2001. The exercise price of 
the stock options is $90.125, the closing price of the Company's 
common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on February 25, 1997. 
Other details of his agreement appear on page 42.
During 1998, as in the past four years, no change was made to Mr. 
Fisher's salary of $2,000,000. This amount is set under the terms 
of Mr. Fisher's employment agreement. 
The Committee used the CEO's results under the management 
appraisal process to determine his bonus and stock option award 
for the year. Based upon the Company's performance described 
earlier in this Report, Mr. Fisher received a bonus of $1,710,000 
for 1998. The Committee granted Mr. Fisher 155,000 stock options 
in 1998 as shown in the Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year 
Table on page 37.
Leadership and Development
The Committee reviewed the Company's leadership and organization 
development plans, as well as the Company's profiles for 
succession candidates. It also discussed the Company's executive 
compensation strategies. These are designed to provide leaders 
capable of creating effective organizations and executing business 
strategies that will drive the success of the Company. In 
addition, the Committee reviewed diversity activities and goals as 
part of the Company's diversity program.
Company Policy on Qualifying Compensation
Under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Company may 
not deduct certain forms of compensation in excess of $1,000,000 
paid to any of the senior executives named in the Summary 
Compensation Table. The Committee believes that, while there may 
be circumstances in which the Company's interests are best served 
by maintaining flexibility whether or not the compensation is 
fully deductible under Section 162(m), it is generally in the 
Company's best interests to comply with Section 162(m).
Other Committee Action
Supporting the Company's encouragement of stock ownership by all 
employees and believing such a program will reinforce the efforts 
of employees and further encourage them to act as owners, the 
Committee approved a grant of 100 stock options to all non-
management employees of the Company. The grant was made on April 
2, 1998.
The Committee also agreed to continue the Stock Option Recognition 
Program (SORP) through 1999. This program provides for the use of 
stock options as special recognition awards for significant 
contributions. Awards from SORP can generally be made only to 
employees who are not participants in the management-level stock 
option plan. 

    Richard S. Braddock (Chairman)
    Alice F. Emerson
    Durk I. Jager
    John J. Phelan, Jr.
The following graph compares the performance of the Company's 
common stock with the performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 
Composite Stock Price Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Index, by 
measuring the changes in common stock prices from December 31, 
1993 plus assumed reinvested dividends.

[graph omitted]

                12/31/93 12/31/94 12/31/95 12/31/96 12/31/97 12/31/98
                -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Eastman Kodak   $100.00  $111.00  $160.00  $196.00  $152.00  $185.00

S&P 500 Index    100.00   101.00   139.00   171.00   228.00   286.00

Dow Jones        100.00   105.00   144.00   185.00   232.00   273.00

The graph assumes that $100 was invested on December 31, 1993, in 
each of the Company's common stock, the Standard & Poor's 500 
Composite Stock Price Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Index, 
and that all dividends were reinvested. In addition, the graph 
weighs the constituent companies on the basis of their respective 
market capitalizations, measured at the beginning of each relevant 
time period.

By Order of the Board of Directors
/s/ Joyce P. Haag
Joyce P. Haag
Eastman Kodak Company
March 24, 1999

[map omitted]

Parking for the Meeting is available in Lot 42 between Eastman 
Avenue and Merrill Street.  A shuttle service will run between the 
parking lot and the Theater on the Ridge beginning at 
approximately 8:30 AM, and ending approximately one hour after the 
conclusion of the Meeting.  The Visitor Parking Lot will not be 
available for shareholder parking for this Meeting.

                                        DEFINITIVE COPY      



This Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors.

The undersigned hereby appoints George M. C. Fisher and Joyce P. 
Haag, and each of them, as Proxies with full power of 
substitution, to vote, as designated on the reverse side, for 
director substitutes if any nominee becomes unavailable, and in 
their discretion, on matters properly brought before the Meeting 
and on matters incident to the conduct of the Meeting, all of the 
shares of common stock of Eastman Kodak Company which the 
undersigned has power to vote at the Annual Meeting of 
shareholders to be held on May 12, 1999, or any adjournment 

NOMINEES FOR DIRECTOR: Richard S. Braddock, Daniel A. Carp,
                       Durk I. Jager and Richard A. Zimmerman


This Proxy will be voted as directed.  If no direction to the 
contrary is indicated, it will be voted as follows:
   FOR the election of all nominees for director;
   FOR the ratification of election of independent accountants;
   FOR approval of 2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan;
   FOR approval of 2000 Management Variable Compensation Plan;
   AGAINST the shareholder proposal requesting an executive 
     compensation review; 
   AGAINST the shareholder proposal requesting annual 
     election of all directors; and 
   AGAINST the shareholder proposal requesting additional 
     environmental disclosure. 

    (CONTINUED, and To Be Signed and Dated on the REVERSE SIDE)

                                          SEE REVERSE SIDE

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Items 1-4.

1.    Election of                 FOR        WITHHOLD
      Directors                              AUTHORITY
                                   0             0
      (01) Richard S. Braddock     
      (02) Daniel A. Carp
      (03) Durk I. Jager
      (04) Richard A. Zimmerman0
To withhold authority to vote for any particular nominee(s), write 
the name(s) above.

2.    Ratification            FOR        AGAINST       ABSTAIN
      of Election
      of Independent
      Accountants              0           0              0  

3.    Approval of             FOR        AGAINST       ABSTAIN
      2000 Omnibus Long-Term 
      Compensation Plan        0           0              0

4.    Approval of             FOR        AGAINST       ABSTAIN
      2000 Management Variable
      Compensation Plan        0           0              0  

The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Items 5-7.

5.    Shareholder             FOR         AGAINST       ABSTAIN
      Executive Compensation
      Review                   0           0              0  

6.    Shareholder             FOR         AGAINST       ABSTAIN
      Annual Election of All
      Directors                0           0              0  

7.    Shareholder             FOR         AGAINST       ABSTAIN
      Disclosure               0           0              0  

If you receive more than one Annual Report at the address shown on 
this proxy card and have no need for the extra copy, please check 
the box at the right.  This will not affect the distribution of 
dividends or proxy statements.                0

I plan to attend the
Annual Meeting.                0

I plan to bring
a guest.                       0

When completed, promptly forward this card to:  Proxy Services, 
EquiServe, P. O. Box 9370, Boston, MA  02205-9940.

SIGNATURE(s)                                  DATE
NOTE:  Please sign exactly as the name appears on this card.  
Joint owners must each sign.  When signing as attorney, executor, 
administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title.

                           Appendix I
                   EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY

Article                                                 Page

1.   Purpose and Term of Plan                             1

2.   Definitions                                          2

3.   Eligibility                                         11

4.   Plan Administration                                 12

5.   Forms of Awards                                     14

6.   Shares Subject to Plan                              16

7.   Performance Awards                                  18

8.   Stock Options                                       21

9.   Stock Appreciation Rights                           23

10.  Stock Awards                                        25

11.  Performance Units                                   26

12.  Performance Shares                                  27

13.  Performance Stock Program                           28

14.  Payment of Awards                                   32
15.  Dividend and Dividend Equivalents                   35

16.  Deferral of Awards                                  36

17.  Change In Ownership                                 37

18.  Change In Control                                   40

19.  Miscellaneous                                       43

copyright 1998, Eastman Kodak Company


1.1   Purpose

The purpose of the Plan is to provide motivation to selected 
Employees and Directors to put forth maximum efforts toward the 
continued growth, profitability, and success of the Company by 
providing incentives to such Employees and Directors through the 
ownership and performance of Kodak Common Stock.  

1.2   Term

The Plan will become effective on January 1, 2000, subject to its 
approval by Kodak's shareholders at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the 
Shareholders.  Awards may not be granted after December 31, 2004; 
except that the Committee may grant Awards after this date in 
recognition of performance for Performance Cycles commencing prior 
to such date.


In any necessary construction of a provision of this Plan, the 
masculine gender may include the feminine, and the singular may 
include the plural, and vice versa.  This Plan should be construed 
in a manner consistent with the intent of Kodak to establish an 
omnibus long-term compensation plan subject to fixed accounting 

2.1   Approved Reason

"Approved Reason" means a reason for terminating employment with 
the Company which, in the opinion of the Committee, is in the best 
interests of the Company.

2.2   Award

"Award" means any form of stock option, stock appreciation right, 
Stock Award, performance unit, performance share, Performance 
Award, shares of Common Stock under the Performance Stock Program, 
or other incentive award granted under the Plan, whether singly, 
in combination, or in tandem, to a Participant by the Committee 
pursuant to such terms, conditions, restrictions and/or 
limitations, if any, as the Committee may establish by the Award 
Notice or otherwise.

2.3   Award Notice

"Award Notice" means the written document establishing the terms, 
conditions, restrictions, and/or limitations of an Award in 
addition to those established by this Plan and by the Committee's 
exercise of its administrative powers.  The Committee will 
establish the form of the written document in the exercise of its 
sole and absolute discretion.  The Committee may, but need not, 
require a Participant to sign a copy of the Award Notice as a 
precondition to receiving an Award.

2.4   Award Payment Date

"Award Payment Date" means, for a Performance Cycle, the date the 
Awards for such Performance Cycle shall be paid to Participants.  
The Award Payment Date for a Performance Cycle shall occur as soon 
as administratively possible following the completion of the 
certifications required pursuant to Subsection 13.5(c).

2.5   Board

"Board" means the Board of Directors of Kodak.

2.6   Capital Charge

"Capital Charge" means, for a Performance Period, the amount 
obtained by multiplying the Cost of Capital for the Performance 
Period by the Operating Net Assets for the Performance Period.

2.7   Cause

"Cause" means (a) the willful and continued failure by an Employee 
to substantially perform his or her duties with his or her 
employer after written warnings identifying the lack of 
substantial performance are delivered to the Employee by his or 
her employer to specifically identify the manner in which the 
employer believes that the Employee has not substantially 
performed his or her duties, or (b) the willful engaging by an 
Employee in illegal conduct which is materially and demonstrably 
injurious to Kodak or a Subsidiary.

2.8   CEO

"CEO" means the Chief Executive Officer of Kodak.

2.9   Change In Control

"Change In Control" means a change in control of Kodak of a nature 
that would be required to be reported (assuming such event has not 
been "previously reported") in response to Item 1(a) of the 
Current Report on Form 8-K, as in effect on August 1, 1989, 
pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act; provided 
that, without limitation, a Change In Control shall be deemed to 
have occurred at such time as (i) any "person" within the meaning 
of Section 14(d) of the Exchange Act, other than Kodak, a 
Subsidiary, or any employee benefit plan(s) sponsored by Kodak or 
any Subsidiary, is or has become the "beneficial owner," as 
defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, directly or 
indirectly, of 25% or more of the combined voting power of the 
outstanding securities of Kodak ordinarily having the right to 
vote at the election of directors, or (ii) individuals who 
constitute the Board on January 1, 2000 (the "Incumbent Board") 
have ceased for any reason to constitute at least a majority 
thereof, provided that any person becoming a director subsequent 
to January 1, 2000 whose election, or nomination for election by 
Kodak's shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least three-
quarters (3/4) of the directors comprising the Incumbent Board 
(either by a specific vote or by approval of the proxy statement 
of Kodak in which such person is named as a nominee for director 
without objection to such nomination) shall be, for purposes of 
this Plan, considered as though such person were a member of the 
Incumbent Board.

2.10  Change In Control Price

"Change In Control Price" means the highest closing price per 
share paid for the purchase of Common Stock on the New York Stock 
Exchange during the ninety (90) day period ending on the date the 
Change In Control occurs.

2.11  Change In Ownership

"Change In Ownership" means a Change In Control that results 
directly or indirectly in Kodak's Common Stock ceasing to be 
actively traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

2.12  Code

"Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from 
time to time, including regulations thereunder and successor 
provisions and regulations thereto.

2.13  Committee

"Committee" means the Executive Compensation and Development 
Committee of the Board, or such other Board committee as may be 
designated by the Board to administer the Plan; provided that the 
Committee shall consist of three or more directors, all of whom 
are both a "Non-Employee Director" within the meaning of Rule 16b-
3 under the Exchange Act and an "outside director" within the 
meaning of the definition of such term as contained in Proposed 
Treasury Regulation Section 1.162-27(e)(3), or any successor 
definition adopted.

2.14  Common Stock

"Common Stock" means common stock, $2.50 par value per share, of 
Kodak that may be newly issued or treasury stock.

2.15  Company

"Company" means Kodak and its Subsidiaries.

2.16  Cost of Capital

"Cost of Capital" means, for a Performance Period, the estimated 
weighted average of the Company's cost of equity and cost of debt 
for the Performance Period as determined by the Committee in its 
sole and absolute discretion.  The Committee will determine the 
Cost of Capital for a Performance Period within the first 90 days 
of the Performance Period.

2.17  Covered Employee

"Covered Employee" means an Employee who is a "Covered Employee" 
within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.

2.18  Director

"Director" means a non-employee member of the Board.

2.19  Disability

"Disability" means a disability under the terms of the long-term 
disability plan maintained by the Participant's employer, or in 
the absence of such a plan, the Kodak Long-Term Disability Plan.

2.20  Economic Profit

"Economic Profit" means, for a Performance Period, the Net 
Operating Profit After Tax that remains after subtracting the 
Capital Charge for such Performance Period.  Economic Profit may 
be expressed as follows: Economic Profit = Net Operating Profit 
After Tax - Capital Charge.  Economic Profit may be either 
positive or negative.

2.21  Economic Value Added or EVA

"Economic Value Added or EVA" means Economic Profit for the 
current year minus Economic Profit for the immediately prior year.

2.22  Effective Date

"Effective Date" means the date an Award is determined to be 
effective by the Committee upon its grant of such Award.

2.23  Employee

"Employee" means: (a) any person employed by Kodak on a full or 
part time basis; (b) any person employed by a Subsidiary on a full 
or part time basis; or (c) any person employed by a foreign 
country identified in writing by the Committee who is providing 
services to a Subsidiary pursuant to a written contract between 
such country and the Company and who would, but for the laws of 
such country, otherwise be classified by the Subsidiary as an 

2.24  Exchange Act

"Exchange Act" means the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as 
amended from time to time, including rules thereunder and 
successor provision and rules thereto.

2.25  Key Employee

"Key Employee" means a senior level Employee who holds a position 
of responsibility in a managerial, administrative, or professional 

2.26  Kodak

"Kodak" means Eastman Kodak Company.

2.27  Negative Discretion

"Negative Discretion" means the discretion authorized by the Plan 
to be applied by the Committee in determining the size of an Award 
for a Performance Period or Performance Cycle if, in the 
Committee's sole judgment, such application is appropriate.  
Negative Discretion may only be used by the Committee to eliminate 
or reduce the size of an Award.  By way of example and not by way 
of limitation, in no event shall any discretionary authority 
granted to the Committee by the Plan, including, but not limited 
to Negative Discretion, be used to: (a) grant Awards for a 
Performance Period or Performance Cycle if the Performance Goals 
for such Performance Period or Performance Cycle have not been 
attained; or (b) increase an Award above the maximum amount 
payable under Sections 7.5, 8.6, 9.6 or 13.6 of the Plan.

2.28  Net Operating Profit After Tax

"Net Operating Profit After Tax" means, for a Performance Period, 
the after-tax operating earnings of the Company for the 
Performance Period adjusted for interest expense and Wang in-
process R&D.  The Committee is authorized at any time during the 
first 90 days of a Performance Period, or at any time thereafter 
in its sole and absolute discretion, to adjust or modify the 
calculation of Net Operating Profit After Tax for such Performance 
Period in order to prevent the dilution or enlargement of the 
rights of Participants, (a) in the event of, or in anticipation 
of, any dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of 
cash, securities or other property), re-capitalization, 
restructuring, reorganization, merger, consolidation, spin off, 
combination, repurchase, share exchange, liquidation, dissolution, 
or other similar corporate transaction, event or development; (b) 
in recognition of, or in anticipation of, any other unusual or 
nonrecurring events affecting the Company, or the financial 
statements of the Company, or in response to, or in anticipation 
of, changes in applicable laws, regulations, accounting 
principles, or business conditions; (c) in recognition of, or in 
anticipation of, any other extraordinary gains or losses, and (d) 
in view of the Committee's assessment of the business strategy of 
the Company, performance of comparable organizations, economic and 
business conditions, and any other circumstances deemed relevant.  
However, if and to the extent the exercise of such authority after 
the first 90 days of a Performance Period would cause the Awards 
granted to the Covered Employees for the Performance Period to 
fail to qualify as "Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 
162(m) of the Code, then such authority shall only be exercised 
with respect to those Participants who are not Covered Employees.

2.29  Operating Net Assets

"Operating Net Assets" means, for a Performance Period, the net 
investment used in the operations of the Company.  Operating Net 
Assets is calculated from the Company's audited consolidated 
financial statements as being total assets minus non-interest-
bearing liabilities adjusted for LIFO inventories, postemployment 
benefits other than pensions (OPEB) and Wang in-process R&D.  The 
Committee is authorized at any time during a Performance Period to 
adjust or modify the calculation of Operating Net Assets for such 
Performance Period in order to prevent the dilution or enlargement 
of the rights of Participants, (a) in the event of, or in 
anticipation of, any dividend or other distribution (whether in 
the form of cash, securities or other property), recapitalization, 
restructuring, reorganization, merger, consolidation, spin off, 
combination, repurchase, share exchange, liquidation, dissolution, 
or other similar corporate transaction, event or development; (b) 
in recognition of, or in anticipation of, any other unusual or 
nonrecurring event affecting the Company, or the financial 
statements of the Company, or in response to, or in anticipation 
of, changes in applicable laws, regulations, accounting 
principles, or business conditions; (c) in recognition of, or in 
anticipation of, any other extraordinary gains or losses; and (d) 
in view of the Committee's assessment of the business strategy of 
the Company, performance of comparable organizations, economic and 
business conditions, and any other circumstances deemed relevant. 
However, if and to the extent the exercise of such authority after 
the first 90 days of a Performance Period would cause the Awards 
granted to the Covered Employees for the Performance Period to 
fail to qualify as "Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 
162(m) of the Code, then such authority shall only be exercised 
with respect to those Participants who are not Covered Employees.

2.30  Participant

"Participant" means either an Employee or Director to whom an 
Award has been granted by the Committee under the Plan or a Key 
Employee who, for a Performance Cycle, has been selected to 
participate in the Performance Stock Program.

2.31  Performance Awards

"Performance Awards" means the Stock Awards, Performance units and 
Performance Shares granted to Covered Employees pursuant to 
Article 7.  All Performance Awards are intended to qualify as 
"Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code.

2.32  Performance Criteria

"Performance Criteria" means the one or more criteria that the 
Committee shall select for purposes of establishing the 
Performance Goal(s) for a Performance Period or Performance Cycle.  
The Performance Criteria that will be used to establish such 
Performance Goal(s) shall be limited to the following: Economic 
Profit/EVA, return on net assets ("RONA"), return on shareholders' 
equity, return on assets, return on capital, shareholder returns, 
total shareholder return, profit margin, earnings per share, net 
earnings, operating earnings, Common Stock price per share, and 
sales or market share.  To the extent required by Section 162(m) 
of the Code, the Committee shall, within the first 90 days of a 
Performance Period or Performance Cycle (or, if longer, within the 
maximum period allowed under Section 162(m) of the Code), define 
in an objective fashion the manner of calculating the Performance 
Criteria it selects to use for such Performance Period or 
Performance Cycle. 

2.33  Performance Cycle

"Performance Cycle" means the one or more periods of time, which 
may be of varying and overlapping durations, as the Committee may 
select, over which the attainment of one or more Performance Goals 
will be measured for the purpose of determining a Participant's 
right to and the payment of an Award under the Performance Stock 
Program.  In no event, however, shall a Performance Cycle exceed 3 

2.34  Performance Formula

"Performance Formula" means, for a Performance Period or 
Performance Cycle, the one or more objective formulas applied 
against the relevant Performance Goal(s) to determine, with 
regards to the Award of a particular Participant, whether all, 
some portion but less than all, or none of the Award has been 
earned for the Performance Period or Performance Cycle.  In the 
case of an Award under the Performance Stock Program, in the event 
the Performance Goal(s) for a Performance Cycle are achieved, the 
Performance Formula shall determine what percentage of the 
Participant's Target Award for the Performance Cycle will be 

2.35  Performance Goals

"Performance Goals" means, for a Performance Period or Performance 
Cycle, the one or more goals established by the Committee for the 
Performance Period or Performance Cycle based upon the Performance 
Criteria.  The Committee is authorized at any time during the 
first 90 days of a Performance Period or Performance Cycle, or at 
any time thereafter (but only to the extent the exercise of such 
authority after the first 90 days of a Performance Period or 
Performance Cycle would not cause the Awards granted to the 
Covered Employees for the Performance Period or Performance Cycle 
to fail to qualify as "Performance-Based Compensation" under 
Section 162(m) of the Code), in its sole and absolute discretion, 
to adjust or modify the calculation of a Performance Goal for such 
Performance Period or Performance Cycle in order to prevent the 
dilution or enlargement of the rights of Participants, (a) in the 
event of, or in anticipation of, any unusual or extraordinary 
corporate item, transaction, event or development; (b) in 
recognition of, or in anticipation of, any other unusual or 
nonrecurring events affecting the Company, or the financial 
statements of the Company, or in response to, or in anticipation 
of, changes in applicable laws, regulations, accounting 
principles, or business conditions; and (c) in view of the 
Committee's assessment of the business strategy of the Company, 
performance of comparable organizations, economic and business 
conditions, and any other circumstances deemed relevant.

2.36  Performance Period

"Performance Period" means the one or more periods of time, which 
may be of varying and overlapping durations, as the Committee may 
select, over which the attainment of one or more Performance Goals 
will be measured for the purpose of determining a Participant's 
right to and the payment of a Performance Award.  In the case of 
Awards issued under Article 8 or Article 9 hereof, the Performance 
Period shall be Kodak's fiscal year.

2.37  Performance Stock Program

"Performance Stock Program" means the program established under 
Article 13 of the Plan pursuant to which selected Key Employee 
receive Awards for a Performance Cycle in the form of shares of 
Common Stock based upon attainment of Performance Goals for such 
Performance Cycle.  All Awards granted to Covered Employees under 
the Performance Stock Program are intended to qualify as 
"Performance-based Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code.

2.38  Plan

"Plan" means the 2000 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan.

2.39  Retirement

"Retirement" means, in the case of a Participant employed by 
Kodak, voluntary termination of employment: (i) on or after age 55 
with 10 or more years of service or on or after age 65; or (ii) at 
any time if the Participant had an age and years of service 
combination of at least 75 points on December 31, 1995.  In the 
case of a Participant employed by a Subsidiary, "Retirement" means 
early or normal retirement under the terms of the Subsidiary's 
retirement plan, or if the Subsidiary does not have a retirement 
plan, termination of employment on or after age 60.  A Participant 
must voluntarily terminate his or her employment in order for his 
or her termination of employment to be for "Retirement."

2.40  Stock Award

"Stock Award" means an award granted pursuant to Article 10 in the 
form of shares of Common Stock, restricted shares of Common Stock, 
and/or Units of Common Stock.

2.41  Subsidiary

"Subsidiary" means a corporation or other business entity in which 
Kodak directly or indirectly has an ownership interest of 50 
percent or more except that with respect to incentive stock 
options, "Subsidiary" shall mean "subsidiary corporation" as 
defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.

2.42  Target Award

"Target Award" means, for a Performance Cycle, the target award 
amount, expressed as a number of shares of Common Stock, 
established for each wage grade by the Committee for the 
Performance Cycle.  The fact, however, that a Target Award is 
established for a Participant's wage grade shall not in any manner 
entitle the Participant to receive an Award for such Performance 

2.43  Unit

"Unit" means a bookkeeping entry used by the Company to record and 
account for the grant of the following Awards until such time as 
the Award is paid, canceled, forfeited or terminated, as the case 
may be: Units of Common Stock, performance units, and performance 
shares which are expressed in terms of Units of Common Stock.


3.1   In General

Subject to Section 3.2, all Employees and Directors are eligible 
to participate in the Plan.  The Committee may select, from time 
to time, Participants from those Employees who, in the opinion of 
the Committee, can further the Plan's purposes.  In addition, the 
Committee may select, from time to time, Participants from those 
Directors (who may or may not be Committee members) who, in the 
opinion of the Committee, can further the Plan's purposes.  Once a 
Participant is so selected, the Committee shall determine the 
type(s) of Awards to be made to the Participant and shall 
establish in the related Award Notice(s) the terms, conditions, 
restrictions and/or limitations, if any, applicable to the 
Award(s) in addition to those set forth in this Plan and the 
administrative rules and regulations issued by the Committee.

3.2   Performance Stock Program

Only Key Employees shall be eligible to participate in the 
Performance Stock Program.


4.1   Responsibility

The Committee shall have total and exclusive responsibility to 
control, operate, manage and administer the Plan in accordance 
with its terms.

4.2   Authority of the Committee

The Committee shall have all the authority that may be necessary 
or helpful to enable it to discharge its responsibilities with 
respect to the Plan.  Without limiting the generality of the 
preceding sentence, the Committee shall have the exclusive right 
to: (a) select the Participants and determine the type of Awards 
to be made to Participants, the number of shares subject to Awards 
and the terms, conditions, restrictions and limitations of the 
Awards; (b) interpret the Plan; (c) determine eligibility for 
participation in the Plan; (d) decide all questions concerning 
eligibility for and the amount of Awards payable under the Plan; 
(e) construe any ambiguous provision of the Plan; (f) correct any 
default; (g) supply any omission; (h) reconcile any inconsistency; 
(i) issue administrative guidelines as an aid to administer the 
Plan and make changes in such guidelines as it from time to time 
deems proper; (j) make regulations for carrying out the Plan and 
make changes in such regulations as it from time to time deems 
proper; (k) determine whether Awards should be granted singly, in 
combination or in tandem; (l), to the extent permitted under the 
Plan, grant waivers of Plan terms, conditions, restrictions, and 
limitations; (m) accelerate the vesting, exercise, or payment of 
an Award or the performance period of an Award when such action or 
actions would be in the best interest of the Company; (n) 
establish such other types of Awards, besides those specifically 
enumerated in Article 5 hereof, which the Committee determines are 
consistent with the Plan's purpose; (o) subject to Section 8.2, 
grant Awards in replacement of Awards previously granted under 
this Plan or any other executive compensation plan of the Company; 
(p) establish and administer the Performance Goals and certify 
whether, and to what extent, they have been attained; (q) 
determine the terms and provisions of any agreements entered into 
hereunder; (r) take any and all other action it deems necessary or 
advisable for the proper operation or administration of the Plan; 
and (s) make all other determinations it deems necessary or 
advisable for the administration of the Plan, including factual 

4.3   Discretionary Authority

The Committee shall have full discretionary authority in all 
matters related to the discharge of its responsibilities and the 
exercise of its authority under the Plan including, without 
limitation, its construction of the terms of the Plan and its 
determination of eligibility for participation and Awards under 
the Plan.  It is the intent of Plan that the decisions of the 
Committee and its actions with respect to the Plan shall be final, 
binding and conclusive upon all persons having or claiming to have 
any right or interest in or under the Plan.

4.4   Section 162(m) of the Code

With regards to all Covered Employees, the Plan shall, for all 
purposes, be interpreted and construed in accordance with Section 
162(m) of the Code.

4.5   Action by the Committee

The Committee may act only by a majority of its members.  Any 
determination of the Committee may be made, without a meeting, by 
a writing or writings signed by all of the members of the 
Committee.  In addition, the Committee may authorize any one or 
more of its number to execute and deliver documents on behalf of 
the Committee.

4.6   Allocation and Delegation of Authority

The Committee may allocate all or any portion of its 
responsibilities and powers under the Plan to any one or more of 
its members and may delegate all or any part of its 
responsibilities and powers to any person or persons selected by 
it provided that any such allocation or delegation be in writing; 
provided, however, that only the Committee may select and grant 
Awards to Participants who are subject to Section 16 of the 
Exchange Act or are Covered Employees.  The Committee may revoke 
any such allocation or delegation at any time for any reason with 
or without prior notice.


5.1   In General

Awards may, at the Committee's sole discretion, be paid in the 
form of Performance Awards pursuant to Article 7, stock options 
pursuant to Article 8, stock appreciation rights pursuant to 
Article 9, Stock Awards pursuant to Article 10, performance units 
pursuant to Article 11, performance shares pursuant to Article 12, 
shares of Common Stock pursuant to Article 13, any form 
established by the Committee pursuant to Subsection 4.2(n), or a 
combination thereof.  All Awards shall be subject to the terms, 
conditions, restrictions and limitations of the Plan.  The 
Committee may, in its sole judgment, subject an Award to such 
other terms, conditions, restrictions and/or limitations 
(including, but not limited to, the time and conditions of 
exercise and restrictions on transferability and vesting), 
provided they are not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan.  
Awards under a particular Article of the Plan need not be uniform 
and Awards under two or more Articles may be combined into a 
single Award Notice.  Any combination of Awards may be granted at 
one time and on more than one occasion to the same Participant.  
For purposes of the Plan, the value of any Award granted in the 
form of Common Stock shall be the mean between the high and low at 
which the Common Stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange as of 
the date of the grant's Effective Date.

5.2   Foreign Jurisdictions

(a)   special Terms.  In order to facilitate the making of any 
Award to Participants who are employed by the Company outside the 
United States (or who are foreign nationals temporarily within the 
United States), the Committee may provide for such modifications 
and additional terms and conditions ("special terms") in Awards as 
the Committee may consider necessary or appropriate to accommodate 
differences in local law, policy or custom or to facilitate 
administration of the Plan.  The special terms may provide that 
the grant of an Award is subject to (1) applicable governmental or 
regulatory approval or other compliance with local legal 
requirements and/or (2) the execution by the Participant of a 
written instrument in the form specified by the Committee, and 
that in the event such conditions are not satisfied, the grant 
shall be void.  The special terms may also provide that an Award 
shall become exercisable or redeemable, as the case may be, if an 
Employee's employment with the Company ends as a result of 
workforce reduction, realignment or similar measure and the 
Committee may designate a person or persons to make such 
determination for a location.  The Committee may adopt or approve 
sub-plans, appendices or supplements to, or amendments, 
restatements, or alternative versions of, the Plan as it may 
consider necessary or appropriate for purposes of implementing any 
special terms, without thereby affecting the terms of the Plan as 
in effect for any other purpose; provided, however, no such sub-
plans, appendices or supplements to, or amendments, restatements, 
or alternative versions of, the Plan shall: (a) increase the 
limitations contained in Sections 6.3, 7.5, 8.6, 9.6 and 13.6; (b) 
increase the number of available shares under Section 6.1; or (c) 
cause the Plan to cease to satisfy any conditions of Rule 16b-3 
under the Exchange Act or, with respect to Covered Employees, 
Section 162(m) of the Code.

(b)   Currency Effects.  Unless otherwise specifically determined 
by the Committee, all Awards and payments pursuant to such Awards 
shall be determined in U.S. currency.  The Committee shall 
determine, in its discretion, whether and to the extent any 
payments made pursuant to an Award shall be made in local 
currency, as opposed to U.S. dollars.  In the event payments are 
made in local currency, the Committee may determine, in its 
discretion and without liability to any Participant, the method 
and rate of converting the payment into local currency.

(c)   Modifications to Awards.  The Committee shall have the right 
at any time and from time to time and without prior notice to 
modify outstanding Awards to comply with or satisfy local laws and 
regulations or to avoid costly governmental filings.  By means of 
illustration but not limitation, the Committee may restrict the 
method of exercise of an Award to avoid securities laws or 
exchange control filings, laws or regulations.

(d)   Acquired Rights.  No Employee in any country shall have any 
right to receive an Award, except as expressly provided for under 
the Plan.  All Awards made at any time are subject to the prior 
approval of the Committee.


6.1   Available Shares

The maximum number of shares of Common Stock, $2.50 par value per 
share, of Kodak which shall be available for grant of Awards under 
the Plan (including incentive stock options) during its term shall 
not exceed 22,000,000.  (Such amount shall be subject to 
adjustment as provided in Section 6.2.)  Any shares of Common 
Stock related to Awards which terminate by expiration, forfeiture, 
cancellation or otherwise without the issuance of such shares, are 
settled in cash in lieu of Common Stock, or are exchanged with the 
Committee's permission for Awards not involving Common Stock, 
shall be available again for grant under the Plan.  Moreover, if 
the option price of any stock option granted under the Plan is 
satisfied by tendering shares of Common Stock to the Company (by 
either actual delivery or by attestation), only the number of 
shares of Common Stock issued net of the shares of Common Stock 
tendered will be deemed delivered for purposes of determining the 
maximum number of shares of Common Stock available for delivery 
under the Plan.  The maximum number of shares available for 
issuance under the Plan shall not be reduced to reflect any 
dividends or dividend equivalents that are reinvested into 
additional shares of Common Stock or credited as additional 
performance shares.  The shares of Common Stock available for 
issuance under the Plan may be authorized and unissued shares or 
treasury shares.

6.2   Adjustment to Shares

(a)   In General.  The provisions of this Subsection 6.2(a) are 
subject to the limitation contained in Subsection 6.2(b).  If 
there is any change in the number of outstanding shares of Common 
Stock through the declaration of stock dividends, stock splits or 
the like, the number of shares available for Awards, the shares 
subject to any Award and the option prices or exercise prices of 
Awards shall be automatically adjusted.  If there is any change in 
the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock through any 
change in the capital account of Kodak, or through a merger, 
consolidation, separation (including a spin off or other 
distribution of stock or property), reorganization (whether or not 
such reorganization comes within the meaning of such term in 
Section 368(a) of the Code) or partial or complete liquidation, 
the Committee shall make appropriate adjustments in the maximum 
number of shares of Common Stock which may be issued under the 
Plan and any adjustments and/or modifications to outstanding 
Awards as it, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.  In the 
event of any other change in the capital structure or in the 
Common Stock of Kodak, the Committee shall also be authorized to 
make such appropriate adjustments in the maximum number of shares 
of Common Stock available for issuance under the Plan and any 
adjustments and/or modifications to outstanding Awards as it, in 
its sole discretion, deems appropriate.  The maximum number of 
shares available for issuance under the Plan shall be 
automatically adjusted to the extent necessary to reflect any 
dividend equivalents paid in the form of Common Stock.

(b)   Covered Employees.  In no event shall the Award of any 
Participant who is a Covered Employee be adjusted pursuant to 
Subsection 6.2(a) to the extent it would cause such Award to fail 
to qualify as "Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 
162(m) of the Code.

6.3   Maximum Number of Shares for Stock Awards, Performance Units 
and Performance Shares

(a)   Plan Limit.  From the maximum number of shares available for 
issuance under the Plan under Section 6.1, the maximum number of 
shares of Common Stock, $2.50 par value per share, which shall be 
available for Awards granted in the form of Stock Awards under 
Article 10, performance units under Article 11 and performance 
shares under Article 12 (including those issued in the form of 
Performance Awards under Article 7) under the Plan during its term 
shall be 3,500,000.  If granted, 1,000,000 of these shares may be 
awarded only if the Company achieves a specific Performance Goal.  
The Performance Goal is total shareholder return by the Company 
equal to at least that earned over the same period by a company at 
the 50th percentile in terms of total shareholder return within 
the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index.  Fifty 
percent of the Award will be earned if this Performance Goal is 
achieved.  One hundred percent of the Award will be earned if 
total shareholder return for the period equals that of a company 
at the 60th percentile in terms of total shareholder return within 
the Standard & Poor's Composite Stock Price Index.

(b)   Annual Limit.  The maximum number of shares of Common Stock, 
$2.50 par value per share, that may be awarded to any one 
Participant in a single calendar year in the form of Stock Awards 
under Article 10, performance units under Article 11 and 
performance shares under Article 12 (including those issued in the 
form of Performance Awards under Article 7) is 75,000 shares of 
Common Stock.


7.1   Purpose

For purposes of grants issued to Covered Employees, the provisions 
of this Article 7 shall apply in addition to and, where necessary, 
in lieu of the provisions of Articles 10, 11 and 12.  The purpose 
of this Article is to provide the Committee the ability to qualify 
the Stock Awards authorized under Article 10, the performance 
units under Article 11, and the performance shares under Article 
12 as "Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the 
Code.  The provisions of this Article 7 shall control over any 
contrary provision contained in Articles 10, 11 or 12.

7.2   Eligibility

Only Covered Employees shall be eligible to receive Performance 
Awards.  The Committee will, in its sole discretion, designate 
within the first 90 days of a Performance Period (or, if longer, 
within the maximum period allowed under Section 162(m) of the 
Code) which Covered Employees will be Participants for such 
period.  However, designation of a Covered Employee as a 
Participant for a Performance Period shall not in any manner 
entitle the Participant to receive an Award for the period.  The 
determination as to whether or not such Participant becomes 
entitled to an Award for such Performance Period shall be decided 
solely in accordance with the provisions of this Article 7.  
Moreover, designation of a Covered Employee as a Participant for a 
particular Performance Period shall not require designation of 
such Covered Employee as a Participant in any subsequent 
Performance Period and designation of one Covered Employee as a 
Participant shall not require designation of any other Covered 
Employee as a Participant in such period or in any other period.

7.3   Discretion of Committee with Respect to Performance Awards

With regards to a particular Performance Period, the Committee 
shall have full discretion to select the length of such 
Performance Period, the type(s) of Performance Awards to be 
issued, the Performance Criteria that will be used to establish 
the Performance Goal(s), the kind(s) and/or level(s) of the 
Performance Goal(s), whether the Performance Goal(s) is(are) to 
apply to the Company, Kodak, a Subsidiary, or any one or more 
subunits of the foregoing, and the Performance Formula.  Within 
the first 90 days of a Performance Period (or, if longer, within 
the maximum period allowed under Section 162(m) of the Code), the 
Committee shall, with regards to the Performance Awards to be 
issued for such Performance Period, exercise its discretion with 
respect to each of the matters enumerated in the immediately 
preceding sentence of this Section 7.3 and record the same in 

7.4   Payment of Performance Awards

(a)   Condition to Receipt of Performance Award.  Unless otherwise 
provided in the relevant Award Notice, a Participant must be 
employed by the Company on the last day of a Performance Period to 
be eligible for a Performance Award for such Performance Period.

(b)   Limitation.  A Participant shall be eligible to receive a 
Performance Award for a Performance Period only to the extent 
that: (1) the Performance Goals for such period are achieved; and 
(2) and the Performance Formula as applied against such 
Performance Goals determines that all or some portion of such 
Participant's Performance Award has been earned for the 
Performance Period.

(c)   Certification.  Following the completion of a Performance 
Period, the Committee shall meet to review and certify in writing 
whether, and to what extent, the Performance Goals for the 
Performance Period have been achieved and, if so, to also 
calculate and certify in writing the amount of the Performance 
Awards earned for the period based upon the Performance Formula. 
The Committee shall then determine the actual size of each 
Participant's Performance Award for the Performance Period and, in 
so doing, shall apply Negative Discretion, if and when it deems 

(d)   Negative Discretion.  In determining the actual size of an 
individual Performance Award for a Performance Period, the 
Committee may reduce or eliminate the amount of the Performance 
Award earned under the Performance Formula for the Performance 
Period through the use of Negative Discretion, if in its sole 
judgment, such reduction or elimination is appropriate.

(e)   Timing of Award Payments.  The Awards granted for a 
Performance Period shall be paid to Participants as soon as 
administratively possible following completion of the 
certifications required by Subsection 7.4(c).

7.5   Maximum Award Payable

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan to the 
contrary, the maximum Performance Award payable to any one 
Participant under the Plan for a Performance Period is 75,000 
shares of Common Stock or, in the event the Performance Award is 
paid in cash, the equivalent cash value thereof on the Performance 
Award's Effective Date.


8.1   In General

Awards may be granted in the form of stock options.  These stock 
options may be incentive stock options within the meaning of 
Section 422 of the Code or non-qualified stock options (i.e., 
stock options which are not incentive stock options), or a 
combination of both.  All Awards under the Plan issued to Covered 
Employees in the form of stock options shall qualify as 
"Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code.

8.2   Terms and Conditions of Stock Options

An option shall be exercisable in accordance with such terms and 
conditions and at such times and during such periods as may be 
determined by the Committee.  The price at which Common Stock may 
be purchased upon exercise of a stock option shall be not less 
than 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock, as 
determined by the Committee, on the Effective Date of the option's 
grant.  Moreover, all options shall not expire later than 10 years 
from the Effective Date of the option's grant.  Stock options 
shall not be repriced, i.e., there shall be no grant of a stock 
option(s) to a Participant in exchange for a Participant's 
agreement to cancellation of a higher-priced stock option(s) that 
was previously granted to such Participant.

8.3   Restrictions Relating to Incentive Stock Options

Stock options issued in the form of incentive stock options shall, 
in addition to being subject to the terms and conditions of 
Section 8.2, comply with Section 422 of the Code.  Accordingly, 
the aggregate fair market value (determined at the time the option 
was granted) of the Common Stock with respect to which incentive 
stock options are exercisable for the first time by a Participant 
during any calendar year (under this Plan or any other plan of the 
Company) shall not exceed $100,000 (or such other limit as may be 
required by the Code).  From the maximum number of shares 
available for issuance under the Plan under Section 6.1, the 
number of shares of Common Stock that shall be available for 
incentive stock options granted under the Plan is 22,000,000.

8.4   Additional Terms and Conditions

The Committee may, by way of the Award Notice or otherwise, 
establish such other terms, conditions, restrictions and/or 
limitations, if any, of any stock option Award, provided they are 
not inconsistent with the Plan.

8.5   Exercise

Upon exercise, the option price of a stock option may be paid in 
cash, or by tendering, by either actual delivery or shares or by 
attestation, shares of Common Stock, a combination of the 
foregoing, or such other consideration as the Committee may deem 
appropriate.  Any shares of Common Stock tendered by a Participant 
upon exercise of a stock option must, if acquired by the 
Participant pursuant to a previous stock option exercise, be owned 
by the Participant for at least six months prior to the date of 
exercise of the stock option.  The Committee shall establish 
appropriate methods for accepting Common Stock, whether restricted 
or unrestricted, and may impose such conditions as it deems 
appropriate on the use of such Common Stock to exercise a stock 
option.  Subject to Section 19.9, stock options awarded under the 
Plan may also be exercised by way of the Company's broker-assisted 
stock option exercise program, provided such program is available 
at the time of the option's exercise.  The Committee may permit a 
Participant to satisfy any amounts required to be withheld under 
applicable Federal, state and local tax laws, in effect from time 
to time, by electing to have the Company withhold a portion of the 
shares of Common Stock to be delivered for the payment of such 

8.6   Maximum Award Payable

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan to the 
contrary, the maximum number of shares for which stock options may 
be granted under the Plan to any one Participant for a Performance 
Period is 300,000 shares of Common Stock.


9.1   In General

Awards may be granted in the form of stock appreciation rights 
("SARs").  SARs entitle the Participant to receive a payment equal 
to the appreciation in a stated number of shares of Common Stock 
from the exercise price to the market value of the Common Stock on 
the date of exercise.  An SAR may be granted in tandem with all or 
a portion of a related stock option under the Plan ("Tandem 
SARs"), or may be granted separately ("Freestanding SARs").  A 
Tandem SAR may be granted either at the time of the grant of the 
related stock option or at any time thereafter during the term of 
the stock option.  All Awards under the Plan issued to Covered 
Employees in the form of an SAR shall qualify as "Performance-
Based Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code.

9.2   Terms and Conditions of Tandem SARs

A Tandem SAR shall be exercisable to the extent, and only to the 
extent, that the related stock option is exercisable, and the 
"exercise price" of such an SAR (the base from which the value of 
the SAR is measured at its exercise) shall be the option price 
under the related stock option.  However, at no time shall a 
Tandem SAR be issued if the option price of its related stock 
option is less than the fair market value of the Common Stock, as 
determined by the Committee, on the Effective Date of the Tandem 
SAR's grant.  If a related stock option is exercised as to some or 
all of the shares covered by the Award, the related Tandem SAR, if 
any, shall be canceled automatically to the extent of the number 
of shares covered by the stock option exercise.  Upon exercise of 
a Tandem SAR as to some or all of the shares covered by the Award, 
the related stock option shall be canceled automatically to the 
extent of the number of shares covered by such exercise, and such 
shares shall not again be eligible for grant in accordance with 
Section 6.1.  Moreover, all Tandem SARs shall not expire later 
than 10 years from the Effective Date of the SAR's grant.

9.3   Terms and Conditions of Freestanding SARs

Freestanding SARs shall be exercisable in accordance with such 
terms and conditions and at such times and during such periods as 
may be determined by the Committee.  The exercise price of a 
Freestanding SAR shall be not less than 100% of the fair market 
value of the Common Stock, as determined by the Committee, on the 
Effective Date of the Freestanding SAR's grant.  Moreover, all 
Freestanding SARs shall not expire later than 10 years from the 
Effective Date of the Freestanding SAR's grant.

9.4   Deemed Exercise

The Committee may provide that an SAR shall be deemed to be 
exercised at the close of business on the scheduled expiration 
date of such SAR if at such time the SAR by its terms remains 
exercisable and, if so exercised, would result in a payment to the 
holder of such SAR.

9.5   Additional Terms and Conditions

The Committee may, by way of the Award Notice or otherwise, 
determine such other terms, conditions, restrictions and/or 
limitations, if any, of any SAR Award, provided they are not 
inconsistent with the Plan.

9.6   Maximum Award Payable

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan to the 
contrary, the maximum number of shares for which SARs may be 
granted under the Plan to any one Participant for a Performance 
Period is 300,000 shares of Common Stock.


10.1  Grants

Awards may be granted in the form of Stock Awards.  Stock Awards 
shall be awarded in such numbers and at such times during the term 
of the Plan as the Committee shall determine.

10.2  Award Restrictions

Stock Awards shall be subject to such terms, conditions, 
restrictions, and/or limitations, if any, as the Committee deems 
appropriate including, but not by way of limitation, restrictions 
on transferability and continued employment; provided, however, 
they are not inconsistent with the Plan.  The Committee may modify 
or accelerate the delivery of a Stock Award under such 
circumstances as it deems appropriate.

10.3  Rights as Shareholders

During the period in which any restricted shares of Common Stock 
are subject to the restrictions imposed under Section 10.2, the 
Committee may, in its sole discretion, grant to the Participant to 
whom such restricted shares have been awarded all or any of the 
rights of a shareholder with respect to such shares, including, 
but not by way of limitation, the right to vote such shares and, 
pursuant to Article 15, the right to receive dividends.

10.4  Evidence of Award

Any Stock Award granted under the Plan may be evidenced in such 
manner as the Committee deems appropriate, including, without 
limitation, book-entry registration or issuance of a stock 
certificate or certificates.


11.1  Grants

Awards may be granted in the form of performance units.  
Performance units, as that term is used in this Plan, shall refer 
to Units valued by reference to designated criteria established by 
the Committee, other than Common Stock.

11.2  Performance Criteria

Performance units shall be contingent on the attainment during a 
Performance Period of certain performance objectives.  The length 
of the Performance Period, the performance objectives to be 
achieved during the Performance Period, and the measure of whether 
and to what degree such objectives have been attained shall be 
conclusively determined by the Committee in the exercise of its 
absolute discretion.  Performance objectives may be revised by the 
Committee, at such times as it deems appropriate during the 
Performance Period, in order to take into consideration any 
unforeseen events or changes in circumstances.

11.3  Additional Terms and Conditions

The Committee may, by way of the Award Notice or otherwise, 
determine such other terms, conditions, restrictions, and/or 
limitations, if any, of any Award of performance units, provided 
they are not inconsistent with the Plan.


12.1  Grants

Awards may be granted in the form of performance shares.  
Performance shares, as that term is used in this Plan, shall refer 
to shares of Common Stock or Units that are expressed in terms of 
Common Stock.

12.2  Performance Criteria

Performance shares shall be contingent upon the attainment during 
a Performance Period of certain performance objectives.  The 
length of the Performance Period, the performance objectives to be 
achieved during the Performance Period, and the measure of whether 
and to what degree such objectives have been attained shall be 
conclusively determined by the Committee in the exercise of its 
absolute discretion.  Performance objectives may be revised by the 
Committee, at such times as it deems appropriate during the 
Performance Period, in order to take into consideration any 
unforeseen events or changes in circumstances.

12.3  Additional Terms and Conditions

The Committee may, by way of the Award Notice or otherwise, 
determine such other terms, conditions, restrictions and/or 
limitations, if any, of any Award of performance shares, provided 
they are not inconsistent with the Plan.


13.1  Purpose

The purposes of the Performance Stock Program are: (a) to promote 
the interests of the Company and its shareholders by providing a 
means to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company to selected 
Key Employees who are in a position to make a substantial 
contribution to the continued progress and success of the Company; 
(b) to attract and retain qualified individuals to serve as 
Employees in those positions; (c) to enhance long-term performance 
of the Company by linking a meaningful portion of the compensation 
of selected Key Employees to the achievement of specific long-term 
financial objectives of the Company; and (d) to motivate and 
reward selected Key Employees to undertake actions to increase the 
price of the Common Stock.

13.2  Eligibility

Any Key Employee is eligible to participate in the Performance 
Stock Program.  Within the first 90 days of a Performance Cycle 
(or, if longer, within the maximum period allowed under Section 
162(m) of the Code), the CEO will recommend to the Committee, and 
from such recommendations the Committee will select, those Key 
Employees who will be Participants for such Performance Cycle.  
However, designation of a Key Employee as a Participant for a 
Performance Cycle shall not in any manner entitle the Participant 
to receive payment of an Award for the cycle.  The determination 
as to whether or not such Participant becomes entitled to payment 
of an Award for such Performance Cycle shall be decided solely in 
accordance with the provisions of this Article 13.  Moreover, 
designation of a Key Employee as a Participant for a particular 
Performance Cycle shall not require designation of such Key 
Employee as a Participant in any subsequent Performance Cycle and 
designation of one Key Employee as a Participant shall not require 
designation of any other Key Employee as a Participant in such 
Performance Cycle or in any other Performance Cycle.

13.3  Description of Awards

 Awards granted under the Performance Stock Program provide 
Participants with the opportunity to earn shares of Common Stock, 
subject to the terms and conditions of Section 13.8 below.  Each 
Award granted under the Plan for a Performance Cycle shall consist 
of a Target Award expressed as fixed number of shares of Common 
Stock.  In the event the Performance Goals for the Performance 
Cycle are achieved, the Performance Formula shall determine, with 
regards to a particular Participant, what percentage of the 
Participant's Target Award for the Performance Cycle will be 
earned.  All of the Awards issued under the Performance Stock 
Program to Covered Employees are intended to qualify as 
"Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code.
 13.4  Procedure for Determining Awards

Within the first 90 days of a Performance Cycle (or, if longer, 
within the maximum period allowed under Section 162(m) of the 
Code), the Committee shall establish in writing for such 
Performance Cycle the following: the specific Performance Criteria 
that will be used to establish the Performance Goal(s), the 
kind(s) and/or level(s) of the Performance Goal(s), whether the 
Performance Goal(s) is(are) to apply to the Company, Kodak, a 
Subsidiary, or any one or more subunits of the foregoing, the 
amount of the Target Awards, and the Performance Formula.

13.5  Payment of Awards

(a)   Condition to Receipt of Awards.  Except as provided in 
Section 13.7, a Participant must be employed by the Company on the 
Performance Cycle's Award Payment Date to be eligible for an Award 
for such Performance Cycle.

(b)   Limitation.  A Participant shall be eligible to receive an 
Award for a Performance Cycle only if: (1) the Performance Goals 
for such cycle are achieved; and (2) the Performance Formula as 
applied against such Performance Goals determines that all or some 
portion of the Participant's Target Award has been earned for the 
Performance Period.

(c)   Certification.  Following the completion of a Performance 
Cycle, the Committee shall meet to review and certify in writing 
whether, and to what extent, the Performance Goals for the 
Performance Cycle have been achieved.  If the Committee certifies 
that the Performance Goals have been achieved, it shall, based 
upon application of the Performance Formula to the Performance 
Goals for such cycle, also calculate and certify in writing for 
each Participant what percentage of the Participant's Target Award 
has been earned for the cycle.  The Committee shall then determine 
the actual size of each Participant's Award for the Performance 
Cycle and, in so doing, shall apply Negative Discretion, if and 
when it deems appropriate.

(d)   Negative Discretion.  In determining the actual size of an 
individual Award to be paid to a Participant for a Performance 
Cycle, the Committee may, through the use of Negative Discretion, 
reduce or eliminate the amount of the Award earned by the 
Participant under the Performance Formula for the Performance 
Cycle, if in its sole judgment, such reduction or elimination is 

(e)   Timing of Award Payments.  Any Awards payments that are to 
made for a Performance Cycle shall be paid on the Award Payment 
Date for such Performance Cycle.

(f)   New Participants.  Participants who are employed by the 
Company after the Committee's selection of Participants for the 
Performance Cycle, as well as Key Employees who are selected by 
the Committee to be Participants after such date, shall, in the 
event Awards are paid for the Performance Cycle, only be entitled 
to a pro-rata Award.  The amount of the pro-rata Award shall be 
determined by multiplying the Award the Participant would have 
otherwise been paid if he or she had been a Participant for the 
entire Performance Cycle by a fraction the numerator of which is 
the number of full months he or she was eligible to participate in 
the Performance Stock Program during the Performance Cycle over 
the total number of full months in the Performance Cycle.  For 
purposes of this calculation, a partial month of participation 
shall: (1) be treated as a full month of participation to the 
extent a Participant participates in the Performance Stock Program 
on 15 or more days of such month; and (2) not be taken into 
consideration to the extent the Participant participates in the 
Performance Stock Program for less than 15 days of such month.

13.6  Maximum Award Payable

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan to the 
contrary, the maximum Award payable to any one Participant under 
the Performance Stock Program for a Performance Cycle is 75,000 
shares of Common Stock.

13.7  Termination of Employment During Performance Cycle

In the event a Participant terminates employment due to death, 
Disability, Retirement or termination of employment for an 
Approved Reason prior to the Award Payment Date for a Performance 
Cycle, the Participant will remain eligible for a pro-rata Award.  
The amount of the pro-rata Award shall be determined by 
multiplying the Award, if any, that the Participant would have 
otherwise been awarded by the Committee if he or she had been a 
Participant through the Award Payment Date for the Performance 
Cycle by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of full 
months he or she was a Participant during such Performance Cycle 
over the total number of full months in the Performance Cycle.  
For purposes of this calculation, a partial month of participation 
shall: (1) be treated as a full month of participation to the 
extent a Participant participates in the Performance Stock Program 
on 15 or more days of such month; and (2) not be taken into 
consideration to the extent the Participant participates in the 
Performance Stock Program for less than 15 days of such month.  
Such pro-rata Award shall be paid in the form of shares of Common 
Stock, not subject to any restrictions, limitations or escrow 
requirements.  In the event of Disability, Retirement or 
termination for an Approved Reason, the pro-rata Award shall be 
paid directly to the Participant and, in the event of death, to 
the Participant's estate.

13.8  Awards

Any Awards payments that are to made for a Performance Cycle shall 
be paid by the Committee on the Award Payment Date for such 
Performance Cycle in the form of shares of Common Stock.  Such 
shares of Common Stock shall be subject to such terms, conditions, 
limitations and restrictions as the Committee, in its sole 
judgment, determines.


14.1  In General

Absent a Plan provision to the contrary, payment of Awards may, at 
the discretion of the Committee, be made in cash, Common Stock, a 
combination of cash and Common Stock, or any other form of 
property as the Committee shall determine.  In addition, payment 
of Awards may include such terms, conditions, restrictions and/or 
limitations, if any, as the Committee deems appropriate, 
including, in the case of Awards paid in the form of Common Stock, 
restrictions on transfer and forfeiture provisions; provided, 
however, such terms, conditions, restrictions and/or limitations 
are not inconsistent with the Plan.  Further, payment of Awards 
may be made in the form of a lump sum or installments, as 
determined by the Committee.

14.2  Termination of Employment

The Committee shall have the authority to determine the treatment 
of a Participant's Award under the Plan in the event of the 
Participant's termination of employment, provided, however, in the 
case of Awards issued under the Performance Stock Program, such 
rules and regulations are consistent with Section 13.7.

14.3  Inimical Conduct

If a Participant performs any act or engages in any activity which 
the CEO, in the case of an Employee or former Employee, or the 
Committee, in the case of a Director or former Director, 
determines is inimical to the best interests of the Company, the 
Participant shall, effective as of the date the Participant 
engages in such conduct, forfeit all unexercised, unearned, and/or 
unpaid Awards, including, but not by way of limitation, Awards 
earned but not yet paid, all unpaid dividends and dividend 
equivalents, and all interest, if any, accrued on the foregoing.

14.4  Breach of Employee's Agreement

(a)   In General.  A Participant who engages in conduct described 
in Section 14.4(c) below shall immediately: (1) forfeit, effective 
as of the date the Participant engages in such conduct, all 
unexercised, unearned, and/or unpaid Awards, including, but not by 
way of limitation, Awards earned but not yet paid, all unpaid 
dividends and dividend equivalents, and all interest, if any, 
accrued on the foregoing; and (2) pay to the Company the amount of 
any gain realized or payment received as a result of any stock 
option or stock appreciation right exercised by the Participant 
under the Plan within the two year period immediately preceding 
the date the Participant engages in such conduct.

(b)   Set-Off.  By accepting an Award under this Plan, a 
Participant consents to a deduction from any amounts the Company 
owes the Participant from time to time (including, but not limited 
to, amounts owed to the Participant as wages or other 
compensation, fringe benefits, or vacation pay), to the extent of 
the amounts the Participant owes the Company under Section 
14.4(a).  Whether or not the Company elects to make any set-off in 
whole or in part, if the Company does not recover by means of set-
off the full amount the Participant owes the Company, the 
Participant shall immediately pay the unpaid balance to the 

(c)   Conduct.  The following conduct shall result in the 
consequences described in Section 14.4(a):

1.    Kodak.  In the case of a Participant who has signed an 
Eastman Kodak Company Employee's Agreement, the Participant's 
breach of the Eastman Kodak Company Employee's Agreement.

2.    Subsidiary.  In the case of a Participant who is employed by 
a Subsidiary and has signed a written agreement with the 
Subsidiary that contains restrictive covenants similar to those in 
the Eastman Kodak Company Employee's Agreement, the Participant's 
breach of such written agreement.

3.    Other Participants.  In the case of a Participant other than 
a Participant described in Section 14.4(c)(1) or (2) above, the 
Participant without the prior written consent of Kodak, in the 
case of an Employee or former Employee, or the Committee, in the 
case of a Director or former Director: (i) engages directly or 
indirectly in any manner or capacity as principal, agent, partner, 
officer, director, stockholder, employee, or otherwise, in any 
business or activity competitive with the business conducted by 
Kodak or any Subsidiary; or (ii) at any time divulges to any 
person or any entity other than the Company any trade secrets, 
methods, processes or the proprietary or confidential information 
of the Company.  For purposes of this Section 14.4(c)(3), a 
Participant shall not be deemed a stockholder if the Participant's 
record and beneficial ownership amount to not more than 1% of the 
outstanding capital stock of any company subject to the periodic 
and other reporting requirements of the Exchange Act.


If an Award is granted in the form of a Stock Award, stock option, 
or performance share, or in the form of any other stock-based 
grant, the Committee may choose, at the time of the grant of the 
Award or any time thereafter up to the time of the Award's 
payment, to include as part of such Award an entitlement to 
receive dividends or dividend equivalents, subject to such terms, 
conditions, restrictions and/or limitations, if any, as the 
Committee may establish.  Dividends and dividend equivalents shall 
be paid in such form and manner (i.e., lump sum or installments), 
and at such time(s) as the Committee shall determine.  All 
dividends or dividend equivalents which are not paid currently 
may, at the Committee's discretion, accrue interest, be reinvested 
into additional shares of Common Stock or, in the case of 
dividends or dividend equivalents credited in connection with 
performance shares, be credited as additional performance shares 
and paid to the Participant if and when, and to the extent that, 
payment is made pursuant to such Award.  The total number of 
shares available for grant under Section 6.1 shall not be reduced 
to reflect any dividends or dividend equivalents that are 
reinvested into additional shares of Common Stock or credited as 
additional performance shares.


At the discretion of the Committee, payment of any Award, 
dividend, or dividend equivalent, or any portion thereof, may be 
deferred by a Participant until such time as the Committee may 
establish.  All such deferrals shall be accomplished by the 
delivery of a written, irrevocable election by the Participant 
prior to the time established by the Committee for such purpose, 
on a form provided by the Company.  Further, all deferrals shall 
be made in accordance with administrative guidelines established 
by the Committee to ensure that such deferrals comply with all 
applicable requirements of the Code.  Deferred payments shall be 
paid in a lump sum or installments, as determined by the 
Committee.  Deferred Awards may also be credited with interest, at 
such rates to be determined by the Committee, and, with respect to 
those deferred Awards denominated in the form of Common Stock, 
with dividends or dividend equivalents.


17.1  Background

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan, including, 
but not limited to, Sections 4.4 and 19.11, the provisions of this 
Article 17 shall control over any contrary provision.  Upon a 
Change In Ownership: (i) the terms of this Article 17 shall 
immediately become operative, without further action or consent by 
any person or entity; (ii) all terms, conditions, restrictions, 
and limitations in effect on any unexercised, unearned, unpaid, 
and/or deferred Award, or any other outstanding Award, shall 
immediately lapse as of the date of such event; (iii) no other 
terms, conditions, restrictions and/or limitations shall be 
imposed upon any Awards on or after such date, and in no 
circumstance shall an Award be forfeited on or after such date; 
and (iv) except in those instances where a prorated Awards is 
required to be paid under this Article 17, all unexercised, 
unvested, unearned, and/or unpaid Awards or any other outstanding 
Awards shall automatically become one hundred percent (100%) 
vested immediately.

17.2  Dividends and Dividend Equivalents

Upon a Change In Ownership, all unpaid dividends and dividend 
equivalents and all interest accrued thereon, if any, shall be 
treated and paid under this Article 17 in the identical manner and 
time as the Award under which such dividends or dividend 
equivalents have been credited.  For example, if upon a Change In 
Ownership, an Award under this Article 17 is to be paid in a 
prorated fashion, all unpaid dividends and dividend equivalents 
with respect to such Award shall be paid according to the same 
formula used to determine the amount of such prorated Award.

17.3  Treatment of Performance Units and Performance Shares

If a Change In Ownership occurs during the term of one or more 
Performance Periods for which the Committee has granted 
performance units and/or performance shares (including those 
issued as Performance Awards under Article 7), the term of each 
such Performance Period (hereinafter a "current performance 
period") shall immediately terminate upon the occurrence of such 
event.  Upon a Change In Ownership, for each "current performance 
period" and each completed Performance Period for which the 
Committee has not on or before such date made a determination as 
to whether and to what degree the performance objectives for such 
period have been attained (hereinafter a "completed performance 
period"), it shall be assumed that the performance objectives have 
been attained at a level of one hundred percent (100%) or the 
equivalent thereof.

A Participant in one or more "current performance periods" shall 
be considered to have earned and, therefore, be entitled to 
receive, a prorated portion of the Awards previously granted to 
him for each such "current performance period."  Such prorated 
portion shall be determined by multiplying the number of 
performance shares or performance units, as the case may be, 
granted to the Participant by a fraction, the numerator of which 
is the total number of whole months that have elapsed since the 
beginning of the "current performance period," and the denominator 
of which is the total number of full months in such "current 
performance period."  For purposes of this calculation, a partial 
month shall be treated as a full month to the extent 15 or more 
days in such month have elapsed.

A Participant in one or more "completed performance periods" shall 
be considered to have earned and, therefore, be entitled to 
receive all the performance shares or performance units, as the 
case may be, previously granted to him during each such "completed 
performance period."

17.4  Treatment of Awards under Performance Stock Program

Upon a Change in Ownership, any Participant of the Performance 
Stock Program, whether or not he or she is still employed by the 
Company, shall be paid, as soon as practicable but in no event 
later than 90 days after the Change in Ownership, a pro-rata Award 
for each Performance Cycle in which Participant was selected to 
participate and during which the Change in Ownership occurs.  The 
amount of the pro-rata Award shall be determined by multiplying 
the Target Award for such Performance Cycle for Participants in 
the same wage grade as the Participant by a fraction, the 
numerator of which shall be the number of full months in the 
Performance Cycle prior to the date of the Change in Ownership and 
the denominator of which shall be the total number of full months 
in the Performance Cycle.  For purposes of this calculation, a 
partial month shall be treated as a full month to the extent 15 or 
more days in such month have elapsed.  To the extent Target Awards 
have not yet been established for the Performance Cycle, the 
Target Awards for the immediately preceding Performance Cycle 
shall be used.

17.5  Valuation of Awards

Upon a Change In Ownership, all outstanding Units of Common Stock, 
Freestanding SARs, stock options (including incentive stock 
options), Stock Awards (including those issued as Performance 
Awards under Article 7), performance shares (including those 
earned as a result of the application of Section 17.3 above), and 
all other outstanding stock-based Awards (including those earned 
as a result of the application of Section 17.4 above and those 
granted by the Committee pursuant to its authority under 
Subsection 4.2(m) hereof), shall be valued and cashed out on the 
basis of the Change In Control Price.

17.6  Payment of Awards

Upon a Change In Ownership, any Participant, whether or not he or 
she is still employed by the Company, shall be paid, in a single 
lump-sum cash payment, as soon as practicable but in no event 
later than 90 days after the Change In Ownership, all of his or 
her Units of Common Stock, Freestanding SARs, stock options 
(including incentive stock options), Stock Awards (including those 
issued as Performance Awards under Article 7), performance units 
and shares (including those earned as a result of the application 
of Section 17.3 above), all other outstanding stock-based Awards 
(including those earned as a result of the application of Section 
17.4 above and those granted by the Committee pursuant to its 
authority under Subsection 4.2(n) hereof), and all other 
outstanding Awards.

17.7  Deferred Awards

Upon a Change In Ownership, all Awards deferred by a Participant 
under Article 16 hereof, but for which he or she has not received 
payment as of such date, shall be paid in a single lump-sum cash 
payment as soon as practicable, but in no event later than 90 days 
after the Change In Ownership.  For purposes of making such 
payment, the value of all Awards that are stock based shall be 
determined by the Change In Control Price.

17.8  Miscellaneous

Upon a Change In Ownership, (i) the provisions of Sections 14.2, 
14.3, 14.4 and 19.3 hereof shall become null and void and of no 
further force and effect; and (ii) no action, including, but not 
by way of limitation, the amendment, suspension, or termination of 
the Plan, shall be taken which would affect the rights of any 
Participant or the operation of the Plan with respect to any Award 
to which the Participant may have become entitled hereunder on or 
prior to the date of such action or as a result of such Change In 


18.1  Background

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan, including, 
but not limited to, Sections 4.4 and 19.11, the provisions of this 
Article 18 shall control over any contrary provision.  All 
Participants shall be eligible for the treatment afforded by this 
Article 18 if their employment by the Company terminates within 
two years following a Change In Control, unless the termination is 
due to (i) death, (ii) Disability, (iii) Cause, (iv) resignation 
other than (A) resignation from a declined reassignment to a job 
that is not reasonably equivalent in responsibility or 
compensation (as defined in Kodak's Termination Allowance Plan), 
or that is not in the same geographic area (as defined in Kodak's 
Termination Allowance Plan), or (B) resignation within 30 days 
following a reduction in base pay, or (v) Retirement.

18.2  Vesting and Lapse of Restrictions

If a Participant is eligible for treatment under this Article 18, 
(i) all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and limitations in 
effect on any of his or her unexercised, unearned, unpaid and/or 
deferred Awards shall immediately lapse as of the date of his or 
her termination of employment; (ii) no other terms, conditions, 
restrictions and/or limitations shall be imposed upon any of his 
or her Awards on or after such date, and in no event shall any of 
his or her Awards be forfeited on or after such date; and (iii) 
except in those instances where a prorated Award is required to be 
paid under this Article 18, all of his or her unexercised, 
unvested, unearned and/or unpaid Awards shall automatically become 
one hundred percent (100%) vested immediately upon his or her 
termination of employment.

18.3  Dividends and Dividend Equivalents

If a Participant is eligible for treatment under this Article 18, 
all of his or her unpaid dividends and dividend equivalents and 
all interest accrued thereon, if any, shall be treated and paid 
under this Article 18 in the identical manner and time as the 
Award under which such dividends or dividend equivalents have been 

18.4  Treatment of Performance Units and Performance Shares

If a Participant holding either performance units or performance 
shares (including those issued as Performance Awards under Article 
7) is terminated under the conditions described in Section 18.1 
above, the provisions of this Section 18.4 shall determine the 
manner in which such performance units and/or performance shares 
shall be paid to the Participant.  For purposes of making such 
payment, each "current performance period," as that term is 
defined in Section 17.3, shall be treated as terminating upon the 
date of the Participant's termination of employment, and for each 
such "current performance period" and each "completed performance 
period," as that term is defined in Section 17.3, it shall be 
assumed that the performance objectives have been attained at a 
level of one hundred percent (100%) or the equivalent thereof.  If 
the Participant is participating in one or more "current 
performance periods," he or she shall be considered to have earned 
and, therefore, be entitled to receive that prorated portion of 
the Awards previously granted to him for each such performance 
period, as determined in accordance with the formula established 
in Section 17.3 hereof.  A Participant in one or more "completed 
performance periods" shall be considered to have earned and, 
therefore, be entitled to receive all the performance shares and 
performance units previously granted to him during each 
performance period.

18.5  Treatment of Awards under Performance Stock Program

If a Participant of the Performance Stock Program is eligible for 
treatment under this Article 18, he or she shall be paid, as soon 
as practicable but in no event later than 90 days after the date 
of his or her termination of employment, a pro-rata Award for each 
Performance Cycle in which Participant was selected to participate 
and during which the Change in Ownership occurs.  The amount of 
the pro-rata Award shall be determined by multiplying the Target 
Award for such Performance Cycle for Participants in the same wage 
grade as the Participant by a fraction, the numerator of which 
shall be the number of full months in the Performance Cycle prior 
to the date of his or her termination of employment and the 
denominator of which shall be the total number of full months in 
the Performance Cycle.  For purposes of this calculation, a 
partial month shall be treated as a full month to the extent 15 or 
more days in such month have elapsed.  To the extent Target Awards 
have not yet been established for the Performance Cycle, the 
Target Awards for the immediately preceding Performance Cycle 
shall be used.

18.6  Valuation of Awards

If a Participant is eligible for treatment under this Article 18, 
his or her Awards shall be valued and cashed out in accordance 
with the provisions of Section 17.5.

18.7  Payment of Awards

If a Participant is eligible for treatment under this Article 18, 
he or she shall be paid, in a single lump-sum cash payment, as 
soon as practicable but in no event later than 90 days after the 
date of his or her termination of employment, all of his or her 
Units of Common Stock, Freestanding SARs, stock options (including 
incentive stock options), Stock Awards (including those issued as 
Performance Awards under Article 7), performance units and shares 
(including those earned as a result of the application of Section 
18.4 above), all other outstanding stock-based Awards (including 
those earned as a result of the application of Section 18.5 above 
and those granted by the Committee pursuant to its authority under 
Subsection 4.2(n) hereof), and all other outstanding Awards.

18.8  Deferred Awards

If a Participant is eligible for treatment under this Article 18, 
all of his or her deferred Awards for which payment has not been 
received as of the date of his or her termination of employment 
shall be paid to the Participant in a single lump-sum cash payment 
as soon as practicable, but in no event later than 90 days after 
the date of the Participant's termination.  For purposes of making 
such payment, the value of all Awards that are stock based shall 
be determined by the Change In Control Price.

18.9  Miscellaneous

Upon a Change In Control, (i) the provisions of Sections 14.2, 
14.3, 14.4 and 19.3 hereof shall become null and void and of no 
force and effect insofar as they apply to a Participant who has 
been terminated under the conditions described in Section 18.1 
above; and (ii) no action, including, but not by way of 
limitation, the amendment, suspension or termination of the Plan, 
shall be taken which would affect the rights of any Participant or 
the operation of the Plan with respect to any Award to which the 
Participant may have become entitled hereunder on or prior to the 
date of the Change In Control or to which he or she may become 
entitled as a result of such Change In Control.

18.10 Legal Fees

Kodak shall pay all legal fees and related expenses incurred by a 
Participant in seeking to obtain or enforce any payment, benefit 
or right he or she may be entitled to under the Plan after a 
Change In Control; provided, however, the Participant shall be 
required to repay any such amounts to Kodak to the extent a court 
of competent jurisdiction issues a final and non-appealable order 
setting forth the determination that the position taken by the 
Participant was frivolous or advanced in bad faith.


19.1  Nonassignability

(a).  In General.  Except as otherwise determined by the Committee 
or as otherwise provided in Subsection (b) below, no Awards or any 
other payment under the Plan shall be subject to any manner to 
alienation, anticipation, sale, transfer (except by will or the 
laws of descent and distribution), assignment, pledge, or 
encumbrance, nor shall any Award be payable to or exercisable by 
anyone other than the Participant to whom it was granted.

(b).  Nonqualified Stock Options.  The Committee shall have the 
discretionary authority to grant Awards of nonqualified stock 
options or amend outstanding Awards of nonqualified stock options 
to provide that they be transferable, subject to such terms and 
conditions as the Committee shall establish.  In addition to any 
such terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions 
shall apply to all transfers of nonqualified stock options:

1.    Permissible Transferors.  The only Participants permitted to 
transfer their nonqualified stock options are those Participants 
who are, on the date of the transfer of their nonqualified stock 
option, either in wage grade 56 or above, or the equivalent 
thereof, a corporate officer of Kodak, or a Director.

2.    Permissible Transferees.  Transfers shall only be permitted 
to: (i) the Participant's "Immediate Family Members," as that term 
is defined in Subsection (b)(9) below; (ii) a trust or trusts for 
the exclusive benefit of such Immediate Family Members; or (iii) a 
family partnership or family limited partnership in which each 
partner is, at the time of transfer and all times subsequent 
thereto, either an Immediate Family Member or a trust for the 
exclusive benefit of one or more Immediate Family Members.

3.    No Consideration.  All transfers shall be made for no 

4.    Subsequent Transfers.  Once a Participant transfers a 
nonqualified stock option, any subsequent transfer of such 
transferred option shall, notwithstanding Section 19.1(b)(1) to 
the contrary, be permitted provided, however, such subsequent 
transfer complies with all of the terms and conditions of this 
Section 19.1, with the exception of Section 19.1(b)(1).

5.    Transfer Agent.  In order for a transfer to be effective, 
the Committee's designated transfer agent must be used to 
effectuate the transfer.  The costs of such transfer agent shall 
be borne solely by the transferor.

6.    Withholding.  In order for a transfer to be effective, a 
Participant must agree in writing prior to the transfer on a form 
provided by Kodak to pay any and all payroll and withholding taxes 
due upon exercise of the transferred option.  In addition, prior 
to the exercise of a transferred option by a transferee, 
arrangements must be made by the Participant with Kodak for the 
payment of all payroll and withholding taxes.

7.    Terms and Conditions of Transferred Option.  Upon transfer, 
a nonqualified stock option continues to be governed by and 
subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan and the option's 
applicable administrative guide and Award Notice.  A transferee of 
a nonqualified stock option is entitled to the same rights as the 
Participant to whom such nonqualified stock options was awarded, 
as if no transfer had taken place.  Accordingly, the rights of the 
transferee are subject to the terms and conditions of the original 
grant to the Participant, including provisions relating to 
expiration date, exercisability, option price and forfeiture.

8.    Notice to Transferees.  Kodak shall be under no obligation 
to provide a transferee with any notice regarding the transferred 
options held by the transferee upon forfeiture or any other 

9.    Immediate Family Member.  For purposes of this Section 19.1, 
the term "Immediate Family Member" shall mean the Participant and 
his or her spouse, children or grandchildren, whether natural, 
step or adopted children or grandchildren.

19.2  Withholding Taxes

The Company shall be entitled to deduct from any payment under the 
Plan, regardless of the form of such payment, the amount of all 
applicable income and employment taxes required by law to be 
withheld with respect to such payment or may require the 
Participant to pay to it such tax prior to and as a condition of 
the making of such payment.  In accordance with any applicable 
administrative guidelines it establishes, the Committee may allow 
a Participant to pay the amount of taxes required by law to be 
withheld from an Award by withholding from any payment of Common 
Stock due as a result of such Award, or by permitting the 
Participant to deliver to the Company, shares of Common Stock 
having a fair market value, as determined by the Committee, equal 
to the amount of such required withholding taxes.

19.3  Amendments to Awards

The Committee may at any time unilaterally amend any unexercised, 
unearned, or unpaid Award, including, but not by way of 
limitation, Awards earned but not yet paid, to the extent it deems 
appropriate; provided, however, that any such amendment which, in 
the opinion of the Committee, is adverse to the Participant shall 
require the Participant's consent.

19.4  Regulatory Approvals and Listings

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Plan to the contrary, 
the Company shall have no obligation to issue or deliver 
certificates of Common Stock evidencing Stock Awards or any other 
Award resulting in the payment of Common Stock prior to (i) the 
obtaining of any approval from any governmental agency which the 
Company shall, in its sole discretion, determine to be necessary 
or advisable, (ii) the admission of such shares to listing on the 
stock exchange on which the Common Stock may be listed, and (iii) 
the completion of any registration or other qualification of said 
shares under any state or Federal law or ruling of any 
governmental body which the Company shall, in its sole discretion, 
determine to be necessary or advisable.

19.5  No Right to Continued Employment or Grants

Participation in the Plan shall not give any Employee any right to 
remain in the employ of Kodak or any Subsidiary.  Kodak or, in the 
case of employment with a Subsidiary, the Subsidiary, reserves the 
right to terminate any Employee at any time.  Further, the 
adoption of this Plan shall not be deemed to give any Employee or 
any other individual any right to be selected as a Participant or 
to be granted an Award.  In addition, no Employee having been 
selected for an Award, shall have at any time the right to receive 
any additional Awards.

19.6  Amendment/Termination

The Committee may suspend or terminate the Plan at any time for 
any reason with or without prior notice.  In addition, the 
Committee may, from time to time for any reason and with or 
without prior notice, amend the Plan in any manner, but may not 
without shareholder approval adopt any amendment which would 
require the vote of the shareholders of Kodak pursuant to Section 
162(m) of the Code, but only insofar as such amendment affects 
Covered Employees.

19.7  Governing Law

The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the 
laws of the State of New York, except as superseded by applicable 
Federal Law, without giving effect to its conflicts of law 

19.8  No Right, Title, or Interest in Company Assets

No Participant shall have any rights as a shareholder as a result 
of participation in the Plan until the date of issuance of a stock 
certificate in his or her name, and, in the case of restricted 
shares of Common Stock, such rights are granted to the Participant 
under the Plan.  To the extent any person acquires a right to 
receive payments from the Company under the Plan, such rights 
shall be no greater than the rights of an unsecured creditor of 
the Company and the Participant shall not have any rights in or 
against any specific assets of the Company.  All of the Awards 
granted under the Plan shall be unfunded.

19.9  Section 16 of the Exchange Act

In order to avoid any Exchange Act violations, the Committee may, 
from time to time, impose additional restrictions upon an Award, 
including but not limited to, restrictions regarding tax 
withholdings and restrictions regarding the Participant's ability 
to exercise Awards under the Company's broker-assisted stock 
option exercise program.

19.10 No Guarantee of Tax Consequences

No person connected with the Plan in any capacity, including, but 
not limited to, Kodak and its Subsidiaries and their directors, 
officers, agents and employees makes any representation, 
commitment, or guarantee that any tax treatment, including, but 
not limited to, Federal, state and local income, estate and gift 
tax treatment, will be applicable with respect to amounts deferred 
under the Plan, or paid to or for the benefit of a Participant 
under the Plan, or that such tax treatment will apply to or be 
available to a Participant on account of participation in the 

19.11 Compliance with Section 162(m)

If any provision of the Plan, other than the application of those 
contained in Articles 17 or 18 hereof, would cause the Awards 
granted to a Covered Person not to qualify as "Performance-Based 
Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code, that provision, 
insofar as it pertains to the Covered Person, shall be severed 
from, and shall be deemed not to be a part of, this Plan, but the 
other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. 

19.12 Other Benefits

No Award granted under the Plan shall be considered compensation 
for purposes of computing benefits under any retirement plan of 
the Company nor affect any benefits or compensation under any 
other benefit or compensation plan of the Company now or 
subsequently in effect

                              Appendix II
                        EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY


Article                                                 Page

1.   Purpose, Effective Date and Term of Plan            1

2.   Definitions                                         2

3.   Eligibility                                         9

4.   Plan Administration                                10

5.   Forms of Awards                                    12

6.   Setting Performance Goals and Performance Formula  13

7.   Award Determination                                14

8.   Payment of Awards for a Performance Period         17

9.   Deferral of Awards                                 18

10.  Additional Awards                                  19

11.  Change In Ownership                                20

12.  Change In Control                                  22

13.  Shares Subject to the Plan                         24

14.  Miscellaneous                                      26

copyright 1998, Eastman Kodak Company


1.1   Purpose

The purposes of the Plan are to provide an annual incentive to Key 
Employees of the Company to put forth maximum efforts toward the 
continued growth and success of the Company, to encourage such Key 
Employees to remain in the employ of the Company, to assist the 
Company in attracting and motivating new Key Employees on a 
competitive basis, and to endeavor to qualify the Awards granted 
to Covered Employees under the Plan as performance-based 
compensation as defined in Section 162(m) of the Code.  The Plan 
is intended to apply to Key Employees of the Company in the United 
States and throughout the world.

1.2   Effective Date

The Plan shall be effective as of January 1, 2000, subject to 
approval by Kodak's shareholders at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the 
Shareholders of Kodak.

1.3   Term

Awards shall not be granted pursuant to the Plan after December 
31, 2004; provided, however, the Committee may grant Awards after 
such date in recognition of performance for a Performance Period 
completed on or prior to such date.


2.1   Actual Award Pool

"Actual Award Pool" means, for a Performance Period, the amount 
determined in accordance with Section 7.2(e).  The Actual Award 
Pool for a Performance Period determines the aggregate amount of 
all the Awards that are to be issued under the Plan for such 
Performance Period.

2.2   Award

"Award" means the compensation granted to a Participant by the 
Committee for a Performance Period pursuant to Articles 7 and 8 or 
the compensation granted to a Key Employee by the Committee 
pursuant to Article 10.  All Awards shall be issued in the form 
specified by Article 5.

2.3   Award Payment Date

"Award Payment Date" means, for each Performance Period, the date 
that the amount of the Award for that Performance Period shall be 
paid to the Participant under Article 8, without regard to any 
election to defer receipt of the Award made by the Participant 
under Article 9 of the Plan.

2.4   Board

"Board" means the Board of Directors of Kodak.

2.5   Capital Charge

"Capital Charge" means, for a Performance Period, the amount 
obtained by multiplying the Cost of Capital for the Performance 
Period by Operating Net Assets for the Performance Period.

2.6   Carryforward Amount

"Carryforward Amount" means, for any Performance Period, the sum 
of the Carryovers for all prior Performance Periods less the sum 
of all Awards granted from the Carryforward Amount pursuant to 
Articles 7 and 10.  To the extent the sum of all Awards paid for a 
Performance Period exceeds the Maximum Award for such period, the 
Carryforward Amount shall be reduced by an amount equal to such 

2.7   Carryover

"Carryover" means, for a Performance Period, that portion, if any, 
or all of the difference, if any, between the Maximum Award for 
such Performance Period and the sum of all Awards paid under the 
Plan for such Performance Period, which the Committee elects to 
add to the Carryforward Amount.

2.8   Cause

"Cause" means (a) the willful and continued failure by a Key 
Employee to substantially perform his or her duties with his or 
her employer after written warnings identifying the lack of 
substantial performance are delivered to the Key Employee by his 
or her employer to specifically identify the manner in which the 
employer believes that the Key Employee has not substantially 
performed his or her duties; or (b) the willful engaging by a Key 
Employee in illegal conduct which is materially and demonstrably 
injurious to the Company.

2.9   CEO

"CEO" means the Chief Executive Officer of Kodak.

2.10  Change In Control

"Change In Control" means a change in control of Kodak of a nature 
that would be required to be reported (assuming such event has not 
been "previously reported") in response to Item 1(a) of the 
Current Report on Form 8-K, as in effect on August 1, 1989, 
pursuant to Section 12 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act; provided 
that, without limitation, a Change In Control shall be deemed to 
have occurred at such time as (i) any "person" within the meaning 
of Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act, other than Kodak, a 
Subsidiary, or any employee benefit plan(s) sponsored by Kodak or 
any Subsidiary, is or has become the "beneficial owner," as 
defined in Rule 12d-3 under the Exchange Act, directly or 
indirectly, of 25% or more of the combined voting power of the 
outstanding securities of Kodak ordinarily having the right to 
vote at the election of directors, or (ii) individuals who 
constitute the Board on January 1, 2000 (the "Incumbent Board") 
have ceased for any reason to constitute at least a majority 
thereof, provided that any person becoming a director subsequent 
to January 1, 2000 whose election, or nomination for election by 
Kodak's shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least three-
quarters (3/4) of the directors comprising the Incumbent Board 
(either by a specific vote or by approval of the proxy statement 
of Kodak in which such person is named as a nominee for director 
without objection to such nomination) shall be, for purposes of 
this Plan, considered as though such person were a member of the 
Incumbent Board.

2.11  Change In Ownership

"Change In Ownership" means a Change In Control that results 
directly or indirectly in Kodak's Common Stock ceasing to be 
actively traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

2.12  Code

"Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from 
time to time, including regulations thereunder and successor 
provisions and regulations thereto.

2.13  Committee

"Committee" means the Executive Compensation and Development 
Committee of the Board, or such other Board committee as may be 
designated by the Board to administer the Plan; provided that the 
Committee shall consist of three or more directors, all of whom 
are both a "Non-Employee Director" within the meaning of Rule 16b-
3 under the Exchange Act and an "outside director" within the 
meaning of the definition of such term as contained in Proposed 
Treasury Regulation Section 1.162-27(e)(3), or any successor 
definition adopted.

2.14  Company

"Company" means Kodak and its Subsidiaries.

2.15  Cost of Capital

"Cost of Capital" means, for a Performance Period, the estimated 
weighted average of the Company's cost of equity and cost of debt 
for the Performance Period as determined by the Committee in its 
sole and absolute discretion.  The Committee will determine the 
Cost of Capital for a Performance Period within the first 90 days 
of the Performance Period.

2.16  Covered Employee

"Covered Employee" means a Key Employee who is either a "Covered 
Employee" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code or a 
Key Employee who the Committee has identified as a potential 
"Covered Employee" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the 

2.17  Disability

"Disability" means a disability under the terms of any long-term 
disability plan maintained by the Company.

2.18  Economic Profit

"Economic Profit" means, for a Performance Period, the Net 
Operating Profit After Tax that remains after subtracting the 
Capital Charge for such Performance Period.  Economic Profit may 
be expressed as follows: Economic Profit = Net Operating Profit 
After Tax - Capital Charge.  Economic Profit may be either 
positive or negative.

2.19  Economic Value Added or EVA

"Economic Value Added or EVA" means Economic Profit for the 
current year minus Economic Profit for the immediately prior year.

2.20  Effective Date

"Effective Date" means the date an Award is determined to be 
effective by the Committee upon its grant of such Award.

2.21  Exchange Act

"Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as 
amended from time to time, including rules thereunder and 
successor provisions and rules thereto.

2.22  Key Employee

"Key Employee" means either (a) a salaried employee of the Company 
in wage grade 48 or above, or the equivalent thereof; or (b) a 
salaried employee of the Company who holds a position of 
responsibility in a managerial, administrative, or professional 
capacity and is in wage grade 43 or above

2.23  Kodak

"Kodak" means Eastman Kodak Company.

2.24  Maximum Award

"Maximum Award" means, for a Performance Period, the dollar amount 
calculated in accordance with Section 7.2(b) by applying the 
Performance Formula for such Performance Period against the 
Performance Goals for the same Performance Period.  The Maximum 
Award for a Performance Period is an addend in the calculation of 
the Maximum Award Pool for such Performance Period.

2.25  Maximum Award Pool

"Maximum Award Pool" means, for a Performance Period, the dollar 
amount calculated in accordance with Section 7.2(c) by adding the 
Maximum Award for the Performance Period with the Carryforward 
Amount.  The Maximum Award Pool, for a Performance Period, serves 
as the basis for calculating the maximum amount of Awards that may 
be granted to all Participants for such Performance Period.

2.26  Negative Discretion

"Negative Discretion" means the discretion granted to the 
Committee pursuant to Sections 7.2(d) and (e) to reduce or 
eliminate the Maximum Award Pool or a portion of the Maximum Award 
Pool allocated to a Covered Employee.

2.27  Net Operating Profit After Tax

"Net Operating Profit After Tax" means, for a Performance Period, 
the after-tax operating earnings of the Company for the 
Performance Period adjusted for interest expense and Wang in-
process R&D.  The Committee is authorized at any time during the 
first 90 days of a Performance Period, or at any time thereafter 
in its sole and absolute discretion, to adjust or modify the 
calculation of Net Operating Profit After Tax for such Performance 
Period in order to prevent the dilution or enlargement of the 
rights of Participants, (a) in the event of, or in anticipation 
of, any dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of 
cash, securities or other property), re-capitalization, 
restructuring, reorganization, merger, consolidation, spin off, 
combination, repurchase, share exchange, liquidation, dissolution, 
or other similar corporate transaction, event or development; (b) 
in recognition of, or in anticipation of, any other unusual or 
nonrecurring events affecting the Company, or the financial 
statements of the Company, or in response to, or in anticipation 
of, changes in applicable laws, regulations, accounting 
principles, or business conditions; (c) in recognition of, or in 
anticipation of, any other extraordinary gains or losses, and (d) 
in view of the Committee's assessment of the business strategy of 
the Company, performance of comparable organizations, economic and 
business conditions, and any other circumstances deemed relevant.  
However, if and to the extent the exercise of such authority after 
the first 90 days of a Performance Period would cause the Awards 
granted to the Covered Employees for the Performance Period to 
fail to qualify as "Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 
162(m) of the Code, then such authority shall only be exercised 
with respect to those Participants who are not Covered Employees.

2.28  Operating Net Assets

"Operating Net Assets" means, for a Performance Period, the net 
investment used in the operations of the Company.  Operating Net 
Assets is calculated from the Company's audited consolidated 
financial statements as being total assets minus non-interest-
bearing liabilities adjusted for LIFO inventories, postemployment 
benefits other than pensions (OPEB) and Wang in-process R&D.  The 
Committee is authorized at any time during a Performance Period to 
adjust or modify the calculation of Operating Net Assets for such 
Performance Period in order to prevent the dilution or enlargement 
of the rights of Participants, (a) in the event of, or in 
anticipation of, any dividend or other distribution (whether in 
the form of cash, securities or other property), recapitalization, 
restructuring, reorganization, merger, consolidation, spin off, 
combination, repurchase, share exchange, liquidation, dissolution, 
or other similar corporate transaction, event or development; (b) 
in recognition of, or in anticipation of, any other unusual or 
nonrecurring event affecting the Company, or the financial 
statements of the Company, or in response to, or in anticipation 
of, changes in applicable laws, regulations, accounting 
principles, or business conditions; (c) in recognition of, or in 
anticipation of, any other extraordinary gains or losses; and (d) 
in view of the Committee's assessment of the business strategy of 
the Company, performance of comparable organizations, economic and 
business conditions, and any other circumstances deemed relevant. 
However, if and to the extent the exercise of such authority after 
the first 90 days of a Performance Period would cause the Awards 
granted to the Covered Employees for the Performance Period to 
fail to qualify as "Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 
162(m) of the Code, then such authority shall only be exercised 
with respect to those Participants who are not Covered Employees.

2.29  Participant

"Participant," means either (a) for a Performance Period, a Key 
Employee who is designated to participate in the Plan for the 
Performance Period pursuant to Article 3; or (b) for purposes of 
Article 10, a Key Employee who is granted an Award pursuant to 
such Article.

2.30  Performance Criteria

"Performance Criteria" means the stated business criterion or 
criteria upon which the Performance Goals for a Performance Period 
are based as required pursuant to Proposed Treasury Regulation 
Section 1.162-27(e)(4)(iii).  For purposes of the Plan, Economic 
Profit/EVA shall be the Performance Criteria.

2.31  Performance Formula

"Performance Formula" means, for a Performance Period, the one or 
more objective formulas applied against the Performance Goals to 
determine the Maximum Award for the Performance Period.  The 
Performance Formula for a Performance Period shall be established 
in writing by the Committee within the first 90 days of the 
Performance Period (or, if later, within the maximum period 
allowed pursuant to Section 162(m) of the Code).

2.32  Performance Goals

"Performance Goals" means, for a Performance Period, the one or 
more goals for the Performance Period established by the Committee 
in writing within the first 90 days of the Performance Period (or, 
if longer, within the maximum period allowed pursuant to Section 
162(m) of the Code) based upon the Performance Criteria.  The 
Committee is authorized at any time during the first 90 days of a 
Performance Period, or at any time thereafter in its sole and 
absolute discretion, to adjust or modify the calculation of a 
Performance Goal for such Performance Period in order to prevent 
the dilution or enlargement of the rights of Participants, (a) in 
the event of, or in anticipation of, any unusual or extraordinary 
corporate item, transaction, event or development; (b) in 
recognition of, or in anticipation of, any other unusual or 
nonrecurring events affecting the Company, or the financial 
statements of the Company, or in response to, or in anticipation 
of, changes in applicable laws, regulations, accounting 
principles, or business conditions; and (c) in view of the 
Committee's assessment of the business strategy of the Company, 
performance of comparable organizations, economic and business 
conditions, and any other circumstances deemed relevant.  However, 
to the extent the exercise of such authority after the first 90 
days of a Performance Period would cause the Awards granted to the 
Covered Employees for the Performance Period to fail to qualify as 
"Performance-Based Compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code, 
then such authority shall only be exercised with respect to those 
Participants who are not Covered Employees.

2.33  Performance Period

"Performance Period" means Kodak's fiscal year.

2.34  Plan

"Plan" means the 2000 Management Variable Compensation Plan.

2.35  Retirement

"Retirement" means, in the case of a Participant employed by 
Kodak, voluntary termination of employment: (i) on or after age 55 
with 10 or more years of service or on or after age 65; or (ii) at 
any time if the Participant had an age and years of service 
combination of at least 75 points on December 31, 1995.  In the 
case of a Participant employed by a Subsidiary, "Retirement" means 
early or normal retirement under the terms of the Subsidiary's 
retirement plan, or if the Subsidiary does not have a retirement 
plan, termination of employment on or after age 60.  A Participant 
must voluntarily terminate his or her employment in order for his 
or her termination of employment to be for "Retirement."

2.36  Subsidiary

Subsidiary means a corporation or other business entity in which 
Kodak directly or indirectly has an ownership interest of at least 

2.37  Target Award

"Target Award" means, for a Performance Period, the target award 
amounts established for each wage grade by the Committee for the 
Performance Period.  The Target Awards shall serve only as a 
guideline in making Awards under the Plan.  Depending upon the 
Committee's exercise of its discretion pursuant to Section 7.2(f), 
but subject to Section 7.3, a Participant may receive an Award for 
a Performance Period that may be more or less than the Target 
Award for his or her wage grade for that Performance Period.  
Moreover, the fact that a Target Award is established for a 
Participant's wage grade for a Performance Period shall not in any 
manner entitle the Participant to receive an Award for such 

All Key Employees are eligible to participate in the Plan.  The 
Committee will, in its sole discretion, designate within the first 
90 days of a Performance Period which Key Employees will be 
Participants for such Performance Period.  However, the fact that 
a Key Employee is a Participant for a Performance Period shall not 
in any manner entitle such Participant to receive an Award for the 
period.  The determination as to whether or not such Participant 
shall be paid an Award for such Performance Period shall be 
decided solely in accordance with the provisions of Articles 7 and 
8 hereof.


4.1   Responsibility

The Committee shall have total and exclusive responsibility to 
control, operate, manage and administer the Plan in accordance 
with its terms.

4.2   Authority of the Committee

The Committee shall have all the authority that may be necessary 
or helpful to enable it to discharge its responsibilities with 
respect to the Plan.  Without limiting the generality of the 
preceding sentence, the Committee shall have the exclusive right: 
to interpret the Plan, to determine eligibility for participation 
in the Plan, to decide all questions concerning eligibility for 
and the amount of Awards payable under the Plan, to establish and 
administer the Performance Goals and certify whether, and to what 
extent, they are attained, to construe any ambiguous provision of 
the Plan, to correct any default, to supply any omission, to 
reconcile any inconsistency, to issue administrative guidelines as 
an aid to administer the Plan, to make regulations for carrying 
out the Plan and to make changes in such regulations as it from 
time to time deems proper, and to decide any and all questions 
arising in the administration, interpretation, and application of 
the Plan.  In addition, in order to enable Key Employees who are 
foreign nationals or are employed outside the United States or 
both to receive Awards under the Plan, the Committee may adopt 
such amendments, procedures, regulations, subplans and the like as 
are necessary or advisable, in the opinion of the Committee, to 
effectuate the purposes of the Plan.

4.3   Discretionary Authority

The Committee shall have full discretionary authority in all 
matters related to the discharge of its responsibilities and the 
exercise of its authority under the Plan including, without 
limitation, its construction of the terms of the Plan and its 
determination of eligibility for participation and Awards under 
the Plan.  It is the intent of Plan that the decisions of the 
Committee and its action with respect to the Plan shall be final, 
binding and conclusive upon all persons having or claiming to have 
any right or interest in or under the Plan.

4.4   Section 162(m) of the Code

With regard to all Covered Employees, the Plan shall for all 
purposes be interpreted and construed in accordance with Section 
162(m) of the Code.

4.5   Delegation of Authority

Except to the extent prohibited by law, the Committee may delegate 
some or all of its authority under the Plan to any person or 
persons as long as any such delegation is in writing; provided, 
however, only the Committee may select and grant Awards to 
Participants who are Covered Employees.


All Awards will be paid in cash.


Within the first 90 days of a Performance Period (or, if longer, 
within the maximum period allowed pursuant to Section 162(m) of 
the Code), the Committee shall establish in writing:

(a)   the one or more Performance Goals for the Performance 
Period based upon the Performance Criteria; 

(b)   the one or more Performance Formulas for the 
Performance Period; and

(c)   an objective means of allocating, on behalf of each 
Covered Person, a portion of the Maximum Award Pool 
(not to exceed the amount set forth in Section 7.3(b) 
to be granted, subject to the Committee's exercise of 
Negative Discretion, for such Performance Period in 
the event the Performance Goals for such period are 


7.1   Certification

(a)   In General.  As soon as practicable following the 
availability of performance results for the completed 
Performance Period, the Committee shall determine the 
Company's performance in relation to the Performance 
Goals for that period and certify in writing whether 
the Performance Goals were satisfied.

(b)   Performance Goals Achieved.  If the Committee 
certifies that the Performance Goals for a Performance 
Period were satisfied, it shall determine the Awards 
for such Performance Period by following the procedure 
described in Section 7.2.   During the course of this 
procedure, the Committee shall certify in writing for 
the Performance Period the amount of: (i) the Maximum 
Award; (ii) the Maximum Award Pool; and (iii) the 
Maximum Award Pool to be allocated to each Covered 
Employee in accordance with Section 7.2(d).

(c)   Performance Goals Not Achieved.  In the event the 
Performance Goals for a Performance Period are not 
satisfied, the limitation contained in Section 7.3(c) 
shall apply to the Covered Employees.  Should the 
Committee nevertheless decide to grant awards for such 
Performance Period to Participants other than those 
who are Covered Employees, such Awards must be paid 
pursuant to Section 7.2(f) from the Carryforward 
Amount.  Upon payment of the Awards by the Committee, 
the Carryforward Amount shall be reduced to reflect 
the amount of such Awards.

7.2   Calculation of Awards

(a)   In General.  As detailed below in the succeeding 
provisions of this Section 7.2, the procedure for 
determining Awards for a Performance Period involves 
the following steps: 

(1)  determining the Maximum Award; 
(2)  determining the Maximum Award Pool; 
(3)  allocating the Maximum Award Pool to Covered 
(4)  determining the Actual Award Pool; and 
(5)  allocating the Actual Award Pool among individual 
     Participants other than Covered Employees.  

Upon completion of this process, any Awards earned for 
the Performance Period shall be paid in accordance 
with Article 8.

(b)   Determining Maximum Award.  The Committee shall 
determine the Maximum Award for the Performance Period 
by applying the Performance Formula for such 
Performance Period against the Performance Goals for 
the same Performance Period.

(c)   Determining Maximum Award Pool.  By adding the Maximum 
Award for the Performance Period with the Carryforward 
Amount, if any, the Committee shall determine the 
Maximum Award Pool for such Performance Period.  

(d)   Allocating Maximum Award Pool to Covered Employees.  
The Committee shall determine, by way of the objective 
means established pursuant to Article 6, the portion 
of the Maximum Award Pool that is to be allocated to 
each Covered Employee for the Performance Period.  The 
Committee shall have no discretion to increase the 
amount of any Covered Employee's Award as so 
determined, but may through Negative Discretion reduce 
the amount of or totally eliminate such Award if it 
determines, in its absolute and sole discretion, that 
such a reduction or elimination is appropriate.

(e)   Determining Actual Award Pool.  The Committee may 
through Negative Discretion reduce the amount of or 
totally eliminate the Maximum Award Pool for a 
Performance Period if it determines, in its absolute 
and sole discretion, that such a reduction or 
elimination is appropriate.  To the extent the 
Committee determines to exercise Negative Discretion 
with regard to the Maximum Award Pool for a 
Performance Period, the amount remaining after such 
adjustment shall be the Actual Award Pool for the 
Performance Period.  Thus, if the Committee elects not 
to exercise Negative Discretion with respect to the 
Maximum Award Pool for a Performance Period, the 
Actual Award Pool for the Performance Period shall be 
the Maximum Award Pool for such period.

(f)   Allocating Actual Award Pool to Individual 
Participants Other Than Covered Employee.  Based on 
such factors, indicia, standards, goals, criteria 
and/or measures that the Committee shall determine, 
the Committee shall, in its sole and absolute 
discretion, determine for each Participant, other than 
those that are Covered Employees, the portion, if any, 
of the Actual Award Pool that will be awarded to such 
Participant for the Performance Period.  By way of 
illustration, and not by way of limitation, the 
Committee may, but shall not be required to, consider: 
(1) the Participant's position and level of 
responsibility, individual merit, contribution to the 
success of the Company and Target Award; (2) the 
performance of the Company or the organizational unit 
of the Participant based upon attainment of financial 
and other performance criteria and goals; and (3) 
business unit, division or department achievements.

7.3   Limitations on Awards

The provisions of this Section 7.3 shall control over any Plan 
provision to the contrary.

(a)   Maximum Award Pool.  The total of all Awards granted 
for a Performance Period shall not exceed the amount 
of the Maximum Award Pool for such Performance Period.

(b)   Maximum Award Payable to Covered Employees.  The 
maximum Award payable to any Covered Employee under 
the Plan for a Performance Period shall be $5,000,000.

(c)  Attainment of Performance Goals.  The Performance Goals 
for a Performance Period must be achieved in order for 
a Covered Employee to receive an Award for such 
Performance Period.


8.1   Termination of Employment

The Committee shall determine rules regarding the treatment of a 
Participant under the Plan for a Performance Period in the event 
of the Participant's termination of employment prior to the Award 
Payment Date for such Performance Period.

8.2   Timing of Award Payments

Unless deferred pursuant to Article 9 hereof, the Awards granted 
for a Performance Period shall be paid to Participants on the 
Award Payment Date for such Performance Period, which date shall 
occur as soon as administratively practicable following the 
completion of the procedure described in Section 7.2.


At the discretion of the Committee, a Participant may, subject to 
such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine, elect to 
defer payment of all or any part of any Award which the 
Participant might earn with respect to a Performance Period by 
complying with such procedures as the Committee may prescribe.  
Any Award, or portion thereof, upon which such an election is made 
shall be deferred into, and be subject to the terms, conditions 
and requirements of, the Eastman Kodak Employees' Savings and 
Investment Plan, 1982 Eastman Kodak Company Executive Deferred 
Compensation Plan or such other applicable deferred compensation 
plan of the Company.


10.1  In General

In addition to the Awards that are authorized to be granted under 
Article 7 and paid under Article 8 for a Performance Period, the 
Committee may, in its sole judgment, from time to time grant 
Awards under the Plan from the Carryforward Amount.

10.2  Eligibility

All Key Employees, other than those who are Covered Employees, are 
eligible to receive the Awards authorized to be granted under this 
Article 10.

10.3  Carryforward Amount

Upon the issuance of any Award under this Article 10, the 
Carryforward Amount shall be immediately reduced by an amount 
equal to the value of such Award.


11.1  Background

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan, including, 
but not limited to, Sections 1.1, 4.4 and 13.9, the provisions of 
this Article 11 shall control over any contrary provision.  Upon a 
Change in Ownership: (a) the terms of this Article 11 shall 
immediately become operative, without further action or consent by 
any person or entity; (b) all terms, conditions, restrictions and 
limitations in effect on any unpaid and/or deferred Award shall 
immediately lapse as of the date of such event; and (c) no other 
terms, conditions, restrictions, and/or limitations shall be 
imposed upon any Awards on or after such date, and in no event 
shall an Award be forfeited on or after such date.

11.2  Payment of Awards

Upon a Change in Ownership, any Key Employee, whether or not he or 
she is still employed by the Company, shall be paid, as soon as 
practicable but in no event later than 90 days after the Change in 
Ownership, the Awards set forth in (a) and (b) below:

(a)   All of the Key Employee's unpaid Awards; and

(b)   A pro-rata Award for the Performance Period in which 
the Change in Ownership occurs.  The amount of the 
pro-rata Award shall be determined by multiplying the 
Target Award for such Performance Period for 
Participants in the same wage grade as the Key 
Employee by a fraction, the numerator of which shall 
be the number of full months in the Performance Period 
prior to the date of the Change in Ownership and the 
denominator of which shall be the total number of full 
months in the Performance Period.  For purposes of 
this calculation, a partial month shall be treated as 
a full month to the extent of 15 or more days in such 
month have elapsed.  To the extent Target Awards have 
not yet been established for the Performance Period, 
the Target Awards for the immediately preceding 
Performance Period shall be used.  The pro-rata Awards 
shall be paid to the Key Employee in the form of a 
lump-sum cash payment.

11.3  Miscellaneous

Upon a Change In Ownership, no action, including, but not by way 
of limitation, the amendment, suspension, or termination of the 
Plan, shall be taken which would affect the rights of any Key 
Employee or the operation of the Plan with respect to any Award to 
which the Key Employee may have become entitled hereunder on or 
prior to the date of such action or as a result of such Change In 


12.1  Background

Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Plan, including, 
but not limited to, Sections 1.1, 4.4 and 13.9, the provisions of 
this Article 12 shall control over any contrary provision.  All 
Key Employees shall be eligible for the treatment afforded by this 
Article 12 if their employment with the Company terminates within 
two years following a Change In Control, unless the termination is 
due to (a) death; (b) Disability; (c) Cause; (d) resignation other 
than (1) resignation from a declined reassignment to a job that is 
not reasonably equivalent in responsibility or compensation (as 
defined in Kodak's Termination Allowance Plan), or that is not in 
the same geographic area (as defined in Kodak's Termination 
Allowance Plan), or (2) resignation within thirty days of a 
reduction in base pay; or (e) Retirement.

12.2  Vesting and Lapse of Restrictions

If a Key Employee qualifies for treatment under Section 12.1, his 
or her Awards shall be treated in the manner described in 
Subsections 11.1(b) and (c).  

12.3  Payment of Awards

If a Key Employee qualifies for treatment under Section 12.1, he 
or she shall be paid, as soon as practicable but in no event later 
than 90 days after his or her termination of employment, the 
Awards set forth in (a) and (b) below:

(a)   All of the Key Employee's unpaid Awards; and

(b)   A pro-rata Award for the Performance Period in which 
his or her termination of employment occurs.  The 
amount of the pro-rata Award shall be determined by 
multiplying the Target Award for such Performance 
Period for Participants in the same wage grade as the 
Key Employee by a fraction, the numerator of which 
shall be the number of full months in the Performance 
Period prior to the date of the Key Employee's 
termination of employment and the denominator of which 
shall be the total number of full months in the 
Performance Period.  For purposes of this calculation, 
a partial month shall be treated as a full month to 
the extent 15 or more days in such month have elapsed.  
To the extent Target Awards have not yet been 
established for the Performance Period, the Target 
Awards for the immediately preceding Performance 
Period shall be used.  The pro-rata Awards shall be 
paid to the Key Employee in the form of a lump-sum 
cash payment.

12.4  Miscellaneous

Upon a Change In Control, no action, including, but not by way of 
limitation, the amendment, suspension, or termination of the Plan, 
shall be taken which would affect the rights of any Key Employee 
or the operation of the Plan with respect to any Award to which 
the Key Employee may have become entitled hereunder prior to the 
date of the Change In Control or to which he or she may become 
entitled as a result of such Change In Control.


13.1  Nonassignability

No Awards under the Plan shall be subject in any manner to 
alienation, anticipation, sale, transfer (except by will or the 
laws of descent and distribution), assignment, pledge, or 
encumbrance, nor shall any Award be payable to anyone other than 
the Participant to whom it was granted.

13.2  Withholding Taxes

The Company shall be entitled to deduct from any payment under the 
Plan, regardless of the form of such payment, the amount of all 
applicable income and employment taxes required by law to be 
withheld with respect to such payment or may require the 
Participant to pay to it such tax prior to and as a condition of 
the making of such payment.  

13.3  Amendments to Awards

The Committee may at any time unilaterally amend any unearned, 
deferred or unpaid Award, including, but not by way of limitation, 
Awards earned but not yet paid, to the extent it deems 
appropriate; provided, however, that any such amendment which, in 
the opinion of the Committee, is adverse to the Participant shall 
require the Participant's consent.

13.4  No Right to Continued Employment or Grants

Participation in the Plan shall not give any Key Employee any 
right to remain in the employ of the Company.  Kodak or, in the 
case of employment with a Subsidiary, the Subsidiary, reserves the 
right to terminate any Key Employee at any time.  Further, the 
adoption of this Plan shall not be deemed to give any Key Employee 
or any other individual any right to be selected as a Participant 
or to be granted an Award.

13.5  Amendment/Termination

The Committee may suspend or terminate the Plan at any time with 
or without prior notice.  In addition, the Committee may, from 
time to time and with or without prior notice, amend the Plan in 
any manner, but may not without shareholder approval adopt any 
amendment which would require the vote of the shareholders of 
Kodak pursuant to Section 162(m) of the Code, but only insofar as 
such amendment affects Covered Employees. 

13.6  Governing Law

The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the 
laws of the State of New York, except as superseded by applicable 
Federal Law, without giving effect to its conflicts of law 

13.7  No Right, Title, or Interest in Company Assets

To the extent any person acquires a right to receive payments from 
the Company under this Plan, such rights shall be no greater than 
the rights of an unsecured creditor of the Company and the 
Participant shall not have any rights in or against any specific 
assets of the Company.  All of the Awards granted under the Plan 
shall be unfunded.

13.8  No Guarantee of Tax Consequences

No person connected with the Plan in any capacity, including, but 
not limited to, Kodak and its Subsidiaries and their directors, 
officers, agents and employees makes any representation, 
commitment, or guarantee that any tax treatment, including, but 
not limited to, Federal, state and local income, estate and gift 
tax treatment, will be applicable with respect to amounts deferred 
under the Plan, or paid to or for the benefit of a Participant 
under the Plan, or that such tax treatment will apply to or be 
available to a Participant on account of participation in the 

13.9  Compliance with Section 162(m)

If any provision of the Plan would cause the Awards granted to a 
Covered Person not to constitute qualified Performance-Based 
Compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code, that provision, 
insofar as it pertains to the Covered Person, shall be severed 
from, and shall be deemed not to be a part of, this Plan, but the 
other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.

March 23, 1999

Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Judiciary Plaza
Washington, D.C.  20549

Attention:  Document Control

Subject:  Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Eastman Kodak Company 
          May 12, 1999

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to Rule 14a-6 under the Securities Exchange Act, we 
hereby transmit for filing the definitive proxy statement and form 
of proxy for use in connection with the Annual Meeting of 
shareholders of Eastman Kodak Company to be held May 12, 1999.  
Mailing to shareholders of the definitive proxy statement and form 
of proxy is expected to commence on March 24, 1998.

Pursuant to Rule 14a-6(a) the Company did not file a preliminary 
proxy statement and form of proxy because the only matters to be 
acted upon at the Annual Meeting are the election of directors, 
ratification of the election of independent accountants, adoption 
of two compensation plans and action on three shareholder 

The material changes from last year's proxy statement are as 

      1)    the inclusion of three shareholder proposals (pages 19 
through 25); 

      2)    the nomination for election of four Class III 

      3)    the approval of two compensation plans, and 

      4)    the inclusion of one additional shareholder proposal. 

In addition, please be advised that the pagination of the 
electronically filed proxy statement differs from the printed 
version thereof and the printed proxy statement contains the 
performance graph while the electronic version contains a chart.

Also, pursuant to item 10 of Schedule 14A, the full text of the 
two compensation plans is attached as Appendices I and II to this 
electronic filing but are not included in the printed proxy 

The ratification of election of independent accountants is a 
matter upon which shareholders must vote, according to the 
Company's by-laws.  Item 18 of Schedule 14A is not, therefore, 
applicable to the election of independent accountants.

Under separate cover, seven copies of the Annual Report for the 
year 1998 are being forwarded to you.  In addition, two copies of 
the Annual Report and six copies of the Notice of Meeting, Proxy 
Statement and Form of Proxy are being mailed to the New York Stock 

                              Very truly yours,

                              Joyce P. Haag