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Notes to Financial Statements
Document And Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statement of Operations
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statement of Equity (Deficit)
Consolidated Statement of Equity (Deficit) (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Parentheticals)
Notes to Financial Statements
Note 1 - Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies
Note 2 - Emergence from Voluntary Reorganization Under Chapter 11 Proceedings
Note 4 - Reorganization Items, Net
Note 5 - Receivables, Net
Note 6 - Inventories, Net
Note 7 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Note 8 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Note 9 - Other Current Liabilities
Note 10 - Other Long-Term Liabilities
Note 11 - Short-Term Borrowings And Long-Term Debt
Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies
Note 13 - Guarantees
Note 14 - Financial Instruments
Note 15 - Other Operating (Income) Expenses, Net
Note 16 - Other Income (Charges), Net
Note 17 - Income Taxes
Note 18 - Restructuring Liabilities
Note 19 - Retirement Plans
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits
Note 21 - Earnings Per Share
Note 22 - Stock-Based Compensation
Note 23 - Shareholders' Equity
Note 24 - Accumulated Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income
Note 25 - Segment Information
Note 26 - Discontinued Operations
Note 27 - Quarterly Sales and Earnings Data - Unaudited
Accounting Policies
Accounting Policies, by Policy (Policies)
Notes Tables
Note 1 - Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Tables)
Note 4 - Reorganization Items, Net (Tables)
Note 5 - Receivables, Net (Tables)
Note 6 - Inventories, Net (Tables)
Note 7 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Tables)
Note 8 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Tables)
Note 9 - Other Current Liabilities (Tables)
Note 10 - Other Long-Term Liabilities (Tables)
Note 11 - Short-Term Borrowings And Long-Term Debt (Tables)
Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)
Note 13 - Guarantees (Tables)
Note 14 - Financial Instruments (Tables)
Note 15 - Other Operating (Income) Expenses, Net (Tables)
Note 16 - Other Income (Charges), Net (Tables)
Note 17 - Income Taxes (Tables)
Note 18 - Restructuring Liabilities (Tables)
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Tables)
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Tables)
Note 21 - Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Note 22 - Stock-Based Compensation (Tables)
Note 24 - Accumulated Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income (Tables)
Note 25 - Segment Information (Tables)
Note 26 - Discontinued Operations (Tables)
Note 27 - Quarterly Sales and Earnings Data - Unaudited (Tables)
Notes Details
Note 1 - Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies (Details)
Note 1 - Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies (Details) - Property, Plant and Equipment Estimated Useful Lives
Note 2 - Emergence from Voluntary Reorganization Under Chapter 11 Proceedings (Details)
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Reconciliation of Enterprise Value to Estimated Fair Value
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Reconciliation of Enterprise Value to Estimated Reorganization Value
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Adjustments of Statement of Financial Position
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Net Cash Payments for Reoganization Adjustments
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Liabilities Subject to Compromise
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Cumulative Impact of the Reorganization Adjustments
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Summary the Components of Inventory
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Components of Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Goodwill
Note 3 - Fresh Start Accounting (Details) - Cumulative Impact of Fresh Start Adjustments
Note 4 - Reorganization Items, Net (Details)
Note 4 - Reorganization Items, Net (Details) - Reorganization Items, Net
Note 5 - Receivables, Net (Details)
Note 5 - Receivables, Net (Details) - Receivables, Net
Note 5 - Receivables, Net (Details) - Receivables, Net (Parentheticals)
Note 6 - Inventories, Net (Details) - Inventories
Note 7 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Details)
Note 7 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Details) - Property, Plant and Equipment
Note 8 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Details)
Note 8 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Details) - Carrying Value of Goodwill by Reportable Segments
Note 8 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Details) - Gross Carrying Amount and Accumulated Amortization by Major Intangible Asset Category
Note 8 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Details) - Estimated Future Amortization Expense Related to Intangible Assets
Note 9 - Other Current Liabilities (Details)
Note 9 - Other Current Liabilities (Details) - Summary of Other Current Liabilities
Note 10 - Other Long-Term Liabilities (Details)
Note 10 - Other Long-Term Liabilities (Details) - Summary of Other Long-Term Liabilities
Note 11 - Short-Term Borrowings And Long-Term Debt (Details)
Note 11 - Short-Term Borrowings And Long-Term Debt (Details) - Long-term Debt and Related Maturities and Interest Rates
Note 11 - Short-Term Borrowings And Long-Term Debt (Details) - Annual Maturities of Long-term Debt
Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies (Details)
Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies (Details) - Site Contingency
Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies (Details) - Cash Expenditures For Pollution Prevention and Waste Treatment
Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies (Details) - Asset Retirement Obligation Activity
Note 13 - Guarantees (Details)
Note 13 - Guarantees (Details) - Change in Accrued Warranty Obligations
Note 13 - Guarantees (Details) - Deferred Revenue
Note 14 - Financial Instruments (Details)
Note 14 - Financial Instruments (Details) - Financial Instruments Recorded at Fair Value
Note 14 - Financial Instruments (Details) - Financial Instruments Not Recorded at Fair Value
Note 14 - Financial Instruments (Details) - Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss)
Note 14 - Financial Instruments (Details) - Derivatives in Cash Flow Hedging Relationships
Note 14 - Financial Instruments (Details) - Derivatives Not Designated as Hedging Instruments
Note 15 - Other Operating (Income) Expenses, Net (Details)
Note 15 - Other Operating (Income) Expenses, Net (Details) - Other Operating Expenses (Income), Net
Note 16 - Other Income (Charges), Net (Details) - Other Income (Charges), Net
Note 17 - Income Taxes (Details)
Note 17 - Income Taxes (Details) - Components of Earnings (Losses) From Continuing Operations and Tax Provisions
Note 17 - Income Taxes (Details) - Income Tax Provision (Benefit) Reconciliation
Note 17 - Income Taxes (Details) - Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities Significant Components
Note 17 - Income Taxes (Details) - Components of Deferred Tax Assets
Note 17 - Income Taxes (Details) - Reconciliation of Unrecognized Tax Benefits
Note 18 - Restructuring Liabilities (Details)
Note 18 - Restructuring Liabilities (Details) - Restructuring Liabilities
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details)
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Major Funded and Unfunded Defined Benefit Plans
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Amounts Recognized in Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Major Funded and Unfunded Defined Benefit Plans With Accumulated Benefit Obligation in Excess of Plan Assets
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Amounts Recognized in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss For All Major Funded and Unfunded Defined Benefit Plans
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Changes in Plan Assets and Benefit Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Pension (Income) Expense From Continuing Operations For All Defined Benefit Plans
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Weighted-Average Assumptions Used to Determine Benefit Obligation Amounts
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Weighted-Average Assumptions Used to Determine Net Pension (Income) Expenses
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Weighted-Average Asset Allocation By Assets Category
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Fair Value Measurement of Plan Assets
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Reconciliation of Beginning and Ending Balances of Assets Measured With Signficiant Unobservable Inputs
Note 19 - Retirement Plans (Details) - Pension Benefit Payments Which Reflects Future Services Expected to Be Paid From the Plans
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details)
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Changes in the Company’s Benefit Obligation and Funded Status
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Amounts Recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Amounts Recognized in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Changes in Benefit Obligations Recognized in Other Comprehensive (Loss)
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Other Post Retirement Benefit Cost From Continuing Operations
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Weighted-average Assumptions Used to Determine the Net Benefit Obligations
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Weighted-Average Assumption Used to Determine Net Post Retirement Benefit Cost
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Weighted-Average Assumed Healthcare Cost Trend Rates Used to Compute Other Post Retirement Amounts
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Effect of One-Percentage Point Change in Assumed Healthcare Cost Trend Rates
Note 20 - Other Postretirement Benefits (Details) - Other Post Retirement Benefits Which Reflects Expected Future Services Expected To Be Paid
Note 21 - Earnings Per Share (Details)
Note 21 - Earnings Per Share (Details) - Antidilutive Securities Excluded From Computation of Earnings Per Share
Note 21 - Earnings Per Share (Details) - Antidilutive Employee Stock Options and Detachable Warrants
Note 22 - Stock-Based Compensation (Details)
Note 22 - Stock-Based Compensation (Details) - Stock Option Activity
Note 22 - Stock-Based Compensation (Details) - Share-Based Payment Award, Stock Options, Valuation Assumptions
Note 23 - Shareholders' Equity (Details)
Note 24 - Accumulated Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income (Details) - Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) by Component
Note 24 - Accumulated Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income (Details) - Reclassifications out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
Note 25 - Segment Information (Details)
Note 25 - Segment Information (Details) - Net Sales from Continuing Operations
Note 25 - Segment Information (Details) - Segment Total Assets
Note 25 - Segment Information (Details) - Reconciliation of Other Significant Items From Segments to Consolidated Total
Note 25 - Segment Information (Details) - Revenue From External Customers and Long-Lived Assets, By Geographical Areas
Note 26 - Discontinued Operations (Details)
Note 26 - Discontinued Operations (Details) - Major Classes of Assets and Liabilities Related to the Disposition
Note 26 - Discontinued Operations (Details) - Components of Revenues, Earnings (Loss) From Discontinued Operations, Net of Income Taxes, and Gain on Sale
Note 27 - Quarterly Sales and Earnings Data - Unaudited (Details)
Note 27 - Quarterly Sales and Earnings Data - Unaudited (Details) - Quarterly Sales and Earnings Data
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